October 3rd Cutting Edge Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 03, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is valuing tradition

☆The way forward is to understand that just because something is new does not automatically mean it is better.

The Birthday Of The Cutting Edge, The Day Of The Trendsetters

October 3rd Cutting Edge Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 3rd Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable numbers: 3, 4

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, white, silver

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 3 love to be surrounded by all that is new and original. They are eager to explore the latest trends and technologies, and in some cases to set the trends as well. They are enthusiastic and up to date, so the place to find them is always right at the cutting edge.

These people hate to be out of fashion or not looking the part, and more often than not others will comment on how well presented they are. This doesn’t mean, however, that they blindly follow the latest fashion or trend. Quite the opposite; they are highly original, hating to be categorized, and will usually add their own unique twist to new trends. There is a strong drive within them always to be one step ahead of everyone else, setting the pace so that others can follow. In fact, giving an example to others is what these gregarious people love to do more than anything else. They feel comfortable in the limelight and are good at playing their part to an adoring audience. Their greatest fear is to be ignored and, worse still, to be left out. Fortunately, with their talent and charisma this rarely occurs.

Although they can be the life and soul of their set, there is a part of these people that longs to hide or is reluctant to reveal their true feelings. It is important for them to listen carefully to what their feelings are telling them, because they have a tendency toward superficiality, and superficiality is no recipe for lasting happiness. After the age of twenty there will be opportunities for them to find deeper meaning to their lives and it is important for them to seize these opportunities.

This is because once they realize that the latest is not necessarily the best, and that their emotional development matters far more than being seen, their energy, dedication, style, and originality will take them to the only cutting edge that really matters—and the only place where true happiness and success can be found—that of personal fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Superficial, materialistic, pretentious

☆ At your best:Original, sociable, exciting

Those born on October 3 have their antennae out for social trends developing around them. They are not only adept at being fashionable but perhaps at setting fashion as well, at least within their social circle. They are very happy to have up-to-date-clothes, houses, cars, as well as ideas, and wish to be modern in every sense of the word. Yet they also have a sense of tradition and where they fit into it, which is the underpinning for their success.

October 3 people are expansive, and do not like to be pigeonholed. They are interested in everything around them and can become quite expert in more than one field. Those born on this day are people who let their spirits soar. They are exaltationists, yet critically so, and though they may be open to a variety of experience, manifest strong likes and dislikes.

People born on October 3 take their principal profession very seriously, wanting to be the very best they can. Those October 3 people of exceptional abilities or in positions of authority can be idolized by their co-workers or peers who see them as a kind of paragon, or ideal representative.

However, an intense and hard-driving approach to work can also make them subject to possible burnout.

There is always something of the roleplayer about October 3 people, who are usually quite aware of the figure they cut in society and of the part they are playing at any particular moment.

Prone to exhibitionism, those born on this day are never happier than when they are the center of attention in any gathering. It is extremely difficult for them to go unnoticed, and although they can spend long periods alone, they need to emerge periodically and be recognized for who they are.

October 3 people often feel they have to set the pace in their family or social group. They are rarely content to sit back and allow things to run their course, but have to take a hand themselves, no matter how mundane or ordinary the subject of concern. Personal taste is a matter of great pride to October 3 people and therefore being accused of bad taste a true insult.

Those born on this day are a curious blend of introvert and extrovert. They often demonstrate piercing insights into the inner workings of other people but may be reluctant to reveal what they know about themselves. Most October 3 people prefer to spend time with small groups of people, and can ultimately share their life with only one or two intimates. They may not want to allow time for family or children, but nonetheless can make good parents.

Those born on October 3 must be careful not to get caught up in superficiality, snobbism or status, which can have a particularly bad effect on their offspring as well as undermining personal relationships. Some born on this day could well be accused of cultivating friendships to advance their careers, and of wanting to be in with the right people.

Power Thought:The treasure I am seeking is already within me,Is the intent of clothing to hide or to reveal?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 3rd day of the month are ruled by the number 3 and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 often rise to the highest position in their sphere, and value their independence highly. Jupiter, coupled with the venusian energy of Libra, lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook to October 3 people.

