October 9th Psychologist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onOctober 09, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is tempering your eagerness to please

☆The way forward is to understand that people will respect you more not less if you develop your self-esteem.

The Birthday Of The Psychologist, The Day Of The Penetrating Gaze

October 9th Psychologist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of October 9th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner wisdom)

Favorable numbers: 1, 9

Lucky days: Friday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, scarlet, pink

Birthstone: Opal

Very little escapes the attention of people born on October 9. Acutely observant, they are fascinated by all aspects of human behavior and interaction. In addition, they are extremely perceptive individuals with the ability to spot weaknesses or failings in others; but because they are also extremely sensitive, their insights and imaginative solutions will not offend but inspire others.

As natural psychologists, these people are extremely inquisitive individuals. They are fascinated by everyone they meet and every new situation they are in; when this open-mindedness is combined with their intelligence and energetic style, it is small wonder they are often very popular. They have many talents and will probably experiment with several different professions before they settle into the kind of work which can utilize them all. Although it may take a while—and there may be lots of stops and starts professionally—they do tend to find their feet eventually. Their personal life may be quite a different story. This is because the perception and insight that are the trademarks of these people somehow do not translate into self-awareness.

Until the age of forty-four there is an emphasis on issues concerning change and the transformation of their personal motivation. These are the years when they are most likely to look outside of themselves for a sense of purpose and identity, perhaps in their career or in their relationships with others. These are also the years when their eagerness to please can overshadow their will-power; it is vital for them to listen to and trust their intuition, which more often that not has been right all along. After the age of forty-five there is a turning point where they are likely to become more adventurous and freedom loving, and their genuine enjoyment of life will shine through clearly.

If they have learned to stand up for themselves and their dreams, this is the period during which these intelligent, intuitive and highly imaginative dreamers will finally be able to turn their visions of progress and improvement into a reality.

☆ On the dark side:Passive, needy, jealous

☆ At your best:Imaginative, insightful, popular

Those born on October 9 have the ability to see into the lives and events of those around them with an accurate, critical eye. Yet they are primarily heart rather than head people, with an appreciation of human qualities that is very great. They themselves can be extremely attractive, exerting a strong magnetism on those they meet. Their intuition about others is often right on, but they may have a big blind spot when it comes to themselves, particularly when thrown off their balance in an emotional encounter.

In a sense everything is open to an October 9 person's view, so astute is their assessment of life around them. Yet, as mentioned, they can be very unrealistic about their own personal involvements, failing to see what is obvious to others. In this latter respect they are prone to be enthralled, confused, hurt or swept away by their emotions for one particular person. Later they may wake up to discover that deciding for this person was not at all correct, and that they have sacrificed some very valuable part of themselves in exchange for the love or affection granted them. Those born on this day can find themselves in a kind of Faustian contract not only in romantic matters but in other areas of life as well, where they sign away a measure of their personal control (not necessarily to the Devil, but perhaps to Ahriman who promises material comfort rather than Luciferian power).

Although October 9 people are highly sensitive and usually possess artistic potential, there is no denying their physical side. Sexual attraction is an important theme in their lives, sometimes complementing, at other times working against, their religious or spiritual side. Those born on this day are indeed multi-talented, and the varied facets of their character— mental (keen observation), verbal (articulate speech), spiritual (devotional belief) and physical (magnetic, sexual or sportive presence) can at times pull them in different directions, and must somehow be brought into harmony with each other. To complicate matters, men born on this day have a strongly developed anima (sensitive, receptive, female self) and women a strong animus (outgoing, aggressive, male self).

Those born on this day are often found in professions where they can make use of their knowledge of human psychology. They have a great talent for guiding others to their full potential and showing how goals may be attained. Extremely encouraging and positive to those they serve, October 9 people must learn to navigate their own course with comparable skill. Also they themselves must not be ashamed to ask for advice or help. Their blind spot concerning their behavior can be overcome with patience and inner work. Above all. those born on this day should beware of carrying around unhealed psychological and spiritual wounds, and in general procrastinating, i.e.. not listening to their inner voice and taking decisive action when circumstances cry out for it.

Power Thought:I see myself as talented and unique. I am proud of me,I saw a boat slowly cutting its way through a frozen river and at the same moment a friend said. "Love breaks the ice"

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 9th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g.. 5+9=l-t. 4+1=5 and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g.. 9x5= n. 4+5=9). and October 9 people are similarly influential. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, but for October 9 people who are ruled by Venus (Libra) there is also a dynamic female nature present. Such a Venus-Mars connection classically bestows magnetic sexual attraction.

