October 15th Provocative Role Model Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 15, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to compromise

☆The way forward is to understand that compromise is not a backward step but a victory for both your way and someone else’s.

The Birthday Of The Provocative Role Model, The Day Of The World's Stage

October 15th Provocative Role Model Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 15th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)

Favorable numbers: 6, 7

Lucky days: Friday, especially when it falls on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, lavender, blue

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 15 will often exert a hypnotic or seductive power over others and the key to their success will be the way in which they use this provocative influence. If they use it positively they can play a crucial role in the lives of others, helping them to develop a sense of their own individuality and power. If, however, they use it recklessly they can agitate others, exciting negativity with behavior that is sensationalist and attention-seeking.

Whether or not they are aware of their powerful influence over others, these people cannot bear to have their independent will constrained in any way; but this does not mean they are selfish. Quite the opposite. They often feel a strong connection to others, and friends treasure their thoughtfulness. It’s just that their greatest wish is to make a positive contribution to the world. Being multi-talented, their potential for success is great and they will almost certainly make their mark; but even when they do earn the respect of others, they can become over-confident or attention-seeking in the process. It is therefore extremely important for them to appreciate how vulnerable others are to their charms, and to find ways to be a positive rather than a negative role model.

Until the age of thirty-eight there is a growing emphasis in their lives on issues regarding emotional change and personal power. During this period they would benefit greatly from the study of psychology. They already have a natural understanding of human nature, but investigating more deeply would provide them with the answers to many unanswered questions about themselves and others. After the age of thirty-nine a turning point occurs where they are likely to expand their mental perspective and become more adventurous in their approach.

During these years if they can learn to moderate their urge constantly to act as an independent agent and always remember that others look to them for guidance, insight and inspiration, they can become not only a positive role model but also a powerful agent of progress.

☆ On the dark side:Provocative, over-confident, selfish

☆ At your best:Charming, influential, intelligent

October 15 people lay claim to their sovereignty in whatever sphere they inhabit, be it within a family, social circle or organization. They can be dominant players in life's great drama, but may also play an important role as commentators and authorities in their chosen field. Those born on this day are capable of exerting a strong personal magnetism on others either directly or through their work. Those spellbound by October 15 people will be eager to hear whatever they have to say. This places great responsibility on an October 15 person not to lead others astray or abuse power for selfish ends.

The leadership those born on this day inevitably exercise is of an unusual kind. Hardly crusaders in any sense of the word, they are more likely to make a contribution by appraising a given situation or demonstrating through their own example, than by administering to the details of an operation. Some October 15 people do make good partners or co-workers, but more often than not, those born on this day prefer working alone or as an autonomous member of a team, especially since they must be free to move, explore and discover on their own.

October 15 people can be very controversial figures, capable of arousing or agitating others.

This is principally because they so often attract attention by speaking their minds openly, even bluntly. They must beware of attracting antagonism and negative vibrations from those who know them, albeit peripherally. The accumulation of this negativity can put them under enormous stress and perhaps spell the danger of a breakdown. As social beings, those born on this day do not like to be alone for very long, so their being pushed to flee society or hide can be felt with the force of banishment or exile.

The outrageous side of October 15 people may earn them various titles: sensationalist, attention hog, publicity hound or egotist. Yet, the talents of the more highly evolved individuals born on this day are so great and their knowledge so broad that they can either elude such charges or scorn them. Less highly evolved individuals born on October 15 may appear superficial and needy.

Even when October 15 people have won great respect from their peers, friends and associates, they may still be tempted to show off. They should cultivate a calm, unassuming air instead, which will guarantee them more attention than all the dramatic posturing in the world, and make them more likeable, to boot. Coming to terms with seductive powers and finding the best way to relate to others are the underpinnings for October 15 people's success. Those born on this day, however, must constantly be on guard against overconfidence, hubris, taking good fortune for granted and generally putting themselves above the laws of the land, for any of these can lead to their downfall.

Power Thought:The greatest gift I give myself is the joy of giving to others,To be a skillful detective one must have a good criminal mind

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 15th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 ( 1+5=6). and by the planet Venus. Those ruled by the number 6 tend to attract other people to them and sometimes even inspire worship. In addition, since Venus lends a love of beauty and harmony, October 15 people may be baffled and bewildered when things don't go right for them. The venusian qualities of October 15 people, manifesting as social interests, and the love of beauty, comfort and sensuality are strongly magnified by the double rulership of Venus over the sign of Libra and the number 6.

