October 8th Free Spirit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is keeping your feet on the ground

☆The way forward is to understand that when your soaring visions don’t take reality into account, they can isolate you from the very people you seek to inspire.

The Birthday Of The Free Spirit, The Day Of High Romance

October 8th Free Spirit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 8, 9

Lucky days: Friday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, olive green, brown

Birthstone: Opal

From an early age, people born on October 8 may have felt a need to fly beyond the realms of existing knowledge. Their imagination is so creative that others may have regarded them as either highly original or slightly weird. But even those who find it hard to relate to or understand their wild creativity will be forced to admit that they are secretly envious of their ability to somehow disengage from the routine aspects of daily life.

These people may appear flighty and inconsistent because they are easily distracted and don’t always show much common sense, but they have a powerful intellect and incredible insight into what motivates others. Unfortunately, that insight somehow doesn’t always include an understanding of themselves and, because they have such an experimental approach to life, they can hop from one person or experience to another forever searching for excitement, freedom and inspiration. Although this makes them rather interesting and magnetic people, until they are able to understand why they find it hard to commit or face the realities of life they will feel restless and unsatisfied.

Before the age of forty-five these people will be presented with opportunities to discover more about themselves and what it is they actually want from life. Key to their personal and professional success during this period will be their ability to inject a heavy dose of discipline into their lives. After the age of forty-six there is a turning point which puts the emphasis on freedom and a desire to expand their horizons and take more risks. It is very important in the years that follow that they discover within themselves the adventure and excitement they crave, rather than relying on constant change to keep themselves from becoming bored.

With their active imagination, excellent communication skills and love of life they will often find themselves at the forefront of new ideas and trends. But only when they are able to unite their powerful emotions with a degree of will-power can they fulfill their destiny as a dynamic force for progress.

☆ On the dark side:Easily distracted, lightweight, eccentric

☆ At your best:Imaginative, exciting, visionary

For those born on October 8, life is a fabulous romantic adventure. They will give all for love, elevating it to a high plane, or they will have none of it. But it is not only the area of love to which their romantic feelings apply. Their souls can soar from the wonders of nature to the mysteries of outer space, from the movements of the sea to the rotation of the planets themselves. Those born on this day often have well-developed intellects also, and are particularly sharp in their perceptions of human psychology. Yet many October 8 people have little insight into their own personality. As they see it. they are simply attending to business, efficiently acting on what they have to do, while others stare in open-eyed amazement at their unusual antics.

Within their family or social group those born on this day are usually free spirits. For this reason, their common sense and judgment are not always trusted, particularly by those who think of themselves as highly practical. Yet October 8 people are good with money, able to run a family, responsible and conscientious in discharging their obligations—up to a point! For always the danger is present that they will be swept away to other worlds, sailing off into the beyond. Their experiential attitude to life recognizes few limitations and boundaries, and therefore they can get caught up in sheer sensationalism in a thirst for excitement.

It is not surprising that October 8 people can get themselves into all kinds of trouble, particularly in the emotional sphere. Their relationships are not only complex but also occasionally hazardous. They have a habit of getting involved with all manner of strange and sometimes questionable characters, but also, paradoxically, with people who are too nice and prove to be not at all right for them. Their interest in unusual people and fateful, even bizarre circumstances makes them prey to those who attempt to use them for selfish purposes. Yet somehow these brilliant October 8 butterflies always manage to escape their would-be captors and fly to yet another beautiful flower. They are deeply affected by their experiences, particularly feeling the grief and pain caused by separation from a loved one. but they are also indestructible, perhaps because of their ability to key in to the essence of things, to confront (or be forced to confront) them and emerge a wiser person. Thus those born on this day may read and think a great deal (and often do) but ultimately their wisdom is derived from life experience, which they value more highly than anything else.

October 8 people must never lose a sense of their origins. There is a definite danger of power-tripping attendant to this day, of either being carried away by authority or being tempted to climb social ladders that only lead to unhappiness. The happiness and stability of October 8 people is directly proportional to their ability to remain centered in their true self. Whatever dragons or monsters they encounter will have to be overcome, or perhaps transformed into companions and guides.

