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October 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 01, 2024

In numerology those born today are ruled by the number one. These people have masses of drive and pep and are born leaders, although they may be slightly overpowering to others. Don't let frustration get you down.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Venus; Numbers: 1, 2

October 1st Birthday Love Astrology

People born today are galactic thinkers with such precision to their thinking it's likely they may discover or invent something which benefits all mankind. Whatever their fate, October 1 are planets around which smaller stars circulate.

Many have demanding sexual tastes. Both sexes are charmed by feet and shoes and often own up to thirty pairs. They wear them to bed. Both sexes also slip into each others clothes for the thrill of it. (Rod Stewart wears girls' knickers under tight pants and there's nothing odd about him.)

This little pumpkin is not as imaginative about a lover's need for freedom, as about personal pleasures. Lovers could find themselves nagged to stay in, discouraged from pursuing a career and interrogated if late back from shopping. It's not that Miss Possessive means to tighten the leash. She's just more comfortable if her lover's within earshot.

The male of the species is usually more possessive than the female. They hark back to the ideal woman praised by Sheikh Nefeawi, author of The Perfumed Garden, an ancient Indian erotic manual. ‘She speaks and laughs rarely and never without reason. She never leaves the house. She has no woman friends, gives confidence to nobody and her husband is her sole reliance. If her husband shows his intention of performing the conjugal rite, she is agreeable to his desires and occasionally even provokes them.'

Difficult, because today this jewel would probably be diagnosed agoraphobic. October 1 desires extreme domestic stability because they are frequently work addicts, happy to fight lower down and dirtier than others. Combined with a precision brain and inventive originality they will make heaps of money and win fame. It's just that they don't want hassle when they get home.

What they do want is to watch a great deal of television. Many will be working in TV or allied fields and even if not, it's October l's way of relaxing.

In Love

Those born on this date are affectionate, outgoing, sociable, and considerably more passionate than most other members of their Sun sign. Because you enjoy everything about the rituals of loving, you rarely lack for romantic partners. Yet while your heart craves love and companionship, your head yearns for freedom. This ongoing inner battle between independence and dependence can make you seem indecisive one moment and rash and impetuous the next. In the long term, however, love generally wins out over everything else. Despite your dislike of restrictions, you truly need the companionship of a fulfilling and lasting romantic union.

In Bed

You like the excitement of the chase and the anticipation of impending conquest almost as much as the resulting lovemaking. Your bedroom style is full of delightful contradictions. You flash between opposite extremes very quickly, moving from ultraromantic to superpassionate in the blink of an eye. Your ideal bed partner is able to see through your changing moods to the warm, caring lover you really are. However, your refined Libra outer nature never quite overcomes the animal lustiness beneath the surface.


Books like The Perfumed Garden and the Kama Sutra show that 2000 years ago men had no problem with the concept of a woman initiating sex. Yet today some men still find it difficult to accept when a woman makes the first move. Even then, with shy men, the Kama Sutra suggested a simple kiss which delicately indicates desire without seeming pushy - The Kiss That Kindles Love. This is done to a sleeping partner (or pretend sleeping). It's a desire kiss, straightforward in meaning, but lightly so. The ‘sleeping'partner can then choose to awaken or snore on.


You respond passionately to an exciting, uninhibited bedmate who inflames your libido with long, smoldering kisses and enticing, intimate caresses.

Inwardly you long to break all the rules with a wild bedroom romp that gratifies your most primal urges. Sexy teasing and provocative suggestions add a bit of erotic spice to enhance your lovemaking.


In numerology those born today are ruled by the number one. These people have masses of drive and pep and are born leaders, although they may be slightly overpowering to others. Don't let frustration get you down.

Reality Check

Ambitious, determined, and charming, you’re usually able to get others to go along with your ideas. Because you appear more reasonable than you actually are, people may be caught off guard by the iron will beneath your serene exterior. Your initial approach is tactful and sensitive, but if diplomacy doesn’t bring results, you’re prepared to mount a more direct assault.

October 1 Date Share

Walter Matthau (Matuchanskavasky), born New York, legendary comedian and actor, film and stage. Laurence Harvey (Lerushka Skikne), adopted British nationality, born Lithuania. Julie Andrews (Julie Elizabeth Wells), actress. Jimmy Carter, American president Richard Harris, stage, film actor. Stanley Holloway, stand-up comedian. Randy Quaid, film star.

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