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October 17th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 17, 2024

Sometimes it's hard to relax. Perhaps it will help to try one of the famous Bach Flower remedies? Elm (Ulmus procera) is for those who over-extend themselves. Oak (Quercus roburj is for those who are brave, determined and steadfast.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Mercury; Numbers: 8, 9

October 17th Birthday Love Astrology

October 17 is born with all the indications that he and she will live a long and happy life, full of love, friendship and moments of great good fortune. Venus, the ruler of Libra, smiles on this startlingly easy-going person and most people remember October 17 with pleasure.

Some can be taxing husbands and wives, demanding a high standard of perfection about the home and about their spouse. But it's not really a downside as they do the decorating themselves and are fond of arriving home with wonderful new frocks, shirts, coats, bags, gloves and hats for their best beloved. Their taste veers towards elegant, rather than wild, so if the best beloved's is more wild, it's probably best to make a gentle adjustment in taste and keep the peace. There's nothing wrong with high heeled shoes rather than sneakers, and a well cut jacket flatters shoulders better than a track suit top.

Because if you don't there will be quarrels and sadness in the house. Many October 17 people have a highly developed sense of justice and a desire for peace. Some pursue a successful career in the law. Others thrive in local government, teaching, social work or the great art of running a library. Good Librarians run a place which welcomes obstreperous children and old ladies and calms everybody down with a generally good time.

The women in particular are likely to hold quite powerful religious or humanist beliefs. They delight in ceremony and if they lean away from the conventional church, expect them to hold unconventional wedding and baptism parties in flower-strewn fields with a few ancient Celtic rites thrown in. They look to the Moon for solace and like to make love in moonlight at some quiet spot under the night sky. Many will conceive a baby this way, born of love and moonlight. These moon-begot children grow up serene and to be peace seekers.

In Love

In a close relationship you’re capable of total loyalty and devotion to the right person. However, you’re something of a perfectionist, and finding a partner who lives up to your high standards can be difficult. Moreover, you tend to have difficulty expressing your true feelings. Although part of you longs for a loving companion, another part of you craves privacy and solitude. In an intimate union, power may become an issue. You need to be the one in charge, and you won’t put up with a partner who tries to tell you what to do.

In Bed

Your physical desires run hot and cold. There are times when your sexual needs seem quite urgent and other times when they appear to be nonexis-tent. If distracted by work and responsibility, you may forget about personal pleasure altogether. However, when you’re reminded of what you’ve been missing, your lusty libido reasserts itself in all its glory. At such times, you willingly let down your guard and turn control over to the wilder, more passionate side of your nature.


Although this person rarely suffers from depression, they do have delicate health, vulnerable to kidney infections and sore gums when stressed. Indeed, they can be extremely prone to stress, partly because they are so perfectionist and because they work so hard to make everything right. October 17 usually recovers well when he or she pays attention to their body's plight. But if they plough on things will just go from bad to worse. So it's vital that people born on this day take time away from stress to relax. Many are naturally at home in the countryside where they enjoy growing things.


The patient lover who strokes your ego along with your body will definitely be rewarded. A loving aromatherapy massage relaxes you mentally and physically and also renews your connection to your own deeper sensuality. As you begin to unwind, your appetite for erotic pleasure increases, and your sexual passion erupts with wild abandon.


Sometimes it's hard to relax. Perhaps it will help to try one of the famous Bach Flower remedies? Elm (Ulmus procera) is for those who over-extend themselves. Oak (Quercus roburj is for those who are brave, determined and steadfast.

Reality Check

Unlike some Libras, you’re more than willing to work extra hard in pursuit of your personal and professional goals. Determination lurks beneath the surface of your seemingly placid personality. You crave material success and recognition for your accomplishments, but you also care about doing the right thing. Sympathetic to the needs of others, you place a high value on fairness and justice.

October 17 Date Share

Rita Hayworth, tragic and beautiful screen goddess, Gilda. Montgomery Clift, film actor. Sir Cameron Mackintosh, British musical theatre impresario. Arthur Milter, American playwright, Death of A Salesman, married briefly to Marilyn Monroe. Evel Knievel, motorcycle daredevil. Pierre Antoine Baudouin, French 18th century painter.

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