October 7th Acquired Taste Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 07, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is surrendering your stubbornness

☆The way forward is to understand that stubbornness is very different from conviction; conviction is defending your principles, stubbornness is obstinately refusing to see another person’s point of view.

The Birthday Of Acquired Taste, The Day Of Defiance

October 7th Acquired Taste Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 7th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 7, 8

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, ocean blue, green

Birthstone: Opal

October 7 people tend to be energetic and strong-minded individuals. They often have a reputation for speaking with deep-seated certainty and commitment to their set of beliefs. Indeed, reactions to them can be extreme—others either love them or hate them—but whether people agree or disagree with them they rarely fail to be impressed by their determination and strong will.

Although they could be described as an acquired taste, these people are rarely concerned about their impact on others since they believe that progress or improvements can’t be made without someone rocking the boat or challenging the status quo. They would certainly prefer to win followers rather than enemies, but so strong is their belief in their ideals and their urge to pioneer progress that they have all the courage necessary to survive any opposition or criticism along the way.

From the age of sixteen there is a turning point for people born on this day that emphasizes for the next thirty years of their lives a growing need for emotional change, power and regeneration. During these years the key to their success is their ability to unite their ambition and drive with their awareness of the importance of diplomacy and cooperation. Another turning point occurs at the age of forty-six when they are likely to become more idealistic and optimistic, perhaps wishing to take more risks in their life or challenge their mind through study, travel or retraining. Whatever age they are, they need to keep their minds open, their rebelliousness under control and, most importantly, they need to understand that their way is not the only way.

Above all, people born on this day are strong-minded individuals. Once they are able to internalize their tremendous will-power so that it can improve their focus and effectiveness, rather than externalizing it in confrontational behavior, they have the potential to be among the world’s truly brilliant innovators.

☆ On the dark side:Stubborn, isolated, blinkered

☆ At your best:Committed, resilient, fascinating

Those born on October 7 have a strongly rebellious streak which surfaces sooner or later in their lives. Those born on this day are strongly convinced of their own belief system which more often than not is in direct conflict with the mores of the society or in which they live. Their need to protest is often accompanied by a wish to change things positively, as they see it. Consequently, they often seek to attain a commanding position giving them the authority to effect such changes. Those born on this day are in fact rarely ambitious for personal reasons, but rather want to acquire power to further their social ideals.

The critical nature of October 7 people (being against, anti-, protesting, etc.) is not always immediately evident on first meeting due to their often charming manner. They may seem to be living at the center of their own personal drama. However in a short time their piercing and insightful views become apparent. Usually they do not mince words on any subject, saying straight out what they think, but often with a large dose of humor and some degree of tact. They have a good insight into the workings of the human mind and therefore quickly size up the personal psychology of the individual they are dealing with at any given moment. Most often, those born on this day do not waste time trying to legitimize their behavior but simply go ahead and act as they see most appropriate.

October 7 people, then, are very strong-minded. Problems can arise when those born on this day become part of an organization. Though the group may in general embody the ideals they themselves support, October 7 people must nonetheless define the role they must play within that organization. As their own principles and politics can be in a process of evolution, questions concerning leadership, cooperation and loyalty can become quite pressing concerns.

Another conflict in the October 7 character is between moral and immoral behavior. Those born on this day are not amoral people, for when they sin they usually do so with a full sense of what they are doing. But in their world of changing mores, they may not always have a firm idea of what they themselves consider wrong and right. Therefore, they must avoid glorifying their rebelliousness while condemning those who uphold the status quo, as they may come to better understand the other side's point of view at a later date.

October 7 people may well say they only wish to be left alone. Yet as solitary as they see themselves and perhaps wish to be, their fate seems to be thrown in again and again with their fellow human beings. But because they are often considered mavericks by others, they may be unfairly excluded by the more conventional in society. Therefore, those born on this day must try to broaden their base of social contact by actively seeking out not only those whom they respect but also those with whom they can share warmth and intimacy.

