October 1st Unusual Capability Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 01, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is mastering the art of delegation

☆The way forward is to understand that trying to be on top of everything confuses the bigger picture with unnecessary details, limiting your potential for success.

The Birthday Of Unusual Capability, The Day Of The Top Dog

October 1st Unusual Capability Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 1st Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 2

Lucky days: Friday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month

Lucky colors: Purple, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Opal

Although they are extraordinarily intelligent and capable individuals, people born on October 1 will often stand out in some way. Sometimes it will be the dignified way they carry themselves, or in their remarkable dedication and devotion to a cause they believe in, but whatever it is there is always something special and unique about them that makes others look or think twice.

On some occasions they can come across as stern, even proud, but to those who know them well they are incredibly warm and open-hearted. The cool front they present to the world is often a form of defense they have built up over the years as they learned how to overcome challenges and setbacks, but eventually their perseverance and dedication have earned them the just reward of rising to the top. Sadly, some of them may find that once they have reached the pinnacle of success they have aimed for all their lives, it isn’t as rewarding as they hoped. The way for them to deal with this predicament is to worry less and live a little more; to feel truly successful and fulfilled they need to inject more laughter and fun into their lives.

Before the age of twenty-one they are likely to be concerned with developing their social and relationship skills, but after the age of twenty-two there is a turning point in which issues concerning personal power take center stage. It is absolutely crucial in the years that follow that they don’t take themselves and their careers too seriously, and get a sense of perspective.

Above all, these people need to think big, aim high and set high standards for themselves. Their strength is the dedication they show to a purpose or goal, and as long as they don’t isolate themselves from others with their perfectionist tendencies, they will not only be able to make a positive contribution to the world by transforming what is rough and ready into a smooth and progressive system, they will also discover within themselves an unusually large capacity for real happiness.

☆ On the dark side:Obsessive, intimidating, isolated

☆ At your best:Dedicated, stylish, original

Moreoften than most, those born on October 1 are likely to wind up at the top of their profession, social circle or family structure. This is generally due less to their pushiness or aggressiveness than to their ability to function and maintain a far-reaching outlook on life. Others seem to instinctively recognize the exceptional abilities of those born on this day and this last point can sometime pose a dilemma, as October 1 people may not have a lot of ambition. Indeed, functioning at the top can put an enormous strain on them, mostly psychological, which they find difficult to handle.

The problems encountered by October 1 people usually center on their careers. For example, it can take years of struggle for them to reach an elevated social position, only to find that it isn't quite what they expected. Part of the reason for this is that they tend to be very serious individuals who may not take enough joy in their successes. Indeed, they can be plagued by those problems presented by their work which they are unable to solve—this is not particularly helped by their perfectionist tendencies which find it hard to leave things alone. Yet, through the difficulties they encounter, many bom on this day demonstrate a marked ability to learn and ultimately to progress in their personal development.

As far as their interpersonal relationships are concerned, October 1 people usually seek out involvements with highly capable and decisive individuals, but often those who do not have high personal goals of their own. Undeniably, those bom on this day will choose a mate who can both help and understand their need to further themselves. The emotional support of such a person is generally crucial to the success of their endeavors.

Generally October 1 people are very idiosyncratic and only know how to operate in their own peculiar way. However, because the results of their efforts are most often impressive, they will be taken seriously and ultimately even emulated by admirers. When these unique individuals are seen working, or perhaps shown in a photograph with peers or co-workers, they will often look out of place or unusual. They are indeed atypical members of their profession, due both to their unorthodox methods and working philosophy. They may come under constant criticism, much to their discomfort, if they focus on their work to the exclusion of important alliances and company politics.

Most October 1 people learn what they know not from formal schooling but from experience.

Their professionalism is beyond reproach, and they generally appear polished, self-confident, honest and above all. dignified. October 1 people usually win the love and respect of others, even if it takes years. They are greatly missed when they are no longer around, and are spoken of fondly by the same people who thought less of them previously.

