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October 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 03, 2024

The trick is to stay open-minded and not allow ageing to make you so mentally respectable you forget that children's eyes are sharper, their laughter often dirtier, yet with all of this they have a kind of searing innocence.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 3, 4

October 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

October 3 is a born parent. If this creature doesn't have its own children, others will discover they make the perfect godparent, beloved teacher or mentor. Unlike so many people, they seem to talk the same language as children. Catch them involved in intense bits of nonsense which delight both equally. They can play endlessly and find as much pleasure in what they are doing as their small companions. Watch this Libretto enjoy his cornetto with the same gusto as his childish playmate, both getting as sticky as each other.

This person never takes the opportunity when a child - or adult for that matter -enters a room, to tell it something. They are not forever instructing, ‘Can you put the milk bottles out? Empty the dishwasher? Tidy up your toys?’ They don't dress children in white cardigans and shirts and then harass them if a drop of orange ice lolly gets onto it. They don't have food fads where children are concerned. They don't stop them watching television because it means they won't read. They let them watch television and then do a lot of reading with them because both find it fun.

Much of this is because October 3 remembers as a child that he or she just wanted to lie in the grass and look at the sky. Or idle pleasant hours away dreaming. And somebody was probably always after them to be up and at it. Naturally capable of being competitive, they don't regard competition itself as vital to character building.

Both sexes therefore make excellent teachers, children's club organisers and such occupations as theatre productions are always the most fun and successful. Any sport they get involved in, particularly teams, create a brilliant atmosphere. They make the best kind of social worker, observant, responsible, intelligent and never giving in to hysteria or fads. And always giving that secure feeling of being on a person's side.

In Love

With your airy Sun sign, your tendency is to rely more on your mind than on your feelings. For you, a spirited conversation or debate can be as stimulating as a passionate sexual encounter. Nevertheless, you’re incurably high-minded and as prone to falling in love with a romantic ideal as with a flesh-and-blood individual. Although one part of you yearns for a permanent life partner, the other part prefers playing the field to a serious long-term commitment. Consequently, you may go through a string of romances before finally settling down with Mr. or Ms. Right.

In Bed

Even in your love life, you may find yourself trying to choose between your idealistic dream of perfect union and the enticing prospect of exciting new sexual experiences. For you, any successful relationship begins with a meeting of the minds. Your quick wit and fluency with words make language your most powerful means of seduction. Being able to talk things over with your companion is your number-one priority. More than anything you want a partner who is on your wavelength.


Kids will like to make these with you: Double Chocolate Drops. Take 110g butter, 170g caster sugar, 55g plain chocolate, melted, 1 egg beaten, 200g plain flour, 1 level tsp salt, A level tsp bicarbonate of soda, 2tbsp milk. Icing: 55g butter, 45g plain choc, melted, 170g icing sugar. Grease baking sheets. Cream sugar, choc, butter, beat in egg, add remaining ingredients for biscuits, stir until smooth. Drop teaspoonfuls of mixture onto baking sheet, 3cm apart. Bake at gas mark 6 for 10 minutes. Icing: cream chocolate, butter, beat in sugar until smooth. Let biscuits cool and ice each one.


You’re turned on by spontaneous gestures of love and by romantic settings that engage all your senses. A surprise excursion to an exotic location can provide a stunning backdrop for your lovemaking. If you can’t get away from home, a shared bath in a tub strewn with herbs and flower petals and surrounded by flickering candles does the trick.


The trick is to stay open-minded and not allow ageing to make you so mentally respectable you forget that children's eyes are sharper, their laughter often dirtier, yet with all of this they have a kind of searing innocence.

Reality Check

Self-expression is your forte, and you’re a superb conversationalist and storyteller. Although you know a little about a lot of things, you give the impression of being deeply knowledgeable. A fast study, you swiftly absorb the pertinent points of new subjects. Your agile mind makes it possible for you to field questions with clever, off-the-cuff remarks.

October 3 Date Share

Chubby Checker, rock and roll singer, started the twist. Eddie Cochran, singer. Eleonora Duse, Italian beauty, muse to lover playwright D'Annunzio. Pierre Bonnard, marvellous French Impressionist capturer of innocent pleasure. Emily Post shaped American modern manners. Gore Vidal, playwright critic novelist

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