October 6th Romantic Adventurer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 06, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being realistic

☆The way forward is to understand that optimism can be as damaging as negativity, because there is good and bad in every situation and person.

The Birthday Of The Romantic Adventurer, The Day Of The Good Life

October 6th Romantic Adventurer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 6th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable numbers: 6, 7

Lucky day: Friday, especially when it falls on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, pink, blue

Birthstone: Opal

People born on October 6 live each day as if it were the last. As a result they are one of the most alive and spontaneous individuals of the year. Every day for them is an adventure and an opportunity to fall in love with anyone or anything.

Romantic adventurers at heart, these people are driven by an irresistible urge to savor as many stimulations and sensations as life has to offer. They adore novelty and will waste no time in gathering as much information as possible before moving on to the next big adventure. Although their need to be stimulated is strong, they are not selfish people because their need to identify with and help others by means of their discoveries is equally strong.

After the age of seventeen they will reach a turning point in their lives, finding a growing need for emotional intensity, personal power and transformation. During this time there will be many opportunities for them to deepen their emotional commitment to others and they need to take advantage of these. This is because although they are often highly valued by their friends as a delight to have around, others may grow tired of their endless optimism and seeming inability to take into account the darker, more complex and deeper aspects of life. It is almost as if a part of them is like the romantic star of a story, with their character lacking depth and definition. However, once they start to understand that life cannot always be sunshine and roses and that suffering—however distressing—is essential to psychological growth, their life will become infinitely more exciting and rewarding.

After the age of forty-seven people born on this day are likely to become more freedom loving and willing to take risks emotionally and professionally; there may be opportunities for them to expand their minds and lives by traveling or studying. Whatever age they are, however, their versatile, energetic and inspirational contribution to the world draws luck and success to them, exerting a magnetic attraction on those around them.

☆ On the dark side:Unreliable, superficial, sensationalist

☆ At your best:Adventurous, energetic, spontaneous

Those born on October 6 generally have a desire to improve the lives of those around them, either through their precepts or their deeds. However, it is usually not on a daily work level that those born on this day contribute; they are not, as they see it, public servants. It is more their enjoyment of what they do, their love of fun and their desire that the quality7 of life and its standards should be improved that is the motivation for their contribution.

October 6 people like to live to the fullest. For them life is an adventure, and mundane dullness their enemy. Thus they try to simplify those daily tasks, which to them may be a tiresome, albeit necessary, use of energy7 . This way, more time can be spent on recreation and engaging in exciting endeavors. October 6 people run the risk of becoming sensationalists, and of demanding more and more thrills from experience.

Women born on October 6 will give all for love. They will not let marriage or any other social institution stand between them and their romantic ideals. In this respect they are amoral and can flaunt their feelings in quite a shamelessly uninhibited fashion. Men born on this dayare less romantic in love matters and more attracted to the romance of adventure, exploration and physical danger.

October 6 people are most often highly prized as friends, not because of their supportive qualities or their loyalty but simply because they are fun to be around. They are able to impart a light-hearted spirit to any social gathering and prefer to be right at the center of attention themselves.

They are delighted by adoration and feed off of the energy of an audience.

Though October 6 people have an undeniable talent for entertaining their friends, family and colleagues, and their bright, positive orientation generally acts as a tonic on others, after some time this affect can get stale, even depressing. It sometimes seems as if those born on this day are acting out of some compulsion to negate the seriousness and deeper meaning of life.

Less highly evolved October 6 people can get so carried away with enjoyment and a kind of polyanna attitude that they risk losing what they have in this world.

Most October 6 people, however, are reasonably optimistic. Though they have a cheerful outlook, there is an underlying hard side to their character that allows them to weigh the consequences of what they do and the prospects for success. Indeed, some born on this day have what amounts to a ruthless streak when it comes to getting their own way.

October 6 people like the efficiency of modern conveniences but at the same time are traditionalists in their interests and tastes. Indeed, they know how to put together an elegant and enjoyable lifestyle. They must, however, beware of growing too attached to comfort or luxury.