Power Thought:Every time I look within, I move closer to who I really am,Astrology is the psychology of the Universe

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ailed by the number 8 and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn carries a strong feeling of responsibility and an accompanying tendency toward caution, limitation and fatalism, the combined influence of this planet and Venus (Libra's niler) can trigger an October 8 person's darker, more depressed and discontented feelings toward relationships. Those ruled by the number 8 generally build their lives and careers slowly and carefully. Although they are most often quite warmhearted, those ruled by the number 8 can present a cool or detached exterior. Sometimes a Saturn-Venus connection can indicate childhood difficulties with the parent of the opposite sex.

October 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Learn to focus)Research has shown that a tendency to be disciplined, committed and patient has a positive effect on happiness. Lucky people understand that the ability to concentrate has magical, luck-making powers.

Love Social butterflies

You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both lovers of beauty with high ideals, and this can be a passionate and intense union.

People born on October 8 are often friendly, charming and gregarious individuals with an active social life. They tend to be drawn to unusual and creative people and should be careful that they don’t attract needy, manipulative types. Commitment could be a big problem, especially before the age of forty, but when they do find someone special to join them on their journey through life they can be incredibly loyal and supportive.

Health Keep your feet on the ground

People born on this day generally tend to be blessed with good health and, because their minds are so creative, they tend to cope well with the minor stresses of daily life by escaping to an imaginary world. However, they are not so well equipped to cope with the major stresses of life—such as the death of a loved one. Because they tend to run away from rather than confront their feelings, counseling can be beneficial at any stage in their lives, as can a course in basic meditation techniques. As far as diet is concerned, they should remember to eat regularly, as they have a tendency to get so absorbed in an experience that they lose all sense of time. Regular exercise is also highly recommended to help them get in touch with their bodies. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them to keep both feet on the ground.

Those born on October 8 will not have so many problems with their physical health as with their psychological health, particularly in relation to their emotional experiences. They are particularly prone to depression, and find it difficult to deal with grief, either attempting to ignore it or, conversely, allowing it to dominate their life. October 8 people are extremely complex emotionally, and therefore may find that psychological counseling can be helpful in keeping them on track. Aesthetic forms of physical exercise, particularly dancing, are recommended for October 8 people. Those born on this day must not put too much faith in extreme or unusual diets and instead should ground themselves with earthy foods such as grains, bread, stews and root vegetables

Career Born novelists

These people are highly creative and multi-talented, and could make their mark in many varied careers, such as business, science, sport, or technology. They may also want to put their creativity to good use in artistic careers or writing. Politics and social reform may also appeal, and a love of beauty could draw them to work in art galleries or antiques.

Destiny To inspire others with their idealism

The life path of people born on this day is to gain more insight into their own personality so that they can help themselves as well as others. Once they have learned to concentrate on and commit to a worthy cause, their destiny is to inspire others with their idealism and ability to transcend adverse circumstances.

Keep to your path and move steadily forward. Learn to deal with distractions; don't gel side tracked. Use your wisdom to help yourself as well as others Experiences are not only to be lived but learned from as well: beware of getting Stuck.

Celebrities Born On October 8th

Sigourney Weaver(American actress), Matt Damon(American actor), Chevy Chase(American actor and comedian),

Jesse Jackson (African-American political leader, Baptist clergyman, orator, Rainbow Coalition president, founder), Eddie Rickenbacker (top US WWI flying ace, auto racer, owner Indianapolis Speedway), Damon Runyan (wnter, journalist), Sigourney Weaver (film actress), Cesar Milstem (Bntish Nobel Prizewinning molecular biologist, antibody production), Matt Biondi (US Olympic eight gold medal-winning swimmer), Chewy Chase (comic TV, film actor), Klaus Kinski (Polish film actor), Billy Conn (world light-heavyweight champion boxer), Paul Hogan (Australian film actor, Crocodile Dundee), Rouben Mamoulian (theater, film director, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), Juan Peron (Argentinian dictator), Meyer Levin (writer, Compulsion), Bill Elliot (auto racer, 2x Daytona 500 winner, NASCAR champ), Pepper Adams (baritone saxop r (Japanese pnme r ter), Helgi Tomasson (ballet dancer). Ray Reardon (Welsh world snooker champion), Rona Barrett (Hollywood gossip columr Ernst Kretschmer (German psychiatrist, typologist)

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