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October 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 08, 2024

It's an easy stride from bossing friends and family to strangers. Best stop now, because this makes you seem foolish in the eyes of a world which doesn't care to be ordered about on its days off.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 8, 9

October 8th Birthday Love Astrology

October 8 has a magnetic personality and while this may be an advantage in work, it's pretty damn awful for the nearest and dearest at home. Intellectually and emotionally high powered, smooth of conversation, usually dripping with typically devastating Libran charm, this individual can't understand why the spouse, relatives and children don't jump to it just like the secretary and underlings do.

Quite often of course our would be and already established magnate works so late they aren't in the house very much, which is sadly a relief to everybody at home. Children sigh when they hear the key turn in the lock. They jump out of October 8's very own most comfortable armchair, pretend to be studying their homework, put away plates of chocolate biscuits and turn off the television. The harassed spouse is probably reloading the washing machine, having cleaned up the kitchen for the umpteenth time and observed how the spaghetti Bolognese sauce has cooled into congealed lumps of fat.

If the family doesn't do this, October 8 bursts in and says Turn the television down. What's this rubbish you're watching? This place is a mess. Why are you eating chocolate biscuits? You'll get fat/spotty.' First words to spouse usually are, ‘You're not still doing the washing/ironing are you?' and Tm completely exhausted.'

Both sexes' idea of conversation at dinner parties is to wait for a pause and then talk about themselves. Neither usually bothers with anybody who won't contribute to their career. Magnateic personalities think people who don't work are odd and most of their own employees must be pretty stupid or they wouldn't be doing their jobs. Newspaper editors are all like this. And some television producers, men and women who work in the city or run shopping chains. Explorers. Agents. Chefs. Politicians, both national and local. Tease them unmercifully and don't give in or this person's heart will freeze over with complacency.

In Love

Libra is a dual sign, and those born under its scales often have several distinctly different sides to their personalities. You may not admit it, but you really need love and companionship in your life. The problem is that although part of you longs to be loved, there is another side to your ambitious nature that is more interested in work and worldly success. Because you have difficulty expressing your feelings and emotions, you can appear somewhat cool and distant. However, with the right partner, you are generous, caring, protective, and capable of absolute loyalty and devotion.

In Bed

You’re a romantic idealist with high standards and rather lofty ideas about what an intimate union should be. However, when you find the person who suits you, you willingly dedicate yourself to his or her happiness.

Smoldering beneath your serious façade, there is an earthy sexuality just waiting to be released. Although your erotic feelings run hot and cold, when they’re hot, they really sizzle. During your wilder moments, you’ll pull out all the stops and give full expression to your physical desires.


This person has a vulnerable back, which may pull or hurt at any moment. Partly it's the physical tension, with maybe some weakness thrown in. It's vital to understand the back problem and learn to balance it, because October 8 often finds that medical people aren't much cop. Firstly, it's essential to have a flat, hard bed. Many choose a futon to sleep on, excellent for their back. If partners object to sleeping on the floor, tell them it's an earthier experience this way. Then it's important to have proper high-backed comfortable chairs, both at home and at work.


A well-orchestrated seduction goes a long way toward reviving you and making you forget about your job and all the stress it engenders. A sexy but elegant striptease or a sensuous massage with aromatic oils triggers a spark to inflame your lusty libido. Deep, enticing kisses or languid stroking with a feather raises your temperature to a fever pitch.


It's an easy stride from bossing friends and family to strangers. Best stop now, because this makes you seem foolish in the eyes of a world which doesn't care to be ordered about on its days off.

Reality Check

Outwardly you appear as relaxed and easygoing as any Venus-ruled native.

Yet a fierce determination lurks beneath the surface of your seemingly placid personality. You crave material success and recognition for your accomplishments. You’re shrewd and insightful, and unlike some Libra natives, you are willing to work extra hard to attain it.

October 8 Date Share

Damon Runyan, writer. Sigourney Weaver, film star. Chevy Chase, comic, TV, film actor. Klaus Kinski, Polish film star of enormous talent. Paul Hogan, leathery weather-beaten film star, Crocodile Dundee. Juan Peron, Eva's husband, Argentinian dictator. Ray Reardon, Welsh world snooker champion.

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