Power Thought:It’s fun being me,When two parties are trapped in a bad situation,and one is incapable of thought or decision. the other must decide for both of than

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 1st day of the month are ruled by the number 1 and by the Sun. People born on the 1 SI like to be first. Those ruled by the number 1 are typically individual, highly opinionated, and eager to rise to the top. October 1 people may have mixed feelings about their role in life, but usually have the stamina and concentration to hang in there, regardless of frustrations or confusion. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which is best kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control. The combination of Venus (Libra's ruler) and the Sun lends a romantic and idealistic aura to October 1 people.

October 1st Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but. negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with an October 1 person whether to settle for superficiality and illusion or strive for more worthy ends.

☆Luck maker:(Stop saying “yes but”)When someone congratulates you, resist the urge to qualify your success with “yes buts” and apologies. Simply say thank you. Savor your every accomplishment, and your upbeat attitude will attract even more success your way.

Love Hidden passions

You’re drawn to people born on July 23 to August 22:You are both flirtatious and passionate, and this can be an exciting and fulfilling relationship.

People born on October 1 may take a while to open up to someone but when they do they can be incredibly loyal, supportive, patient, warm, and generous—and they expect the same in return. They may appear cool on the surface, but their partner will be delighted and surprised by their hidden sensuality and passion.

Health Time out

People born on this day are often extremely energetic and as a result they may take on too many responsibilities. Most of the time they are capable of multi-tasking and juggling home and work life, but sometimes they become stressed, anxious and fatigued. Regular vacations and downtime are therefore essential for their psychological and emotional health. As far as diet and exercise are concerned, they tend to have a sensible, balanced attitude but there will also be times when they overindulge. Alcohol could be their big weakness with potentially damaging impact on their liver and kidneys, as could recreational drugs, so they need to limit their exposure to both. Regular moderate to vigorous exercise is recommended to help boost their immune systems and channel pent-up anxiety and tension. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to be more spontaneous in their approach to life.

Those born on October 1. whether of the more practical or spiritual type, will generally be aware of matters concerning health. If their perfectionistic side is focused on improving or maintaining their condition, they will look after themselves impeccably. If not. they are quite capable of disregarding it altogether. October 1 people must especially beware of damaging their kidneys or other internal organs through poor diet or drugs. For this reason a balanced diet, one reasonably low in fat. animal protein, alcohol and sugar, should gradually be complemented by nutritional grains, low -fat yoghurt, fresh vegetables and other healthy foods.

Career Born supervisors

These people have a strong affinity with the scientific and technical professions but they may also be drawn toward political and humanitarian pursuits or toward creative expression in art, music, drama, and dance. Other possible work choices include business, where they will excel in management or executive positions, or in law, financial advice, and education, where they may drift toward philosophy and psychology.

Destiny To leave a lasting legacy behind

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their professional and personal life. Once they have understood the importance of nurturing themselves emotionally, their destiny is to effect social change, leaving a lasting legacy behind that will inspire and benefit their peers.

Bring more consistency of effort into your life- shed some of your tears and com ems Beware of self-fulfilling prophecies Learn to delegate responsibility.

Celebrities Born On October 1st

Richard Harris(Irish actor), Julie Andrews(British singer and actress), Theresa May(British politician and former prime minister),

Jimmy Carter (US president, Georgia governor, negotiated Israel-Egypt peace, philanthropist, writer, Keeping Faith), Vladimir Horowitz (Russian pianist, last romantic virtuoso), Grete Waitz (Norwegian runner, 9x New York Marathon winner), Rod Carew (baseball infielder, 7x AL batting champ, MVP, 3,053 career hits). William Rehnquist (Supreme Court chief justice), Julie Andrews (Bntish stage, film actress, singer), Richard Harris (British stage, film actor), Walter Matthau (film, stage actor), James Whitmore (New York stage actor), Stanley Holloway (British song and dance man, film, stage actor). Albert Collins (blues guitarist), Bonnie Parker (bank robber, Bonnie and Ciyde), Annie Besant (British mystic. Theosophical Society president, social reformer), George Peppard (film, TV actor), Randy Quaid (film actor), Donny Hathaway (soul singer, apparent suicide—fell from fifteenth-story window). Henr (Bntish I3 ,h c. - James A. Pattison (Canadian businessman. Vancouver Expo '86 head), Marc Edmund Jones (astrologer, mystic, Sabian symbols, lived to age ninety-two), Mary McFadden (New York fashion designer, Vogue contributor)

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