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October 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 06, 2024

Life is a series of discoveries and collisions with the future. It's not a resume of what has gone before, or that's not the bit that interests us. What excites us is that which is to come.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 6, 7

October 6th Birthday Love Astrology

All October 6 people have a talent for harmonious surroundings. The strong artistic eye means that most are aware of the psycheological effects of colour from a very young age and every place they inhabit will benefit. The proper colours for each star sign are: Aries - white, Taurus- yellow, Gemini - red, Cancer - emerald green, Leo - golden yellow, Virgo - pale blue, Libra - violet, Scorpio - russet brown, Sagittarius - orange, Capricorn - brown, Aquarius - dark blue, Pisces - white.

Ancient law says Librettos, violet, are not best mated with white, Aries and Pisces. Brilliant red Gemini is best, although sensual October 6 gets on with most people.

Because colour matters, they have strong views on the right shade to wear and decorate with. This is a date which makes a career out of designing places for people to work, worship and live in.

Most Librans will not choose to surround themselves with white, to them a negative. Ruled by Venus, this individual's psycheology is healthy, orange, passionate, pink and violet, but with a balanced sense of dignity and harmony, purple. And then there is a lot of frivolity, a sudden tendency to burst into song and dance routines, very engagingly, yellow.

This is only the basic palette for October 6. In general he or she will paint rooms to live in with soft browny pinks, a range of yellows and lilac through lavender. If it's a workplace, then conservative individuals may choose steely blue for endeavour and dark green for virility. But the jollier ones will go for orange, the colour of intelligence, yellow again for high spirits and lighter shades of turquoise/green for brilliance and candour.

It even affects the food they eat and how it's presented. Most people born on this day are ravishing cooks, their menu plans an unrivalled Libretto for the universe's musical stars to accompany with their Pythagorian tetrachords, sounds which engender the harmony of our world.

In Love

People born on this day don’t like spending time alone, so relationships usually play a huge part in their lives. Your amiable nature, genial disposition, and willingness to compromise make you particularly easy to get along with.

Because you thrive on the affection and approbation of your significant other, a failed or broken romance could upset you to the point of actually making you ill. Nevertheless, if an intimate union should get really unpleasant, you might not hang around to try and fix it. Instead you may take off in search of more congenial company and surroundings.

In Bed

A natural-born romantic, you are exceedingly idealistic in the boudoir and out. Your approach to lovemaking is laid-back and alluring. Ambiance and mood are as important to you as sexual technique. You appreciate the rituals of courtship and like being wooed with finesse and sophistication.

Affectionate gestures and loving words draw out your hidden passions and get your juices flowing. Although you enjoy being the object of your lover’s attention, you are concerned about gratifying his or her physical desires as well.


Some people seem to be born to fat families, families who divorce, or live unhappy lives. Others seem to bloom as they go along. Research shows that children of divorced couples are more likely to end up divorced themselves, and furthermore tend not to remarry. Negative effects may be due to low expectation of success and hence low commitment. The same goes for eating disorders. Children see parents with a problem and themselves develop an unbalanced approach to food. Not that you should always be blaming your mum and dad. There's such a thing as free will, after all.


Perhaps you have a favorite fantasy involving romantic courtship, with a perfect lover who sweeps you off to an exotic destination in order to please and adore you. While this scenario may be a bit far fetched, a special night of lovemaking, in a romantic setting with moonlight and whispered words of love and admiration, can be a genuine turn-on.


Life is a series of discoveries and collisions with the future. It's not a resume of what has gone before, or that's not the bit that interests us. What excites us is that which is to come.

Reality Check

Although you love debates and discussions, you dislike quarrelling and will rarely be caught displaying anger in an overt fashion. With your amazing powers of persuasion, you don’t need to resort to shouting to win an argument. Instead you employ diplomacy, charm, and charisma to get others to see things your way.

October 6 Date Share

Thor Heyerdahl, Norwegian adventurer who sailed the Kon-Tiki raft across the Pacific and Atlantic. Carole Lombard, film star married to Clark Gable, died in an air crash aged 33. Janet Gaynor, film star. Britt Ekland, Swedish film star, married to British comedian Peter Sellers. Le Corbusier, Swiss master architect. Helen Moody, eight-times Wimbledon champ.

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