Power Thought:Every conflict is an opportunity for me to become more of who I am,In order to taste fully the joys of life,one must have suffered as well

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 6th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 and by the planet Venus. Often romantic love becomes the dominant theme in the lives of those ruled by the number 6. doubly underlined for October 6 people by Venus's rulership of their sign. Libra. Because those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting both sympathy and admiration, and since Venus (ruler of Libra) is strongly connected with social interaction, it will often be a struggle for October 6 people to both discipline themselves and insist that others allow them the privacy and seclusion that they need.

October 6th Birthday Tarot Card

The 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, it suggests a propensity for unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

☆Luck maker:(Show others your fire)Don’t be afraid to dig your heels in or fight for something if the situation demands it. Showing others that you are passionate about what you want can be a good-luck strategy.

Love Unpredictable

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You both have in excess what the other lacks, and this can be a passionate and intense relationship.

People born on October 6 can be wonderfully unpredictable when it comes to friends and relationships. For example, they may not turn up when they said they would but will then show up unexpectedly, much to the delight and surprise of others. Having said that, when they are in a close relationship they can be loving and loyal partners, as long as their partner understands that nothing will be predictable in their daily routine.

Health Latent creativity

People born on this day place a high priority on having fun, and although their refreshingly upbeat approach is commendable, they need to make sure their sensation-seeking nature does not become over-indulgent. As far as diet is concerned, they are often wonderful cooks and their love of variety will ensure that they get plenty of nutrients in their diet, but they need to steer clear of heavy and exotic foods, especially those rich in saturated fat. Surprisingly, for people who are so in love with life, there is a tendency to be prone to eating disorders or body-image problems. Counseling or therapy may help them deal with this, as will writing down and interpreting their dreams. Regular moderate exercise is recommended, as are mind-body therapies such as yoga or meditation. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color violet will encourage them to explore all aspects of their latent creativity.

Those bom on October 6 must beware of all forms of excess. Although having fun can have a positive effect on their psyche, they tend to go overboard by binging and generally neglecting their physical health. In being attracted to thrills and danger, they may be like the proverbial moth that seeks out the candle's flame. Also, because of their carefree attitude, they can lack the inner reserves to meet tragedy when it arises in their lives or to give much needed compassion and sympathy to others at a deep level

Career Born educators

These people have pioneering potential and may be drawn toward the engineering, building or scientific realms, but the worlds of art, fashion, beauty, catering, cooking, and design also offer them wonderful opportunities to express themselves. Other career options include theater, writing, music, dance, promotion, production, education, and politics.

Destiny To make an inspirational contribution to the world

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that suffering is essential for psychological growth. Once they have been able to acknowledge the darker side of life, their destiny is to make an inspirational contribution to the world.

You have to recognize and come to know your dark side also. Don't be afraid to grieve if you feel the need to. Endless optimism can be a downer, and downright depressing. Don't overlook the minutiae of daily existence: they are important, too.

Celebrities Born On October 6th

Carole Lombard(American actress), Ioan Gruffudd(Welsh actor), Britt Ekland(Swedish actress and singer),

Le Corbusier (Swiss master architect, painter, writer), George Westinghouse (engineer, manufacturer, Westinghouse Corporation founder), Florence B. Seibert (biochemist, tuberculosis test inventor), Robert Mann (director Harvard-MIT rehabilitative engineering center, biomedical professor, inventor, synovial joint biomechanics to missile research), Jenny Lind (19* c. soprano, "The Swedish Nightingale," sensational American tour promoted by P.T. Bamum), Helen Wills Moody (tennis player, 8x Wimbledon, 7x US, 4x French Open winner), Hafez al- Assad (Syrian president), Thor Heyerdahl (Norwegian adventurer, sailed raft across Pacific and Atlantic, writer, Kon Tiki), Carole Lombard (film actress, married Clark Gable, died in plane crash at age thirty-three), Edwin Fischer (German pianist), Paul Badura-Skoda (Austrian pianist), Edgar Young (travel writer), Klaus Dibiasi (Italian gold medal-winning platform diver in three consecutive Olympics), Janet Gaynor (film actress), Britt Ekland (Swedish film act' Louis Philippe (French king), Edward V (British 16th c. king). Richard Dyer Bennet (British folksinger, troubadour, guitarist, lutenist, songwriter), Charles Lapicque (French painter, optical scientist), John Key (Caius College Cambridge founder)

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