October 4th Edgy Congeniality Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 04, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is overcoming complacency

☆The way forward is to understand that until you start testing yourself in new situations you won’t learn much about yourself and what really makes you happy.

The Birthday Of Edgy Congeniality, The Day Of The Incorrigibles

October 4th Edgy Congeniality Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 4th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 4, 5

Lucky days: Friday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, silver, electric blue

Birthstone: Opal

The desire for a harmonious environment that drives people born on October 4 makes them among the most agreeable and popular people of the year. They have sensual, esthetic tastes and love to surround themselves with pleasant people and beautiful things.

In whatever situation they are in, these people tend to come across as relaxed and at ease with themselves; this is in part due to their love of the good things in life, their naturally non-confrontational personality and their gift for getting along with just about anybody. This doesn’t mean they don’t have strong opinions; if pressed they can certainly be passionate and forthright in their beliefs. It’s just that they like to present their case in a way that is not offensive to others and in a manner that is laced with humor, humility and tact, believing that this approach is more likely to get people on their side. They also have an astute way of looking at the world and a strong sense of realism about what is achievable and what is not.

After the age of nineteen, and lasting for the following thirty years, there is an important turning point for people born on this day that highlights a growing need for personal change, intensity and transformation. During these years they will feel a strong need to create a life of pleasure and harmony; with their congenial personality this is often just what they manage to create for themselves and others. However, they will also find that time and again life throws obstacles, challenges and conflicts in their path. The way they respond to these challenges will to some extent determine their success or failure personally and professionally.

If they can discover within themselves a fighting spirit and a determination to do their things their way, these remarkably gregarious, sensual but always level-headed and peace-loving people will find not only that they are extremely popular with others, but that others look to them for advice, guidance and inspiration about how to make the world a more beautiful place.

☆ On the dark side:Superficial, indulgent, complacent

☆ At your best:Agreeable, tasteful, popular

Unlike most people, those born on October 4 simply live their lives and behave the way they wish to. Though they often present an agreeable and charming persona, they have an inner toughness that is the product of negotiating a less than perfect world. It is from this realistic and survival-minded core that they derive their ironic perspective, keen observations and sharp sense of humor.

October 4 people like things to go smoothly, but there is no doubt that they wish things to flow smoothly in the direction they themselves choose. They are able to exert their authority in a subtle fashion, so that they can be the boss without appearing so. As a matter of fact, this is quite a deceptive quality—those born on this day can appear to be very relaxed and accepting people a good deal of the time, yet all the while are unyielding where their authority is concerned. Nonetheless, others find relaxed October 4 charm pleasant and soothing.

October 4 people have a unique if not eccentric view of the world. Yet when they share their ideas with others, they are more often than not accepted, appreciated, even loved, for their idiosyncrasies. Perhaps this is because they themselves enjoy people and partake freely of eveiyTfiing society has to offer. In this sense they are deeply human people, and have a strong bond with their fellow men and women. Rarely will they be snobbish, even if they move in high circles or breathe the rarefied air of success.

Danger holds a great attraction for October 4 people. They do not look on it, however, as many see it (i.e., life threatening and negative). To them, dangerous situations are more often than not made dangerous through carelessness. Of course risks are involved, but for the most part, whether it is climbing mountains, scuba diving, or hang gliding, October 4 people simply take the necessary training and precautions and go for it, usually with good results.

October 4 people pride themselves on their families. Even if they do not have children themselves, they are usually someone's favorite aunt or uncle, devoted husband or wife. They are very socially adept. This does not mean, however, that they dislike being alone, as long as this isolation is self-imposed. To prove the point, those bom on this day display marked concentrative powers in doing solo work.

One difficulty many October 4 people have is that they are not ambitious enough and like having things pleasurable, comfortable and easy. Indeed, they have good taste and love to surround themselves with beautiful things. If they lack the necessary tension to forge ahead in the world, they may need a stimulus to inspire greater effort. Personal handicaps, obstacles, rejection in the workplace or a tyrannical authority figure can all serve to bring out their fighting instincts.

