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October 9th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onOctober 09, 2024

Next time you come in the door, try bringing a small present for each person living there. Make sure its not some grandiose gesture. A small bunch of flowers, a good chocolate bar. That kind of thing.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Uranus; Numbers: 1, 9

October 9th Birthday Love Astrology

Here's an interestingly psychic birthdate. October 9 is particularly tuned in to the vibrations of place. Early in childhood, this person will find precious objects while just playing games. Into this child's hands will apparently fly flintheads from the back garden dropped thousands of years ago by an early British hunter. It is she or he who picks out the Roman figurine from the builders' rubble. Others may search but October 9 puts his hand in the right place without thinking.

As treasure seekers, diviners, explorers, archaeologists and anybody to do with the ancient world or mining engineering, they are therefore invaluable. And may make a fortune. Both sexes are helpful if you want to know the right place to build your house, or the right house to buy. If there are bad or good vibrations, October 9 can tell you, which is useful because when there are particularly bad feelings about a place most birthdates will eventually pick them up. And you don't want to have gone to enormous expense and then find yourself haunted. The psychic talents which belong to this individual don't extend very much beyond place. They aren't interested in auras or other's well-being in the curative sense, although people born on this date are sensitive and kind. In any career they are usually quite successful because of their highly developed personal warning system. But both sexes are really more taken by their own outside interests. A passion for walking is common. And for history and architecture.

As lovers you can't beat them. Ms Psychic knows exactly where her partner needs tickling and kissing and she will go to any lengths to make sex as glamorous, perfumed and exotic as possible. (Check her underwear, almost never pristine white, but shades of violet, blue and pearl grey silk.) The men like to make love to music and usually feed an overexcited partner with a spectacularly arousing dish before spectacularly arousing them in other ways.

In Love

Intimate relationships are important to you, and you are an exceptionally giving mate or lover. Sensitive and sentimental, you’re sincerely devoted to your loved ones and prepared to sacrifice everything for them. As romantic as you are compassionate, you’re capable of falling passionately in love with an ideal. When reality refuses to live up to your expectations, you can be deeply disappointed and retreat into a deep funk. However, your depres-sions don’t last all that long because you’re an exceptionally social person.

The only thing that your friends need to do to cheer you up is invite you to a party.

In Bed

For you, good sex is a transcendent experience. No one believes in love more than you do, and merging your body with that of your beloved is your idea of heaven on earth. Your attachment to your lover is an intensely emotional one. As a thoughtful, caring, and considerate bedmate, you’re more interested in pleasing your partner than yourself. You’re happy to go along with whatever your mate wants. In return, you require a lot of attention and affection.


Try this intoxicating, sticky seduction drink, combined with ice cream sundae. Angels Delight. Take 55ml of Kahlua, a coffee flavoured liqueur. (Tia Maria is optional alternative.) 55ml crème de bananes, 55ml vodka, 1 banana, peeled and cut into pieces, 2 scoops vanilla ice cream, quite a few ice cubes. This is like a whammo milk shake and should probably be consumed on the way to the pass. Pour the Kahlua, crème de bananes and vodka into a blender. Add the banana and ice cream and blend at high speed. Pour into two tall curvaceous glasses, add a few ice cubes and serve.


There are three things that turn you on: romance, romance, and romance.

Your idea of love is the stuff of poetry and fairy tales. In your imagination you can create a bliss-filled fantasy that is more real than anything in the world around you. The sensitive lover discovers the details of your favorite dream scenario and acts them out with you.


Next time you come in the door, try bringing a small present for each person living there. Make sure its not some grandiose gesture. A small bunch of flowers, a good chocolate bar. That kind of thing.

Reality Check

You possess a mysterious, chameleonlike personality that tends to captivate and confuse people. Moreover, your easygoing, agreeable nature can cause you to appear more compliant than you actually are. Because diplomacy and cooperation come naturally to you, you much prefer accomplishing your purposes using charm and cooperation than by making outrageous demands.

October 9 Date Share

John Lennon, co-lead singer and songwriter with the Beatles, assassinated in New York as he returned to wife Yoko Ono and son from recording studio. Jacques Tati, French film actor, mime, director, Monsieur Hulot's Holiday. Steve Overt British Olympic gold medallist, 800 metre runner. John Entwhistle, rock musician, The Who. KaH Flesch, Hungarian born violin player. Sean Lennon, John and Yoko Ono's only child.

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