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October 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 07, 2024

In Tarot, the 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, a triumphant man. It tells you to continue trying, no matter howdiscouraged you may feel, because it's always in the trying that success comes.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 7, 8

October 7th Birthday Love Astrology

This little piglet went to market, which is a pity because if it had stayed at home there would have been enough money to eat roast beef. As it is, there isn't any left and when October 7 discovers that his credit card has been cancelled he'll run screaming all the way home. He never looks to the pennies and so the pounds don't take care of themselves.

This is a lucky money date as far as acquisition is concerned. They work hard to get or win it. But they never make cost and expense correlate. Maybe Good Fairy Fortune muddled her spells, giving fortune and profligacy in equal measure instead of the less problematical ‘pleasure in spending’.

Flaring, meteor-brilliant October 7 must meet a nice, self-controlled Taurus or Aquarius, with a talent for helping money grow. If somebody else controls the purse strings then all will be well. This creative person can get on and be brilliant untrammelled by finance.

So what is the psycheological streak that gives him such a hard time? Perhaps it's that common Libran duality, where acumen is combined with daffiness. Or maybe our star finds some parts of the universe too frightening to traverse. Both sexes are dreamers, multicoloured rainbowettes, can't stick around in bright light but need to bowette out and find a shadier place. And of course the pot of gold at their finger tips magically disappears before it gets to the bank.

The women don't understand that charge cards equal real money. If a builder comes round October 7 has to be tied hand and foot to stop her asking for one or two little, three or four, extra bits here and here and here. Builders are always so obliging and you forget you have to pay. The men can't open bills. They think loan sharks are magicians who find gold coins behind people's ears. But they make great and often grateful lovers.

In Love

You don’t feel complete without a loving relationship, yet you need to be comfortable and in control before you commit yourself. Moreover, your desire for intellectual companionship is as strong as your desire for affection.

Although you want to be loved and cherished, you need a partner who understands your occasional moodiness and desire for periods of seclusion.

Because you’re more solitary than other Libra natives, there are times when you feel misunderstood. With Mr. or Ms. Right you are a caring, loyal romantic partner. However, you would rather be totally on your own than with the wrong person.

In Bed

Loving, romantic, and sensitive to the feelings of others, you make a generous, thoughtful lover. Even though you’re not the lustiest of bedmates, you always seem to know what your partner wants, and you’re more than happy to provide it. However, you also expect to receive a similar amount of loving consideration in return. Balance is truly important to you, and you yearn for an intimate relationship with just the right degree of give and take.


What you need is a little inexpensive pleasure for a change and a chance to calm down. Try this feelgood hath, which, it is claimed, has aphrodisiac properties. Take 6 drops myrtle for a full bath. Swirl the water with your hand to distribute the oil through the water. Then use 2 drops lavender, 2 drops bergamot, 2 drops neroli and 1 drop geranium. While you are bathing, it might be a good idea to use an oil burner in order to ensure that the bathroom and the rest of the house smells as sweet as you will soon be.


Your artistic temperament and appreciation for beauty and harmony make you particularly susceptible to the various accoutrements of romance. You don’t care overly much for spontaneity. You prefer a carefully planned and perfectly arranged setting for lovemaking. Music, candlelight, perfume, silky sheets, and filmy nightwear turn you on.


In Tarot, the 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, a triumphant man. It tells you to continue trying, no matter howdiscouraged you may feel, because it's always in the trying that success comes.

Reality Check

Self-confidence and a positive mind-set cause you to seek the best that life has to offer, and you usually find it. Adverse conditions rarely get you down because you have great faith in your ability to achieve your goals. Your Libran charm attracts friends and suitors alike. Although you can be indecisive in your own life, you are good at taking charge and coping with other people and their problems.

October 7 Date Share

Died: Mario Lanza, singer, film star. Born: R D Laing, psychiatrist and guru, believed that mental illness was a gift of perception. Heinrich Himmler, Nazi SS chief, believed in master race, mass murderer. Amin Baraka, formerly LeRoi Jones, jazz writer, poet, playwright, dive James, Australian big man, wit, broadcaster, writer. June Allyson, film star. Alfred Drake, comic. Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize-winning South African religious leader.

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