Power Thought:I am a soul with a body, not a body with a soul,Can you feel the earth turn? Can you hear the stars sing?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 4th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 and by the planet Uranus. People ruled by the number 4 have their own, often peculiar, way of doing things-, Uranus indicates sudden changeability and unpredictable action, traits that can be magnified in an October 4 personality. Generally, those ruled by the number 4 are not overly concerned with money, and this holds true for October 4 people who focus more on ideas and principles. A nervous quality and an emphasis on sex is pronounced in them due to their Uranus-Venus influences (Venus rules Libra).

October 4th Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise: the force of his authorin cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy: negative indications include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality.

☆Luck maker:(Concrete thinking)Take time every week to think about what you would like to complete. Set yourself realistic goals and organize your time so that you can achieve them. Research shows that feelings of confidence and happiness increase significantly with concrete thinking.

Love Stand up for yourself

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You are both charming and agreeable; just make sure you leave room for plenty of passion in the equation.

People born on October 4 are charming, fun loving, and never short of friends and admirers. They are extremely tactile and affectionate. Their pleasureloving and non-confrontational nature can, however, sometimes mean that they don’t have their say in a relationship. They should understand that conflict need not destroy a relationship; sometimes it can keep it alive.

Health Don’t skip breakfast

People born on this day tend to be pleasure-seeking individuals but they should ensure that they do not take their love of food, drink, spending, and sex to excess. It is also important for them not to lose themselves in a world of indulgence and superficiality; if they do, they will be prone to stress and depression. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure that they don’t skip breakfast because this can cause a big drop in their blood sugar levels, affecting their mood and judgment, and rendering them prone to sugar cravings, which will just make the situation worse. Regular exercise, preferably on a daily basis, is highly recommended. Walking will be particularly beneficial as it will give them some time alone to think and reflect on where their life is heading. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to be more confrontational, while the color purple will help them think of higher things.

Those born on October 4. despite the care they take, are subject to accidental injuries of all kinds. This is particularly true because of their tendency to put themselves in dangerous situations. They must beware of falls, blows or accidental strains of the back and internal organs. particularly. Sex is usually a delicate matter for October 4 people, and they can be thrown out of balance quite easily in this respect, thus upsetting their emotional state and possibly affecting their health. Finally, the October 4 need to enjoy life fully too often includes tobacco, coffee and/or alcohol—these should be brought under control, or severely limited if possible.

Career Born counselors

Once these people understand that importance of setting tangible goals for themselves they may be drawn to careers in which they can benefit others, such as social work, medicine, law, engineering, education, counseling, or science. With their love of variety they need to choose careers that involve plenty of change, and their well-developed visual sense may draw them toward image making, photography, media, graphics, and design.

Destiny To make the world a more harmonious place

The life path of people born on this day is to take calculated risks and stand up for themselves when the situation demands it. Once they are able to be more assertive and to set themselves goals, their destiny is to make the world a more harmonious place.

Beware of becoming self-satisfied. Set yourself goals, and a timetable to reach them. Attend to spiritual matters. Use your time alone to improve yourself. Don't get stuck.

Celebrities Born On October 4th

Susan Sarandon(American actress), Charlton Heston(American actor), Buster Keaton(American actor),

Buster Keaton (silent film actor, director, stuntman, Sherlock Jr., The General), Pancho Villa (Mexican bandit general, shot dead in his car after retirement), Susan Sarandon (film actress), Charlton Heston (film actor), Robert M. Wilson (playwright, theater producer, designer, Einstein on the Beach), Jean-Francois Millet (French traditionalist painter), Rutherford B. Hayes (US president, Civil War general, wounded several times). Juan March (Spanish entrepreneur, smuggler, Franco supporter), Alvin Toffler (futurologist, Future Shock), Sir Terence Conran (British designer, founder Design Museum in Royal Albert Hall. Habitat and Conran retail chains), Lowell Nesbitt (neo-realist painter), Steve Swallow (jazz bassist, composer), Kenichi Fukui (Japanese Nobel Prize-winning chemist), Anne Rice (novelist The Vampire Lestat), Anita De Frantz (lawyer, Olympic bronze medal-winning rower), Buddy Roemer (Louisiana governor), Elisa Bialk (children's author), Engelbert Dollfuss (Austrian statesman, assassinated by Nazi supporters), Malcolm Baldridge (Commerce secretary under Reagan), Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Italian 18 architect, engineer)

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