October 18th Vulnerable Expectation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 18, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is believing in yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that from the moment of conception you were already a winner. Look at any baby; self-belief is your birth right.

The Birthday Of Vulnerable Expectation, The Day Of Personal Leadership

October 18th Vulnerable Expectation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 18th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: Moon (imagination)

Favorable numbers: 1, 9

Lucky days: Friday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, lavender, red

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 18 often have a regal, dignified air about them; from their early years expectations will have been high for them to achieve great success. As the years go by, more often than not they do fulfill those expectations by rising to the top; but although they long to make their mark on the world, another part of them longs to run away and hide.

With all the imagination, intellect and talent to blaze exciting trails in life, their need for the approval of others can crush their self-esteem and stop them developing to their full potential. Perhaps in childhood they were criticized or neglected too much; lasting feelings of inadequacy and insecurity continue to haunt them, however successful they are. It is therefore vital for their psychological growth that they work on rebuilding their vulnerable self-esteem. If they don’t, they will be like reeds blown in the wind, flying high when others applaud them but falling down when the praise or support isn’t there.

From the age of five until the age of thirty-five there is a growing emphasis for people born on this day on emotional change, power and transformation, and opportunities will be presented to them to take control of their lives. They must take advantage of these by becoming more proactive and saying “no” to others who seek to take advantage of them. Once they get a handle on their insecurities and realize their own worth, there is nothing they cannot achieve. When they approach their forties and beyond, there is another turning point when life will call upon them to be more adventurous, and it is more important than ever for them to leave self-doubt aside.

This is because once they see what everybody else sees and realize what creative, courageous and inspirational individuals they really are, they have the potential not just to promote the happiness of themselves and others but to be an inspirational force for the common good.

☆ On the dark side:Self-sacrificing, stressed, approval-seeking

☆ At your best:Dignified, inspirational, giving

Those born on October 18 are often destined to play important, active roles in life's great drama. Not only cut out to be players, however, they may also function as powerful directors of what goes on around them, be it the concerns of their family, business or social circle. October 18 people are not shy about pushing their way to the top, but though their desire to be king or queen of the hill is great, they can keep a low profile if necessary.

Yet, October 18 people are hardly typical leaders, for they have many other interests in life.

If they are the head of a company, for example, they may steal away when they can to devote themselves to an endeavor for which they have still greater passion. Many born on this day who are selected for management positions look forward to the day when they can return to their former primary interest. When they leave, they are likely to be missed for their integrity and unimpeachable honor and honesty.

Less powerful individuals born on this day can also find themselves candidates for fame or fortune due to talent, connections or sheer luck, but are not at all comfortable in an exalted position. They can suffer anything from a feeling of being overwhelmed to a complete nervous breakdown as they try to cope with the heavy responsibilities placed on them. Finally they must either reconcile themselves to a lesser role or risk falling victims to stress.

October 18 people like to be where the action is, preferably right at the center of things.

But even flashier types born on this day carry an introspective air about them. Although they can function in leadership roles, they should not push themselves too hard or far; their primary interest is their own work and private interests, and they will only be able to leave them for so long without becoming unhappy.

Those born on this day love to have fun with others, yet because they are not highly social may at times find it difficult to fit in. October 18 people like to be included in the plans of their family or social group and can get pretty upset if they are left out; but because they despise selfpity in themselves and others, they are not the first to bare their emotional hurts. Typically, they would rather return to their work and individual pursuits than mope around like a lost Cinderella. Though such self-sufficiency is admirable, they have to be careful not to misread the intentions of others and cut off communication when in fact things could be straightened out.

By keeping a dialogue open, October 18 people can also avoid appearing to be know-it-alls or aloof, smug types. They should always maintain both their dignity and humility, and never allow themselves a superior or overconfident attitude.

Power Thought:I am talented and creative; the only approval I really need is my own,At any moment you may be askedfor what you least expect

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 18th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (1+8=9), and by the planet Mars The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g.. 5+9=14, 4+1=5; any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and October 18 people are similarly able to exert a strong influence on those around them. Such strong martian energy can, however, be at odds with a more placid venusian temperament (Venus rules Libra). A combination of Venus and Mars produces a highly magnetic and sexual orientation which, if frustrated, may present a danger to those born on this day (and others associated with them).

