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October 14th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 14, 2024

This person is gregarious but like many sociable people needs periods of time to him or herself If this is denied, they become bad tempered. A spot of reading or listening to music alone does wonders for the soul.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Mercury; Numbers: 5, 6

October 14th Birthday Love Astrology

Another baked beans lover, but with a little problem. October 14 is not keen on athletic sexual behaviour, except at the very beginning of a relationship when some extremely aeronautical suggestions may be made. The trouble is, mostly for the men, that they quickly go off sex with a new partner. In fact after novelty has worn off they would rather have a plate of baked beans.

It's easier for women because they can always pretend and October 14 is an extremely good actor in this department. He and she have to be to counteract the lack of enthusiasm. It's difficult for would be lovers, because October 14 is often blessed with the usual fine-boned Libran good looks and oodles and boodles of charm. They make lighting a cigarette for a partner almost as exciting as the sex act, unfortunately for the lit-up one, the sex act doesn't necessarily follow.

This Libran duality can cause problems with love affairs and marriages. When there are sex problems the best thing to do is acknowledge and act, seek counselling and if necessary accept this is just the way you are going to be. It's wise therefore that October 14 lives with someone for a period of time before finally settling down and going for commitment. This gives the partner time to understand what is going to be lacking in life. In many cases they will accept it for the amusement of just being with this individual.

Away from domesticity they should find success and happiness. Their charm and intelligence takes them a long way at work. They develop multiple skills, and if sacked or made redundant, can rely on their own resources to find even more amusing work. And their urbane humour makes them popular.

Both sexes also have an adventurous streak. Find them riding on horseback and trekking through far away lands, then writing brilliantly about it and being published to sensational applause.

In Love

You consider life incomplete without a partner, yet your love of freedom and independence can prompt you to jump in and out of romantic relationships.

Once you find your soul mate and decide to settle down, you expect an ideal union. You need a romantic relationship that includes both love and companionship, and you are not likely to settle for anything less. Although naturally loving and affectionate, you live more in your mind than your body. As a result, you project an airy detachment even in your most intimate relationships, which your significant other may find rather daunting.

In Bed

In all areas of life, you have to be free to express yourself and your original ideas. Nowhere is this trait more obvious than in the bedroom. As a lover, you’re inventive and unconventional without ever being crude or vulgar.

Your sexual appetite is directly connected to your intellect, and you place a heavy emphasis on mental rapport in a love relationship. Verbal communication is your forte. The more you and your bedmate talk about the impending lovemaking, the greater your sex drive.


Lack of iron causes exhaustion and anaemia, leaving the body prone to infections. Iron is vital for making red blood cells and is involved in energy and enzyme production, which helps to protect cells. For some people iron supplements are extremely effective. Poor diet, too much tea, coffee and alcohol blocks absorption of iron from food. Egg yolks, pork, spinach, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and whole grains like brown rice are all good sources. If you decide to take iron, also take one gram of vitamin C daily with your iron tablet to aid absorption. Too much iron can become toxic. Check with your GP.


Your elusive quality can be misinterpreted as lack of interest in the physical side of love. Actually you’re quite sensual and highly sexed, but your thoughts are usually off in the stratosphere. Before your lover can turn you on, he or she needs to capture your full attention. A provocative look and a few erotic suggestions should bring you back to earth.


This person is gregarious but like many sociable people needs periods of time to him or herself If this is denied, they become bad tempered. A spot of reading or listening to music alone does wonders for the soul.

Reality Check

Basically an intellectual, you live inside your head and feel things mentally rather than emotionally. Love and friendship genuinely matter to you, and you strive to be evenhanded with everyone. Despite your idealistic nature, you’re a rational person. You believe that most problems can be resolved through discussion and compromise.

October 14 Date Share

Died: Errol Flynn, Hollywood idol, sexual adventurer. Bing Crosby, wartime crooner ‘White Christmas'. Born: Hannah Arendt, political scientist, philosopher, The Human Condition. Ralph Lauren, respected clothing designer, for men too. Roger Moore, film and TV actor, James Bond. John Dean, convicted Watergate conspirator. Cliff Richard, enduring rock singer, actor, songwriter. Katherine Mansfield, New Zealand short story writer, member of Bloomsbury Set. Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer.

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