October 15th Birthday Tarot Card

The 15th card of the Major Arcana. The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality and passion are concerned. The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money: he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature. The positive side of this card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires. But the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our spirits are free to soar.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t get over-confident)Showing off can lead to bad luck. If you get so caught up in your own brilliance, you start to think your way is the only way. This alienates other people, making them less willing to help or support you.

Love The value of compromise

You’re drawn to people born on May 21 to June 20:You are both intelligent and imaginative individuals, and this can be a passionate and rewarding union.

People born on October 15 need a partner who can keep up with their dynamic mental energy. Naturally charming and seductive, they have no problems attracting partners, but once in a close relationship they may react badly with mood swings or tempestuous behavior if their freedom is restricted in any way. As a result, long-term commitment could be a problem until they have learned the value of compromise.

Health You don’t have to win every time

People born on this day like to have things their own way, but their emotional health would benefit greatly if they were a little less competitive and self-promoting. This isn’t to say these people should let others walk all over them; that would be just as disastrous an approach to life. But listening to what others say, allowing others to have their turn, and working cooperatively as part of a team will ease stress and boost their chances of happiness, while earning the loyalty and respect of others. As far as diet is concerned, if they are suffering from fatigue or low libido they may want to check that they are getting enough zinc-rich foods, such as nuts, seeds and seafood, in their diet. Regular exercise is highly recommended as there is a tendency for people born on this day to be more sedentary than is usual. Wearing the colors indigo or purple will encourage them to think about how their actions and behavior may be affecting others.

Those born on October 15 may be prone to back problems if their occupation is a sedentary one. They must avoid repeated insults to their internal organs through overeating, alcohol hinging (liver, kidneys), stress (adrenals), excess sugar (pancreas) and bleached white flour (lower bowel). The dangers to their psyches from stress are equally great, sometimes experienced after arousing the animosity of others. (If they must be in a constant state of readiness, even the most resolute of warriors are eventually worn down by unrelenting pressure. ) Therefore, those born on this day must learn to be alone for longer periods of time and to take regularly scheduled vacations in which they do little else but relax. Balance is the watchword for October 15 people: in diet, physical exercise, sexual expression and psychical state.

Career Born philosophers

Whatever they choose, because they are so intelligent and mentally restless these people will thrive best in careers that allow them a certain degree of autonomy and plenty of challenge. Possible career choices include publishing, education, promotion, philosophy, writing, music, law, sales, IT, engineering, social work, psychology, and the healing professions.

Destiny To inform or educate others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their needs with those of others. Once they have experienced the joys of synergy, their destiny is to inform or educate others.

Calm down a bit. Your bold actions can make for negative reactions. Listen to what others, particularly adversaries, are saying. You can't always do as you wish. Compromise has its place.

Celebrities Born On October 15th

Friedrich Nietzsche(German philosopher), P.G. Wodehouse(British writer), Keyshia Cole(American singer-songwriter),

Friedrich Nietzsche (German philosopher, Ecco Homo, writer, Also Sprach Zarathustra, died insane of syphilis), Virgil (Roman ancient poet, The Aeneid, Eclogues, Georgics), Oscar Wilde (Irish playwright, poet, novelist, The Picture of Donan Gray, imprisoned for sexual offenses), John L. Sullivan (first heavyweight boxing champion, last of the bare-knuckle champs), Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns (world champion welterweight, middleweight, light heavyweight boxer), Lee lacocca (Ford, Chrysler chairman), Edith Gait Wilson (First Lady, de facto president during Woodrow's stroke), Jim Palmer (Baltimore Orioles baseball pitcher, 3x Cy Young Award winner), Sarah Ferguson (Duchess of York), P.G. Wodehouse (humor writer, Jeeves novels, Anything Goes), Paul Michel Foucault (French deconstructivist philosopher, psychiatrist, Madness and Civilization), Mano Puzo (writer, The Godfather), Penny Marshall (film, TV actress, Laverne and Shirley, film director, Awakenings), Bobby Morrow (US Olympic triple gold medal-winning sprinter), Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. (historian, writer, A Thousand Days), John Kenneth Galbraith (economist, presidential advisor). Edwin Reischauer (oriental scholar, diplomat). Evangelista Torncell (Italian mathematician, barometer inventor), Hermann Abs (German banker, economist), Italo Calvmo (Italian post-WWII writer, Castle of Crossed Destinies)

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