October 18th Birthday Tarot Card

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily represents the world of dreams, emotions and the unconscious. Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability, passivity and lack of ego.

☆Luck maker:(Balance yourself)Balance is crucial if you want to deal more effectively with life. So if you aren’t feeling at your best, ask yourself whether you have taken care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Love Don’t give too much

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You have much to learn and love from each other, and a great deal more in common than you think.

There is a danger for people born on October 18 of giving more than they receive in relationships, and it is important for them to have the courage to stand up for themselves and to walk away from relationships that are damaging to their self-worth. Although charming and friendly they, may be reserved when it comes to attracting partners. But once they do find someone who can love and support them and make them feel good about themselves, they can be affectionate, loyal and expressive lovers.

Health Tiger’s eye

Lots of physical activity is essential for people born on this day, not just because they have a lot of energy but also because it will help boost their selfesteem. All forms of exercise are recommended, in particular swimming and dancing. A regular stretching routine is also advised, especially if they are prone to aches and pains. As far as diet is concerned, portion control is advised as they tend to have a larger-than-life appetite, possibly setting themselves up for weight and health problems. It is important for them to avoid too much stress and not to overburden themselves with responsibilities and commitments to others; “no” is a word they need to practice saying more often. Meditation and visualization techniques will help build their self-confidence. Carrying a tiger’s eye crystal will also help boost their confidence, as will wearing the color orange.

Those born on October 18 must avoid running themselves down and getting stressed out by too many responsibilities. It is very important for them to learn to say no when they feel they have reached their limit. Defining this limit, acknowledging what they can and cannot handle is key. Regular sleep and eating habits are here highly beneficial for emotional stability. October 18 people should insure that their diet is balanced and includes varied grains and fresh vegetables. Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine should be restricted, if possible. Alcohol and any drugs that produce narcosis, anesthesia or depression must be treated with the utmost care. Time should be taken out for regular exercise, and physiotherapy, massage and yoga are particularly recommended to aid in relaxation and getting rid of aches and pains, particularly in the middle and lower back.

Career Born translators

These people will often be drawn to creative means of expression such as art, writing, acting, and music, but they may also put their imaginative talents to good use in education, sales, promotion, advertising, and social reform. A gift for communication and language may draw them to careers in translation or work in foreign countries.

Destiny To inspire and benefit others with their discoveries

The life path of people born on this day is to believe more in themselves, their creativity and their inner strength. Once they understand the importance of building their self-esteem, their destiny is to further their quest for knowledge, and inspire and benefit others with their discoveries.

Learn to say no, not only to others but also to yourself. Producing is only one aspect of life. Lei yourself be pampered occasionally and give yourself the benefit of the doubt when you can.

Celebrities Born On October 18th

Chuck Berry(American singer-songwriter), George C. Scott(American actor), Jean-Claude van Damme(Belgian actor),

Martina Navratilova (Czech-US tennis champion, 9x Wimbledon, 4x US, 3x Australian, 2x French Open winner), Chuck Berry (rock & roll pioneer, singer, songwriter, guitarist, pianist, saxophonist), Violetta Chamorra (Nicaraguan president, ousted Sandinistas), Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Canadian prime minister), Vytautas Landsbergis (Lithuanian president), George C Scott (stage, film, TV actor), Winton Marsalis (jazz, classical trumpeter, bandleader, composer), Anita O'Day (jazz singer), Henri Bergson (French Nobel Prize-winning writer, philosopher, creative evolutionist), Pierre de Laclos (French writer, playwright, Les L/osons Dangereuses), Melina Mercouri (Greek stage, film actress, Culture minister), Peter Boyle (film actor), Wendy Wasserstein (playwright), Jesse Helms (US senator, North Carolina), Lotte Lenya (German singer, stage actress), Ramiz Alia (Albanian president), Constantme Mitsotakis (Greek prime minister). Frederick III (Holy Roman German emperor), Pope Pius II, Herbert Chilstrom (Evangelical Lutheran Church head)

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