Power Thought:What I don’t want to change is probably what I need to change the most,Like a baby, the conscious mind must sometimes be put to sleep during waking hours

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 7th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 and by the watery planet Neptune. Because Neptune rules visions, dreams and psychic phenomena, October 7 people are prone to these unstable influences. Combined with venusian energy (Venus rules Libra), neptunian tendencies can make October 7 people magnetic but also highly impressionable, and possibly a bit out of touch with reality. Therefore, those born on this day should be wary of most psychic and occult activities. Those ruled by the number 7 typically enjoy change and travel; this complements the October 7 desire to realize fantasy.

October 7th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which depicts a triumphant man moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Walk in someone else’s shoes)Take a look at the world from the point of you of someone you think of as different. Lucky people understand that, however strong their convictions, there are always different viewpoints to consider.

Love Powerful and intelligent

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:Although there is a tendency for you both to be indecisive, you have much to learn from each other.

People born on October 7 are not people pleasers but they do have a lot of grace and charm. They may often feel that they want to be on their own but it is important for them to seek out the company of those who can offer a sense of security and acceptance. They are drawn to powerful, intelligent people like themselves, and can be a loyal and stimulating partner.

Health Stable lifestyle recommended

People born on this day may find it hard to stick to a stable diet or exercise routine if they don’t see results immediately. It’s important for them to understand that they need to keep trying. They can be prone to comfort eating, and regular meals and snacks will help them deal with food cravings, as will spending more time with friends and loved ones. As far as exercise is concerned, moderate to vigorous activities are recommended, such as jogging, dancing and team sports, because they can help them release pent-up tension and aggression. Back and kidney problems as well as bladder infections may be a chronic problem, while headaches and digestive problems could flare up during times of stress. The key to their health is to avoid isolation from friends and loved ones, and to establish stable dietary, exercise and sleep patterns. A relaxing rose or jasmine oil aromatherapy bath works well as an anti-depressant, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be more open-minded.

Those born on October 7 may have difficulty functioning well day to day, over the long haul. This can be due to frustration or hidden anger that can ultimately produce anxiety and depression. October 7 people must be particularly careful of feeling threatened and lashing out in a preventive strike, a kind of "get them before they get me" attitude. Stable patterns of diet and sleep of course can have a calming effect and should be given top priority. October 7 people should also avoid overly yang or yin foods, e.g.. red meat on the one hand and sugar on the other. Moderate physical exercise is recommended.

Career Born promoters

People born on this day may choose to work independently or they may prefer to be of service to others as an agent, spokesperson or promoter. They also have a gift for music, art and writing; journalism might be a meaningful occupation for them, as might education, lecturing, publishing, advertising, counseling, negotiation, business, and financial advice.

Destiny To set into motion the advances they believe in

The life path of people born on this day is to open their minds to alternative viewpoints. Once they have rediscovered their curiosity, their destiny is to set into motion the advances they believe in and to move others with their strong sense of commitment.

Deal with authority problems: improving your relationship with your parents. Be more trusting of those who merit your taist. Stick up for yourself—don't be a football. On the other hand. keep your rebelliousness under control. Balance is the key

Celebrities Born On October 7th

Simon Cowell(British TV presenter and entrepreneur), Thom Yorke(British singer), John Mellencamp(American singer-songwriter),

Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize-winning South African archbishop, anti-apartheid activist), Elijah Muhammad (Black Muslim leader), R.D. Laing (British rebel psychiatrist counter-culture figure, writer, The Politics of Experience), Heinrich Himmler (Nazi SS head, mass murderer, suicide), Oliver North (US war hero, investigated National Security Council figure, senatorial candidate), Ulrike Meinhof (German terrorist, Red Army faction), Yo Yo Ma (Chinese- American cellist), Henry A. Wallace (US vice president, WWII), Niels Bohr (Danish Nobel Pnze-winning nuclear physicist, atomic structure, radiation), Joe Jones (jazz drummer, Basie band), Amin Baraka (formerly LeRoi Jones, jazz writer, poet, playwright), John Cougar Mellencamp (singer, songwriter), Helen Maclnness (spy novelist, The Salzburg Connection), Clive James (Australian BBC TV presenter, writer, novelist, The Remake), June Allyson (film actress), Alfred Drake (British musical comedy star), James Whitcomb Riley (19 Indiana poet, self-taught sign painter, mimic), W.W. Rostow (economist, syndicated New York Times journalist). Jean- Paul Riopelle (Canadian painter, sculptor, lithographer, auto racer)

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