October 2nd Graceful Conversationalist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 02, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is taming your tendency to be confrontational

☆The way forward is to understand that the best form of attack is often a surprise, undercover one—being more tactful and tolerant will improve your chances of success.

The Birthday Of The Graceful Conversationalist, The Day Of Verbal Acuity

October 2nd Graceful Conversationalist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 2nd Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 3

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, white, silver

Birthstone: Opal

In whatever situation they find themselves, the favored approach of people born on October 2 is a direct one. They like to talk, think and act quickly and decisively, and the graceful ease and certainty with which they go about their business endow them with tremendous potential.

These people will not hesitate to let others know exactly where they stand, but what impresses others most about them is that they are compelling conversationalists with considerable knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. It will not be unusual to find them deep in conversation with a sparkle in their eye because they love to stimulate their minds with intelligent talk. Although they enjoy talking, they also understand the importance of listening and are forever hungry for new information and ideas, eager to hear what others have to contribute. In fact, they tend to be more at home in the world of ideas and words than in the world of feelings and emotions.

Although the lively, inquisitive and candid approach of these people is refreshing and exciting for some people, for those more sensitive they can come across as unfeeling, ruthless and upsetting. It is therefore important for their psychological growth and their professional development that they learn to express their disagreement or disapproval in ways that are not overly negative or confrontational.

At the age of twenty they will reach a turning point that highlights a growing need for emotional change and personal transformation. In the years that follow they are likely to become more committed and decisive, and it is essential that they are more sensitive in their relationships with others and don’t hide behind a mask of cynicism. This is because when they are able to lean toward the positive rather than the negative, and can encourage rather than discourage people with their intelligent insights, these charming conversationalists have the potential not just to entertain and enlighten, but to enlist and direct the support of others in the collective pursuit of their inspirational cause.

☆ On the dark side:Cutting, angry, undemonstrative

☆ At your best:Charming, interesting, charismatic

Those bom on October 2 dont mince words. They are usually very candid about their opinions and rarely leave much to doubt when it comes to expressing where they stand on a given subject. One is generally more impressed by their reserve, however, and by their skill in framing concise, pointed and witty remarks. Those bom on this day do not have to get angry or even emotionally upset to let you know how they feel.

October 2 people run the risk of being too sharp or pointed in their remarks. Consequently they can arouse antagonism among those who do not know them well and take their words too literally or personally. Often October 2 people are not fully aware of how devastating their comments can be to sensitive and thin-skinned people. Sometimes they can be accused of being quite ruthless in both word and deed.

There is an undeniable social and or political thrust to October 2 thinking and behavior.

Most October 2 people are interested in the workings of society and are vary adept at both understanding and manipulating peoples viewpoints. They can usually turn a difficult situation to their own advantage, or sway those who would obstruct them.

October 2 people have a certain grace, underiied by charm or raw power which impresses others. They should not be mistaken for softies for they are very tough inside, particularly when it comes to matters of survival. Their attacking capability is equally matched by a resilient defense and therefore they do not make good enemies for anyone to have. Those bom on this day can sometimes have problems with their aggression—at one time overly shy. at another overh" assertive. In their younger years. October 2 people may also have a thing about violence, either being disturbed by it or prone to indulge in it. In this they must learn to be less obsessed and cultivate an inner calm and equilibrium. It is of great importance that those bom on this day express disapproval, negativity, aggression and ambition in a way that does not put others oft", or leave doubts about ulterior motive Often October 2 people can be found with a hint of a smile on their lips and a twinkle in their eye. They like nothing more than entertaining or being entertained. The humorous thrust of their often dry. sardonic wit is eident. and it may well be that others are the butt of their jokes, rather than themselves. Indeed, those bom on this day are rather thin-skinned when laughter is directed at them, and in this respect have a double standard toward humor.

The extreme sensitivity of an October 2 person is often masked or armored by either a forbidding or light, playful exterior. Both of these disguises may well hide their true nature, as they are very adept at using wit. distancing or aggressiveness to direct attention away from their inner self. Onlv those very close to them mav ever see their emotional vulnerabilitv.

