October 16th Breakthrough Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being consistent

☆The way forward is to understand that, although your spontaneity is one of your greatest strengths, to earn the respect of others you have to prove that you are worthy.

The Birthday Of The Breakthrough, The Day Of Essential Judgment

October 16th Breakthrough Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the visionary

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable numbers: 7, 8

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, lavender, sea green

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 16 are often blessed with a sharp mind and highly developed critical faculties. They love to observe and analyze everything and everyone they encounter, and human behavior provides them with an endless supply of material. Although they are perceptive and intelligent, their greatest talent is their ability to break through layers of confusion to expose failings and weaknesses with objective and brutal honesty.

They enjoy the company of others but their wit, independence and tendency to direct their criticism of others from a distance, for example in writing or in social campaigning, sets them apart from others. They are motivated by a desire to enlighten or inform, but the uncomfortable accuracy of their observations and the frank way in which they can express them may offend and alienate those they seek to educate. They place a high value on justice, striving for honesty and equality in all their dealings. When they get their own way—which they frequently do—they are models of charm, poise and magnanimity; but when their voice is ignored they can become defensive and moody, and will often refuse to accept failure or compromise.

Until the age of thirty-seven there will be an emphasis on issues concerning emotional sensitivity and power; these are the years when they are most likely to be stubborn and trying in the face of opposition. After the age of thirty-eight there is a significant turning point when they are likely to widen their perspective on life and may wish to expand their horizons through travel, study and finding adventure. They should take advantage of opportunities to work cooperatively with others and form partnerships during these years, as this will attract considerable success and good fortune their way, both personally and professionally.

Whatever age they are, however, their brilliant and unconventional minds and ability to cut to the core of any subject will eventually lead them toward self-analysis, and this is when they will make the most important and empowering breakthrough of all.

☆ On the dark side:Judgmental, defensive, trying

☆ At your best:Intelligent, insightful, fair

The theme of judgment is a central focus in the lives of October 16 people. They are often found pondering decisions, either professional or personal. Being able to size up a situation and grasp the essence of it seems to come naturally to them. They are not overly "judgmental" people, in the sense of having preconceived ideas or prejudices, demanding adherence to their personal morality or being unaccepting or closed. On the contrary, those born on this day are generally quite liberal and available for all sorts of new ideas and discussion.

Their judgment of things around them is more of an objective evaluation, i.e., being able to assess someone or something's worth or utility in real terms.

October 16 people place a high value on good old common sense. Yet they have a very imaginative side as well, in which they may see the life around them in hyperrealistic terms.

This interesting combination of realism and imagination is one of the distinct hallmarks of this day. For example, in pointing out the truth of a situation, October 16 people are capable of piercing insight, but when it comes to expressing their opinions they can be very adept at using figures of speech, analogies and allegories.

Most October 16 people attempt to live what they profess. Thus, their belief system is important to them and its basic axioms must be well defined. They can be very unsympathetic when they encounter someone who says one thing and does another, or uses religion as armor for moral weakness and poverty of spirit. Logic and direct verbal or written expression are mainstays of most October 16 careers.

In their private lives, those born on this day may not act so rationally, not only indulging in rather strange behavior but perhaps also acting and reacting in an impulsive manner. Many October 16 people are inclined to define themselves only as far as they are forced to, and in this respect can make difficult and somewhat unpredictable partners.

October 16 people are likely to alternately uphold and condemn the social system in which they live. In this latter respect they can seem ungrateful or unappreciative, but in fact may rather hear themselves criticize their family, company, city, etc., than someone else. When asked to render a judgment or decision on a personal level, October 16 people are generally diplomatic if their evaluation is negative. They may share such an opinion publicly if called upon, but not always with great enthusiasm. Very often those born on this day choose to sit on the sidelines or even leave the field while they make up their minds, and deeply resent being annoyed or bothered when considering an issue. They must learn not to have their buttons pushed so easily, and avoid being reactive, defensive or secretive. The October 16 genius for critical definition and discrimination should not be reserved only for external objects and people, but occasionally directed at themselves as well.

Power Thought:I choose to be supportive rather than critical,Trust someone not for what they say, but because. like a bridge,you can venture out on them without fear of collapse

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and religious feeling. Combined with Neptune's influence, the venusian aspects of their sign (Venus rules Libra) can lend an otherworldly charm to October 16 people, but the symbol of Libra (the scales) is more an in nation to balanced and thoughtfully weighed judgments.

