October 5th Dignified Altruism Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 05, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is keeping a sense of perspective

☆The way forward is to understand that getting carried away in your devotion to a cause is counterproductive; losing your perspective means losing your ability to make an effective contribution.

The Birthday Of Dignified Altruism, The Day Of The Just Cause

October 5th Dignified Altruism Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 5th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 5, 6

Lucky days: Friday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, green, cream

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 5 tend to put others or the cause they are promoting first and themselves second. They can’t do enough to help, and so powerful is their conviction that others often find themselves persuaded to do good deeds as well. In addition, they also have a highly developed sense of fair play and are passionate in the defense of the rights of all, especially those who are less fortunate. As a result they often come across as unusually dignified as well as altruistic individuals.

In every situation in which they find themselves these people bring their concern for others and their strong sense of ethical responsibility. Their willingness to not just talk but take action earns them the respect and loyalty of those around them. Occasionally, however, they can lose their sense of perspective and get so wrapped up in their righteous propensity that they can become impatient and aggressive, failing to consider the consequences of their methods or the alternative viewpoints of others.

After the age of nineteen there is a turning point for people born on this day which emphasizes a growing need for emotional change and regeneration. This influence will continue for the next thirty years and during this time there will be opportunities for them to express their social instincts and make their mark. But if they are serious about being effective instruments of progress it is vital for them to learn to keep their cool, pay attention to the details and not get carried away with their own power. After the age of forty-nine there is another turning point which puts the spotlight on expanding their mind through study and travel.

Whatever age they are, these people will always be shining examples to others of joyful dedication to the ideals of justice and generosity of spirit. And once they learn to constructively direct rather than give free rein to their passion for altruism, they have the potential to become leading figures in humanitarian, spiritual or social reform.

☆ On the dark side:Neglectful, extreme, impatient

☆ At your best:Altruistic, gracious, warm hearted

Justice is a major theme in the lives of those born on October 5. Generally guarding the truth, as they see it, they will do what they can to first expose and then oppose unfairness, corruption or oppression. Not satisfied with this, however, they will often persuade friends, family members or colleagues to help put the situation right. Those born on this day can be found working on a personal level or at the highest echelons of society with the same determination.

In like manner. October 5 people insist on fair treatment for themselves and will not tolerate insults to their dignity. Indeed, the concept of fair play occupies such a central place in their speech and thought that they may be accused at times of using the cause of justice for their own personal advancement. This may or may not be true, but in fairness, those born on this day generally think of the cause first and their own wishes second. They can even go too far in this direction through self-sacrifice and self-denial, giving up what is most pleasurable to them for the sake of their ideals and the well-being of others. They must moderate such behavior because sooner or later their personal needs and wants will assert themselves, and they may be forced to resign from their position or cut back drastically on the responsibilities they take on, leaving those who have grown dependent on them stranded.

October 5 people are at heart life-oriented and fun-loving. When functioning in a healthy way. they manage to get tremendous personal satisfaction out of leading or contributing to a team. The ultimate kick for them is the gratitude on the faces of those who benefit from their work, and in this respect they are as interdependent as anyone else, perhaps even more so.

Thus although they may appear to be strong, independent types, they are in fact somewhat needy and hungry for appreciation. They generally show little interest in causes that do not directly involve people, for it is the human element which is vital to their outlook and work.

Rarely do October 5 people meld with their environment, despite their need to immerse themselves in human activities. Often they will occupy a position for which they would objectively seem completely unsuited. like someone who has to wear the wrong uniform. However, when highly successful. October 5 people may actually redefine the public's image of the role which they play, so powerful are their social instincts. Even those with only a modest degree of success tend to function in a unique way that raises a few eyebrows but gets the job done.

October 5 people must be very careful to avoid ego trips where their personality becomes a central focus, ultimately superseding their ideals and original purpose. Also their criticism and judgment of others, particularly of what went on before they came on the scene, cannot be allowed to get out of hand. Thus October 5 people must not only form their principles in opposition to what they despise but mold a constructive vision of life as they wish it to be.