October 3rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, who symbolizes creative intelligence. She is the perfect woman, the ultra-feminine, Mother Earth nurturer. who embodies our dreams, hopes and aspirations. The Empress represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, but also negative traits of vanity and affectation, as well as intolerance for imperfection. Her steadfast qualities should serve as a positive example for October 3 people, who may shift too much with the spirit of the times.

☆Luck maker:(Go within)To change anything in your life for the better you need to go within and emit a new, positive signal with your thoughts and feelings.

Love Sense of adventure

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:You are both innovative, adventurous and charming individuals, and together you make an exciting and powerful team.

People born on October 3 are drawn to people with an adventurous streak and an inquisitive mind just like themselves; but they also want someone with whom they can build a secure and welcoming home. They can be extremely loving and giving as well as charming, and need to make sure they make strong rather than superficial connections with other people.

Health Party animal

People born on this day are always in demand and they may find themselves going from party to party or organizing social event after social event. Although this can be entertaining and rewarding, they need to focus more on quality rather than quantity when it comes to their social life. If they don’t they will end up feeling exhausted and, ironically, lonely; it is impossible to connect properly with people on such a treadmill of engagements. Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee may be a weakness for them, but because they are intelligent they are probably very aware of the health risks already and don’t need reminding that giving up or cutting down is strongly advised. As far as diet is concerned, cooking for one or two rather than for large numbers of people will encourage them to nurture themselves more, and regular exercise will also give them much-needed time to reflect and gather their thoughts. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to think of higher things.

At various times in their lives, October 3 people may suffer from party-circuit or dining-out syndrome. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes, because of the social nature of their use, can hold an attraction for those born on this day, but should be controlled or eliminated if possible. Diet too often is subject to availability for October 3 people, who often take their meals on the mn or "sandwich" them into a fast lifestyle. Many born on this clay can benefit greatly from slowing down a bit and arranging their time to allow for proper meals and regular exercise.

Career Born pioneers

These people have the potential to be remarkable scientists or engineers, groundbreaking artists, or pioneering figures in politics, social reform, or indeed any sphere lucky enough to be blessed with their talents. Other work choices may include commerce, advertising, sales, law, education, and catering, as well as the performing arts, theater, fashion, or the film and music industries.

Destiny To be groundbreaking pioneers

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that the greatest treasure in their life can only be found within. Once they are able to be more self-contained, their destiny is to be groundbreaking pioneers.

Don't neglect your spiritual development in a rush to keep with the times. Seek those abiding principles by which you can live your life, and concentrate more on your personal development.Don't get lured off the path. All that glitters is not gold.

Celebrities Born On October 3rd

Clive Owen(British actor), Neve Campbell(Canadian actress), Eddie Cochran(American singer),

Eleonora Duse (legendary Italian stage actress, modern innovator, star of lover D'Annunzio’s plays) Thomas Wolfe (autobiographical novelist, Look Homeward Angel, You Can't Go Home Again), Pierre Bonnard (French post-impressiomst painter, printmaker), Steve Reich (minima[;st composer, tape, electronic music pioneer), Ming Cho Lee (dean of set designers), Barbara Kannska (costume maker, designer, New York C ty Ballet), Chubby Checker (rock & roll singer, started twist craze), Emily Post (etiquette expert, shaped American manners, The Blue Book of Social Usage), Gore Vidal (playwright, cntic, essayist, novelist, Myra Breckenndge), Jack LaLanne (TV fitness mstoictor, health club entrepreneur), Dave Winfield (baseball outfielder, leading active player in HRs, RBIs), Charles J. Pedersen (Nobel Pnze-winning DuPont corporation research chemist), Von Freeman (jazz tenor saxophonist), Louis Aragon (French playwright), Virginia C. Gildersleeve (Barnard College dean for thirty-six years), Charles M Dure (US astronaut , Giovami Baptista Beccaria (natural philosopher), Edd e Cochran (s riger), Gertrude Berg (TV actress), Conrad C. Knudsen (busi ness executive)

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