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October 5th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 05, 2024

Someday you may be able to stand on the moon, look down through a quarter of a million miles of space and say, ‘There certainly is a beautiful earth out tonight’ So lets save our lovely world from pollution.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 5, 6

October 5th Birthday Love Astrology

Always in a muddle, October 5 usually can't find her keys. This clever, loving creature was born to be happy and often is, between worrying and losing things. At work both sexes can rise high which is a help because then a secretary runs their diary and finds their wallet. The mind is sharp, the recall for figures or a phrase said at a crucial meeting last year, perfect. They have excellent ideas by the hundred-fold. And they're so deliciously charming it seems to others that they are dusted all over with chocolate milk flake.

But ask them to get an aspirin out of a child-proof bottle and they waü with terror. They can't remember anybody's name and they can't work the video. Nor can they change a plug, work the washing machine or find the lever in their car which undoes the bonnet. Yet when somebody is in trouble, both sexes are firmly reliable and can think up brilliant schemes to help out. Generosity is so much part of their nature that friends in need have to positively chuck the money back.

Utterly impractical male October 5s make loving husbands if they can find their way to the church and haven't forgotten the wedding ring. Although when it comes to their own children, these men suddenly become sensible and handy. Miss Flapper October 5 may do extremely well at work and is often the breadwinner, so it doesn't matter that she always pushes a door when it says ‘pull'.

Many will become successful in some creative area, although surprisingly they can be brilliant at budget keeping and making money. Some feel so upset by other people's reactions that they put themselves out to be more practical and capable. But they are really happiest in a situation where they provide the flair, the flowers, the laughter, even the money to live on, while somebody else switches things on and does the bottle opening.

In Love

Yours is an easygoing, flirtatious manner that relates to everyone and allows each to feel like the center of your world. A loving relationship gives you a sense of completeness; you prefer being half a couple to living life alone.

Still, you’re unlike other Libras because a committed union is not the be-all and end-all of your existence. Nevertheless, your romantic idealism makes it easy for you to fall “in love with love.” When this happens, you become disillusioned if the reality doesn’t live up to your fantasy of the perfect union.

In Bed

You actually seem to prefer romantic rituals of love to the unbridled passion of earthy sexual encounters. You’re ardent and loving, yet always in control.

You’re quite capable of putting your own sexual needs on hold in order to accommodate your lover. Your seduction techniques may be laid back, but they are determined. You simply prefer allurement to blatant pursuit. And with Venus, the planet of love, as your Sun sign ruler, you’ll surely catch your man or woman.


People born today may suffer from a variety of summertime hayfever. Quite often its caused by photochemical smog, a complex mixture of pollutants, which can form in hot sunny weather. It is caused by the action of sunlight on certain gases of which motor vehicles are the main, but not the only source and can contain pollutants blown over from elsewhere in Europe. What to do? Avoid strenuous exercise at this time. Children with asthma should be able to take part in games, but they may need to increase the use of reliever medicines before participating. Don't light bonfires and avoid using a bicycle.


The setting has to be just right, and nothing that is cheap or tacky can do it for you. Your good taste and refined sensibilities respond a lot more readily in romantic, tranquil, harmonious surroundings. Soft music, fresh flower arrangements, sensual perfume, and silken fabrics can all serve as seductive additions to your private love nest.


Someday you may be able to stand on the moon, look down through a quarter of a million miles of space and say, ‘There certainly is a beautiful earth out tonight’ So lets save our lovely world from pollution.

Reality Check

You abhor direct confrontation. Libra’s pacific temperament inclines toward

“peace at any price.” In a romantic relationship, your aversion to quarreling can keep you from dealing with important problems. Your reaction to trouble is to smooth things over with charm and diplomacy. If the diplomatic solution doesn’t work, you may prefer walking away to subjecting yourself to the disagreeable prospect of living in a war zone.

October 5 Date Share

Louis Lumière, French chemist, movie camera projector inventor. Bob Geldof, rock musician, actor Live Aid benefit organiser, autobiography Is That It?. Horace Walpoh, historian, novelist Donald Pleasance, comedian, film actor. Steve Miller, singer songwriter. Glynis Johns, star of Mary Poppins and many others. TP O'Connor, Irish Member of Parliament Vaclav Havel, Czech president, writer. Denis Diderot, French 18th century philosopher.

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