Power Thought:World peace begins inside me,We work for God. She's a tough boss, and the pay isn't always that good, but the rewards are there

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 5th day of the month are ruled by the number 5. and by the speedy planet Mercury which represents quickness of thought and change. Since Venus rules Libra, a Mercury- Venus connection lends charm and social magnetism to October 5 people, but also a tendency toward elitism and opportunism. Due to Mercury's influence. October 5 people may like to change their involvement in certain social activities with great regularity. Whatever knocks or pitfalls those ruled by the number 5 encounter, they usually recover quickly, and in the case of October 5 people this may mean discovering new friends and lovers on those occasions in life when they are rejected.

October 5th Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant. an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight; unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Keep your cool)If you keep your cool when things aren’t going well you allow others to see that you are at ease with yourself and your limitations. This inspires others to believe in you and offer you opportunities.

Love Warm hearted

You’re drawn to people born on May 21 to June 20:You both love your freedom yet have a need for security; this can create a passionate and fulfilling union.

People born on October 5 are warm-hearted, sensual and supportive partners, but their devotion to good deeds can make their partner feel neglected at times. They don’t tend to have problems attracting friends and admirers. When they fall in love they fall in love deeply but may have to be careful of being involved in destructive power games.

Health Emotional balance

People born on this day have sharp minds and are capable and focused in their professional life. When it comes to matters concerning their own health and well-being, however, they can be surprisingly neglectful. They need to make sure that their emotional and physical health is not sacrificed for the sake of others because until they can look after themselves properly they will not be able to help others effectively. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they eat regular meals and snacks to keep their energy levels consistent; increasing their intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables will improve their digestive health. Hay fever or asthma could be a problem, especially during summer time, and they should avoid strenuous exercise during this season. Moderate to mild exercise is, however, highly recommended, particularly walking, swimming and cycling. Carrying a malachite crystal around with them will bring a sense of emotional calm and ease, and wearing the color green will encourage them to keep a sense of balance and perspective.

Those born on October 5 must beware of neglecting their health. Regular checkups with a family physician are recommended. The tendency of October 5 people to sacrifice themselves to a cause or live for others may impact first on their physical health but in the long run can also cause psychological fmstrations due to suppression of personal needs. Socially oriented dependencies like smoking, as well as drinking alcohol and coffee, must be kept under control or even ultimately eliminated if they cause physical problems. Team sports and walking are recommended for exercise.

Career Born humanitarians

These people make successful social campaigners and charity workers and they may also excel in careers where they can give much of themselves to a vocation, such as acting, dance, art, music, or entertainment. They may also work for humanitarian causes or groups, or devote themselves to a career in politics or social reform.

Destiny To devote themselves to a cause they believe in

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to keep a sense of balance between their personal and their altruistic needs. Once they have set themselves clear boundaries and goals, their destiny is to redress perceived injustices and devote themselves to a cause they believe in.

Don't get SO carried away with yourself. Remember to tune in and ask for spiritual advice taquently.Keep your small daily tasks in mind. Don't stumble over the stone at your feet while you eye the distant mountain.

Celebrities Born On October 5th

Kate Winslet(British actress), Karen Allen(American actress), Clive Barker(British writer and director),

Waclaw Havel (Czech president. playwright), Denis Diderot (French c. philosopher, Encyclopedia editor), Philip Berrigan (Roman Catholic pacifist "^ Driest, antiwar activist), Chester ] A. Arthur (US president, lawyer, argued case on behalf of fugitive slaves, supported civil service reform), Louis Lumiere (French chemist, movie camera, projector inventor [with brother Auguste], pioneer filmmaker, "father of French cinema"), Bob Geldof (British rock musician, actor, Live Aid benefit organizer, autobiography: Is That It7 ), Horace Walpole (Earl of Orford, man of letters), Mario Lemieux (Penguins hockey center, 3x NHL sconng leader, led Pittsburgh to two straight Stanley Cups), Donald Pleasance (British film actor), Steve Miller (singer, songwriter). Chevalier D'Eon (French spy, masqueraded as a woman), Richard Gordon (US astronaut), Glynis Johns (South Afncan-bom film actress), Michael Andretti (auto racer, CART national champion, single-season record holder for wins), Elda Anderson (Los Alamos A-bomb worker, health physicist, radiation protection advocate, died from leukemia), Barry Switzer (Oklahoma football coach, three national titles), Ramaswamy Cho (Indian journalist, playwright, lawyer), T.P. O'Connor (Irish Member of Parliament), Max Ackermann (German painter, lithographer), Frank Francis (British Museum head librarian)

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