October 17th Lucky Escape Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to overcome a tendency to embellish

☆The way forward is to understand that embellishing the truth doesn’t make you appear more exciting or interesting; it just makes you appear attention-seeking.

The Birthday Of The Lucky Escape, The Day Of Precarious Balance

October 17th Lucky Escape Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable numbers: 8, 9

Lucky days: Friday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, lavender, burgundy

Birthstone: Opal

Acentral theme for people born on October 17 is the ability to pick themselves up when things don’t work out and start again without complaint. Although they know how to be responsible, taking chances is a way of life to them and their life appears to others to be a delicate balancing act where lucky escapes, gambling or risk-taking are the order of the day.

The fearlessness of people born on this day inspires the respect and admiration of others, although their example may not perhaps be the best one to copy. This is because these people are perhaps the only individuals of the year with enough self-assurance, resilience and stamina to cope with the demands, disappointments, successes, and highs and lows of such a lifestyle. They are also not above embellishing the truth if they feel it will get them the attention they deserve. Although this never fails to entertain others, it can be dangerous for their emotional well-being, especially when they risk losing touch with what is fact and what is fantasy in their lives. Self-deception can be a big problem.

In their late twenties and early thirties they may experience an intense longing to find deeper meaning in their lives. This can send them either in the direction of greater risk-taking or more positively in the direction of greater self-awareness and a realization that what really needs to be balanced in their lives is their emotional life. Once they are able to step out from behind the image they have created for themselves to reveal their true self to others, they will find that their life takes on a whole new and positive meaning and direction.

Typically in their late thirties and forties they do finally find a balance between their impulsive and cautious natures, and as long as they stay positive, developing patience and tolerance, they will be able to combine their dynamic courage with the perseverance they need to achieve the clear potential for success and happiness associated with this birthday.

☆ On the dark side:Reckless, imageconscious, dishonest

☆ At your best:Adventurous, courageous, resilient

Like a cat, those born on October 17 usually manage to land on their feet. No matter what difficulties or dangers they face, it is their balance above all which they strive to maintain.

This might be a simple matter were it not for the fact that they love to take chances.

Instability may be their worst enemy, but most often it is of the self-induced variety.

There are two distinct types of October 17 people: on the one hand the quiet, seemingly stable kind who appear to have it all together, and on the other hand the daredevils to whom life without risk-taking is dull and tedious. Some of these latter individuals may think nothing of taking life-threatening risks, attracted by the skill required to win at long odds. Others less extreme will nevertheless be gamblers of a kind, whether money, property or even love are the stakes. The more stable of October 17 people may enjoy a fairly settled life, but closer examination makes it apparent that they are often attracted to highly artistic, nervous or unusual people who bring an element of uncertainty with them. Both October 17 types love drama and lively events—the more stable ones as observers and the risk-takers as participants.

October 17 people find it hard to change their ways. They often fall victim to hubris, as if they put themselves above laws of ordinary human experience. Alas, they do make mistakes, and big ones, costly in terms of finances or physical health. Yet on they go—resilient, confident that they can recover from setbacks or accidents no matter how major. In this respect they treat fate like a lover of long standing or, at the very least, an old friend. Perhaps they are up to this dangerous game, but they must particularly beware of all forms of self-deception.

Most October 17 people are quite unrestrained when defining themselves and their talents, thus artists bom on this day can incorporate the ideas of others in their work and make them their own. Masters at taking old or time-honored themes and reworking them, October 17 people are traditionalists, and no matter how modern or advanced their thinking, remain conservative in their basic approach to life. Caution, limitation and detailed research based on experience are what enable them to take such apparently dangerous risks in so cavalier a fashion.

On the other side, October 17 people generally act in a measured, considerate manner with their colleagues, friends and family—but don't get their back up! Their tempers can explode when their authority is threatened or their intentions brought into question. Those born on this day feel that their judgment is excellent, and well it may be in most cases, but they may fail to recognize when they are headed in the wrong direction. A deeper self-knowledge is required, perhaps a more serious pursuit of spirituality and. for some October 17 people, a discarding of values tied to superficial excitement and glitter.