Power Thought:I listen with love to the messages my body and my heart send me,Silence can be more powerful than speech,not as a weapon, but as a means of quieting the mind and reaching the Sell

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 2nd day of the month are ruled by the number 2 and by the Moon. Since number 2 people often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, those born on October 2 may fit more easily into jobs and relationships. However, the influence of the number 2 may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration for October 2 people, who must do things their own way. This is further complicated by the Moon having strongly reflective and passive tendencies. On the good side, the venusian qualities of Libra here lend grace and charm, which can soften the bite of an October 2 personality.

October 2nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering those of us who heed her with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are quietude, intuition, reserve and discretion; negative values include secretiveness. mistrust, indifference and inertia.

☆Luck maker:(Think win-win)Lucky people understand that life isn’t about competition or getting ahead, and that the pie of success is big enough for everyone, themselves included, to have a slice.

Love Feelings run deep

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You have so much to learn from each other, and this can create a rewarding and intense union.

Even though they are gregarious and friendly enough to make friends and win admirers, it isn’t always easy for people born on October 2 to open up to their partners about how they really feel. They need to feel secure in a relationship before they allow their true feelings to emerge; when this finally happens, their partner is very fortunate because he or she will have a generous, loving, loyal, and incredibly supportive lover.

Health Mind and body, remember!

People born on this day often have extremely active minds because they are constantly exercising it with study, reading, conversation, travel, and new experiences. When it comes to their bodies, however, they may not have such a proactive regime; it is important for them to make sure they incorporate activity into their daily lives. Because they are prone to sudden outbursts of anger they may be accident prone and, to avoid potential injury to themselves or others, stress- or anger-management therapies are recommended. As far as diet is concerned, because they tend to get absorbed in work they need to remind themselves to eat every few hours to keep their metabolism high. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to get in touch with their feelings, and the color blue will encourage them to be calmer and more in control when mood swings or sudden bursts of anger threaten to overwhelm them.

Those born on October 2 must be careful not to attract violence, either personal or accidental. due to suppression of aggressive impulses and or fear of injury. If they are of the more aggressive type they must also beware of hurting others. Psychological counseling may prove beneficial to October 2 people in helping them discover what makes them tick and how they may correct their behavior and attitudes. Those born on this day must particularly beware of accidents involving the back and abdominal organs. Above all they must not believe themselves invulnerable. Settled physical habits, a balanced diet and mild to moderate exercise will help keep them in line. They should avoid going overboard in any of these areas.

Career Born mediators

These people will often be drawn to careers in public relations or occupations dealing with the public in some way, such as the media, social work or negotiation. They may also excel as teachers, psychologists and counselors, or may choose to explore their creativity as artists or designers. Other possible career choices include sales, promotion, mediation, or arbitration.

Destiny To express themselves and their beliefs honestly

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to approach others with greater sensitivity. Once they have allowed others into their lives and their hearts, their destiny is, by example, to encourage others to express themselves and their beliefs honestly.

Don't hide behind your public persona. Allow others to see you as you really are. Work to lessen fear, and cultivate self-confidence. Find the right balance in expressing negativity. Your bark may indeed be a bite. Let others into your life.

Celebrities Born On October 2nd

Mahatma Gandhi(Indian political activist and spiritual leader), Don McClean(American singer), Sting(British singer-songwriter),

India social, independenc: lawyer, assassinated by religious fanatic), Wallace Stevens (Pulitzer Prize-winning poet). Groucho Marx (vaudeville entt ner, comic film actor. TV host). Graham Greene (British nove Brighton Rode). Sting actor, ecology activist). Cordell Hull (US statesman. Nobel Peace Prize winner). Annie Leibovitz (unique celebrity photographer). Richard III (British king). Ruth Cheney Streeter (head US Women's Marine Corps Reserve, WWII, died at age ninetyfive). Paul von Hindenburg (German WWI military leader, first ^an Republic). Ferdinand Foch commander). Roy obeli (South an poet satirist autobiography: Light on a Dark Horse). DKNY). Bud Abbott (comedian, film actor. Abbott and Costeho). Spankie McFariand (child film, TV actor. Sponky and Our Gang Lil Rascals). Rex Reed (film syndicated cc Willie Ley (German- US rocket engineer, paleontologist, space travel pionc Bryan Owen (f southern congresswoman, Flonda). David St Clair (journalist wi The Mighty Amazon), Don McLean (folk-rock singer, songwriter)

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