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People Born on April 19th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onApril 19, 2024

April 19th Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

April 19 VS Aries, 1, Chilled nature-lover

People Born on April 19th: Destiny, Future

April 19th Birthday Destiny

Not for you the bright city lights or demands of a career on the global stage – you’re a nature-lover and so your dream home will be one surrounded by wildflowers and birdsong, in the countryside or as close as your circumstances will allow. You’ll likely be a gifted grower yourself, which means you’d prioritise a garden over a second bathroom, and while vast sums of money may never come your way, you won’t care, as long as you feel healthy and happy doing something you love. You don’t have a materialistic bone in your body – or a mean one – so make sure you choose a like-minded mate who will also be happy muddling through, living from one pay cheque to the next and to swap a luxury lifestyle for one full of fun and the freedom to express your unique soul. You are generous to a fault and may find it hard to hang on to any little windfall that does come your way; you’re more likely to give it away than stash it for a rainy day. Living a life that some might find a little precarious is not for everyone, but you have one of life’s true luxuries and one that no amount of money can buy, which is going to bed at night and waking up in the morning feeling happy with your lot, even when it’s not a lot!

April 19th Birthday Future

Power is the name of the game for persons born on the Aries/Taurus cusp, and these people play the game very well. Decidedly ambitious, you have a dominant personality and the ability to do pretty much as you please and get away with it. Even those who refuse to be intimidated by the aggressive aspects of your character still fall under the spell of your charm and personal magnetism. You instinctively take charge and provide vision and direction in cooperative ventures. Your confidence and poise under fire inspire trust, making your advice and leadership difficult to resist or ignore.

The biggest challenge for those born on April 19 is to find a way to combine Aries' sense of adventure with bullish practicality . In addition, your underlying need for security is often at odds with the persistent desire for change and excitement. You are an innovator and idea person, and you've been endowed with a pioneering spirit and superior executive skills. Your forte is the ability to combine creativity with common sense and a head for commercial ventures, traits that can lead to success in business, politics, or the arts.

In love, you're a genuine romantic. Caring, ardent, and sensuous, you can be truly loyal and devoted to the right partner. However, you thrive on challenge and change and may lose interest if the union becomes dull or routine.

April 19th Birthday Tarot

Ace of Wands:If the ace cards bring us one clear message it is that, happily, we are already on the path our soul has chosen for us, so all we have to do is trust that and stick with it. Communication is an important tool for you, and in this card, we see the hand of Spirit passing you a sturdy and very fertile wand (budding stick), which is a sign that whatever ideas you want to share with the world, including those about your non-materialistic lifestyle, people will be only too happy to hear them.

April 19th Famous birthdays

Kate Hudson(American actress); Maria Sharapova(Russian tennis player); Ashley Judd(American actress and political activist); Born Today:

Ken Carpenter (discus thrower); Tim Curry (actor); Kate Hudson (actress);Richard Hughes (writer); Ashley Judd (actress); Andrea Mead Lawrence (skier); Jayne Mansfield (actress); Dudley Moore (comedian(actor); Hugh O'Brien (actor); Paloma Picasso Uewelry designer); Constance Talmadge (actress); Al Unser, Jr. (racecar driver)

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