Power Thought:The truth isn’t out there, it’s within me,Everything has to be paidfor sooner or later even what is given away free

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 ( 1+7=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries with it a strong feeling of limitation and restriction, and also indicates a judgmental aspect as well, reinforcing the above-mentioned tendency of October 17 people to be self-righteous. The connection between Saturn and Venus (Libra's ailer) can trigger the darker, more discontented aspects of their personality, leading to all sons of complications in their private lives. The number 8 also holds a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds; those ailed by this number can be lonely, and at times prone to indulge in excess.

October 17th Birthday Tarot Card

The 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with another. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material slavery to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. October 17 people, then, should always beware of excessive greed, or lust for money and power, and above all never forget the higher goals of life.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t try to be someone you are not)Lucky people understand that the most fundamental rule of luck making is to be true to yourself; ignore that rule, and you will attract nothing but unhappiness and misfortune.

Love Charming and stylish

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 19:You are both natural partnership formers but you need to recognize and work through emotional problems.

Ruled by their feelings but also in need of love and security, people born on October 17 thrive on change and variety. Things are no different when it comes to their personal life where they are likely to have many romantic opportunities; there is a real possibility that they may carry on several relationships at the same time. It is important that they are as honest as possible with others to avoid conflicts and tension later on.

Health The great outdoors

People born on this day don’t tend to suffer from depression although they may be vulnerable to infections and stress-related fatigue. Fortunately, they are often body aware and tend to pay attention to their body’s cries for help; if they don’t it can lead to burnout. Taking time out to relax is therefore crucial and spending time in the countryside is the perfect way for them to do this. The greatest risk to their health is not surprisingly their attraction to risk-taking and apparent lack of fear. The wise counsel of friends and loved ones could be essential to making sure they don’t head too far off track. As far as diet is concerned, moderation is the order of the day. When it comes to exercise, moderate to mild activity, in particular walking, is highly recommended. They would also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation techniques, as these will help them feel more in control of their impulses. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be more prudent, cautious and controlled.

An obvious health risk for many October 17 people is an attraction to danger and lack of healthy fear. As far as accidents go, most in jeopardy are their back and internal organs. For some born on this day. sexually transmitted disease is a threat that demands careful precaution. Cultivation of the culinary arts usually comes naturally to October 17 people, as they enjoy expressing their flamboyance in the kitchen. Only moderate exercise is here recommended—particularly walking, swimming and other low-impact activities.

Career Born educators

These people often feel compelled to further human knowledge in some way and may be drawn to careers in education, as well as scientific or technical research. Other choices might include translation, the media, writing, acting, publishing, lecturing, community work, psychology, and counseling.

Destiny To further the advancement of humanity

The life path of people born on this day is to be true and honest to themselves and others. Once they have learned that image isn’t everything, their destiny is to anchor their adventurousness firmly within society and by so doing further the advancement of humanity.

Don't push yourself so hard. On the other hand, beware of smugness and self-satisfaction.Surrender occasionally and don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. Is your image that important to you?

Celebrities Born On October 17th

Rita Hayworth(American actress), Eminem(American rapper-songwriter), Montgomery Clift(American actor),

Arthur Miller (Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright — Death of a Salesman), Evel Knievel (motorcycle daredevil, numerous crashes, countless fractures), Montgomery Gift (film actor, survived horrendous car accident), Rita Hayworth (film actress), Cameron Mackintosh (British blockbuster musical show producer, Cots, Les Miserables), Jimmy Breslin (syndicated journalist, writer), Sophia Hayden (Chilean-Amencan architect), Paul Anderson (US Olympic gold medal-winning heavyweight weight lifter), Bob Seagren (US Olympic gold medalwinning pole vaulter), Nathaniel West (novelist, Miss Lonelyhearts), Yasuke Kashiwagi (Japanese Bank of Tokyo president), Jean Arthur (film actress), Barney Kessel (jazz guitanst), Dons Humphrey (choreographer, dancer, writer, The Art of Making Dances), Margot Kidder (film actress), John Wilkes (Bntish demagogue, political agitator), Jimmy Seals (singer, songwriter, Seals and Crofts), Pierre-Antoine Baudoum (French 1 8" c. painter), Childe Hassam (impressionist painter), Simon Vestdijk (Dutch novelist, E/se B6h/er)

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