October 9th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Tarot's Major Arcana is The Hermit, who walks earning a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and silence. The card signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their own path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness. purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. October 9 people can perhaps emulate the Hermit's capacity for positive self-examination.

☆Luck maker:(Trust your hunches)Your intuition is a gift that can bring you luck, success and happiness. You owe it to yourself to pay attention to it.

Love An open book

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You are very different but this creates an “opposites attract” scenario in which you can learn from each other.

People born on October 9 tend to wear their heart on their sleeve when they fall in love and they will give their body and soul to their partner. Although this means they can be supportive, romantic and passionate, it can also mean that they become jealous and controlling, or that they become too accommodating. Developing their identity outside their relationship—and allowing their partner to do the same—are therefore crucial.

Health Let go of grudges

Being able to forgive and let go of angry or negative thoughts promotes not just emotional but physical health. It is important for these people to avoid holding grudges because they are prone to bouts of jealousy, anger and insecurity. Listening to their intuition when things don’t go as planned will help them take the right action. It will also help them stand up for themselves when others try to take advantage of their giving nature. Positive thinking or assertiveness programs, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, will be extremely beneficial, as will yoga and meditation. As far as diet is concerned, they need to find out what kinds of food and drink suit them rather than allowing friends or partners to impose their diet regime. The same goes for exercise. Recreational drugs, alcohol and smoking should all be avoided, as there are addictive tendencies on this birthday. Wearing the color red will encourage them to be more assertive and have more self-belief.

Those born on October 9 must beware of depression, anger and bewilderment when things do not go as they expect. They have to learn to be tough, even ruthless sometimes, in dealing with powerful figures who would use them for their own selfish purposes. Those born on this day like things to go smoothly, and too often will sacrifice their true feelings and wishes for the sake of harmony. Positive spiritual, religious and assenivity training can be of help to some October 9 people. Those born on this day should follow their instincts in matters of diet and exercise. Both antidepressants and sedatives (uppers and downers) should be used with extreme care, and all forms of drug addiction carefully guarded against.

Career Born mentors

These people may choose to direct their energy toward helping others in mentoring roles such as teaching, psychiatry, social work, or even religious work, but whatever career they choose they will feel an urge to inform and inspire others. Other careers that might appeal include research, medicine, writing, music, art, sport, design, theater, and the performing arts.

Destiny To enlighten those around them

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to examine themselves with the same accuracy and insight with which they examine others. Once they have greater self-awareness, their destiny is to help and enlighten those around them.

Develop your willpower. Do not be so anxious to please. Take your blinders off and make some hard choices. Never sell your soul or throw away what is most valuable in yourself; you will be happiest when you guard your dreams.

Celebrities Born On October 9th

John Lennon(British member of The Beatles), P.J. Harvey(British singer-songwriter), David Cameron(British politician and former prime minister),

Miguel de Cervantes de Saavedra (Spanish writer, Don Quixote, Papal soldier in war with Turks, sailor, commander, wounded, sold as slave, wrote thirty plays), John Lennon (British singer, songwriter, The Beatles, shot to death at age forty), Camille Saint- Saens (French composer, pianist), Yusef Lateef (jazz tenor saxophonist, multireedist. composer), Abdullah Ibrahim ("Dollar Brand," South African jazz pianist, composer), Jackson Browne (singer, songwriter), Jacques Tati (French film actor, mime, director, Monsieur Hulot's Holiday), Steve Ovett (British Olympic gold medal-winning 800 meter runner), Aimee Semple McPherson (evangelisthealer, missionary, Angelus Temple), Alfred Dreyfus (controversial French-Jewish officer, stripped of rank for alleged treason), Charles X (last French Bourbon king), John Entwhistle (British rock musician, The Who), E. Howard Hunt (Watergate conspirator), Irmgaard Seefned (Austrian soprano), Jill Conway (historian, writer), William Edward Bok (Dutch-American Ladies Home Journal editor-in-chief, Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiography: The Americanization of Edward Bok). Harold R Perry (Roman Catholic prelate). Karl Flesch (Hunganan-bom violin pedagogue), Alia G. Massevitch (Georgian astrophysicist 1 4 1 papers on stellar evolution), Sean Lennon (John. Yoko Ono's son)

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