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People Born on April 20th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onApril 20, 2024

April 20th Birthday Numerology

No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator, and linked to psychic abilities.

April 20 VS Taurus, 2, Driven perfectionist

People Born on April 20th: Destiny, Future

April 20th Birthday Destiny

If that sounds a little scary, take heed, because while we can all see the value of a job done well and to the best of our ability, those without your steely drive and determination may find you a little hypercritical and choose not to work with you again. It’s true that the high standards you hold up for others are held even higher for yourself, but not everyone knows or appreciates that, so try and cultivate a little more empathy for others. If that’s a stretch too far, then ‘fake it ’til you make it’. You have everything you need, and more, to get to the top of your chosen career and would do well to think about being freelance and self-employed because that way, you won’t have to bite your tongue when a sloppy colleague is cutting corners to get the job done. In truth, when you’re fired up over something, people either love or loathe you, but as you mature, you’ll develop those skills needed to be able to mediate through conflict and will be able to effortlessly inspire others with the way you negotiate and achieve the best outcome for all. You have a strong intuition, so just keep following those hunches, and in your private life look for those who can hold their own.

April 20th Birthday Future

Bulls born on this day are the practical and talented artists, artisans, musicians, and performers of the zodiac. Your approach to creativity is simple: Does it work, and is it both functional and beautiful? Although you may acquire a reputation for conventionality, there is a decidedly mystical side to your nature that is intuitive and innovative. Your vivid imagination and inquisitive mind fuel your desire to explore the unexplained mysteries of life. However, you staunchly refuse to accept the existence of ghosts or fairies, unless you see them yourself You believe in results-not abstract theory.

Those with April 20th birthdays are not lazy, but they refuse to waste energy. Your personal credo might be, "Don't do anything today that can be put off until tomorrow." You think and plan, and you have great difficulty taking the first step. However, once a project is underway, you will stick with it until the end. When you're allowed to set your own timetable, you usually do a great job. You make a superior manager because you have infinite patience, good business sense, and the ability to remain calm when others become stressed and frazzled.

In a relationship, you're rather possessive, but your devotion is solid and guaranteed to withstand the test of time. Once you make up your mind about someone, your rarely change it, and you do what you can to keep your partner happy and interested.

April 20th Birthday Tarot

The King of Swords:One of your big strengths lies in your capacity to somehow psychically ‘see’ the solution to a challenge or an obstacle, and so, in your case, the sword in this card represents your mental, emotional and psychic ability to take swift action and cut through the dross to what really matters. There’s a butterfly above the King’s head flying between two crescent moons, which tells us you can flit between the realms – between dreamtime and reality – without fear of losing your footing.

April 20th Famous birthdays

Jessica Lange(American actress); Joan Miró(Spanish painter, sculptor and ceramicist); Napoleon III(First President of France); Born Today:

Carmen Electra (actress); Nina Foch (actress); Lionel Hampton Qazz musician/bandleader/composer); Adolf Hitler (German Nazi dictator); Jessica Lange (actress); Harold Lloyd (actor/director); Don Mattingly (baseball player); Joan Miro (artist); Ryan O'Neill (actor); Tito Puente (musician/bandleader/composer)

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