October 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. Positively, this card can denote learning from other people's errors, particularly true for October 16 people. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges; however, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high, risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention and succumbing to the lure of fanciful enterprises.

☆Luck maker:(Press fast forward)Imagine you are ninety years old. Looking back, what do you wish you had taken advantage of in your life? By focusing on the joys rather than the stresses of your current situation, you increase your luck-making potential.

Love Stimulating company

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You are both difficult and unpredictable, but this can simply strengthen the bond of passion between you.

People born on October 16 can be a little demanding and trying in relationships. They can be unpredictable and impulsive one moment and silent and sulky the next, but their wit and intelligence make them fascinating people to spend time with. Although they can be trying, they possess a strong need for love and affection, and are willing to give much of themselves to those they love.

Health Aches and pains

Despite their considerable intelligence and insight, people born on this day don’t always extend this common-sense awareness to their physical health. They can have addictive tendencies, and a love of alcohol is especially dangerous to their well-being. They can also push themselves too hard when it comes to work, and can be prone to stress-related disorders such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. It is important for them to take time out to recharge their batteries. As far as diet is concerned, they need to go for structure and balance, aiming for regular meal and snack times. The same goes for their exercise routine—which should be at least 20 to 30 minutes daily, preferably in the outdoors—and their sleeping routine. They are advised to go to bed before midnight and wake up at approximately the same time each morning. If aches and pains are an issue, warm herb baths, in particular lavender and rosemary, may help. Wearing the shock-absorbing color orange will encourage them to be more sensitive to others.

Those born on October 16 must beware of addictive tendencies, particularly to alcohol which can have disastrous effects on their nervous systems and internal organs (especially the liver). Also, since they can be workaholics. October 16 people should learn to enjoy themselves more and take regular time off from their work. Since they usually exhibit good sense. October 16 people are easily convinced of the need for a balanced diet, regular sleep and exercise. If they really come to believe in a physical discipline (such as aerobics, martial arts or yoga) or in a dietary method (vegetarianism, macrobiotics or other restrictive diets), they generally stick to it.

Career Born lecturers

These people may be drawn to the academic world, in which they can be excellent teachers or lecturers. Other career choices that might appeal include writing, commerce, advertising, TV, publishing, community or charity work, as well as humanitarian or political reform.

Destiny To expose the truth to others and instigate improvement

The life path of people born on this day is to find ways to enlighten others without frightening or antagonizing them. Once they are able to speak their minds without breaking hearts, their destiny is to expose the truth to others and by so doing to instigate reform.

Test yourself. Find out what really works and throw the rest away. Give yourself shape and definition.Remember to leave people to their own devices. Don’t deprive them of w hat they need in the name of reason.

Celebrities Born On October 16th

Tim Robbins(American actor and director), Angela Lansbury(British actress), Oscar Wilde(Irish poet and playwright),

William O. Douglas (Supreme Court justice, served thirty-six years), Noah Webster (1 8- 1 9 th c. lexicographer, creator of first American dictionary), David Ben- Gunon (Israeli prime minister), Eugene O'Neill (American Nobel, 4x Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, Long Day's Journey Into Night), Gunter Grass (German novelist, The Tin Drum), Tim Robbins (film actor), Giuseppe Antonio Guarneri (Italian violin maker), Robert Ardrey (Hollywood scriptwriter, anthropologist, Afncan Genesis), Angela Lansbury (stage, film, TV actress, Murder She Wrote), Tim McCarver (baseball catcher, career spanned four decades, award-winning sportscaster), Dave DeBusschere (New York Knicks basketball forward, eight All-Star games, youngest NBA coach), Robert Stephenson (Scottish locomotive designer, railroad builder), Dino Buzzati (Italian novelist, A Love), Andrzej Munk (Polish film director, Passenger), Henry Lewis (conductor), Michael ad (TV actor). Suzanne Somers (TV actress, Three's Company), Charles W. Colson (Nixon administration official, convicted in Watergate scandal, writer, Born Ago*n), С eanth Broo s с tc Understand rg Poetty), A r o 0 Bock n (Swiss landscape pc nter

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