People Born on April 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onApril 03, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mars;Second decan:Personal planet is Sun. Virtues:Perceptive, empathetic, inspiring. Vices:Oversensitive, headstrong, ornery. Careers:Senator, movie director, actor. Skills & Aptitudes:Team leader, persuasive skills, motivational ability. Compatible with:November 4–6, December 5–11

Organised organiser

People Born on April 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on April 3rd Personality Reference

Your pioneering spirit, versatility, and love of travel ensure that your life will not be dull or uneventful. Your strong motivation and natural talents for communication give you strong powers of persuasion. With your need for self-expression and desire for change, your birthday promises a life of excitement and adventure.

Your ruling planet, Mars, and the element of fire make you enthusiastic, impatient, and dynamic. The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Leo, implies that you are likely to show others an assertive and daring front. Although your path is paved with challenges, success will be achieved through patience, hard work, and focused determination. Passionate and intense as you are, soul growth will come through learning detachment. Changes are particularly linked to your career, where you may experience some obstacles, but opportunities will present themselves to create new openings and fortunate breaks.

Although you may be prone to moodiness, your determination does not allow you to stay down for very long.

Fun-loving and entertaining, with imagination and enthusiasm, you are friendly and a good companion, with a talent for wit and humor. You may, however, have to guard against a tendency to become easily bored.

In youth you are active, independent, restless, and sometimes reckless. There is also an indication of an influence from a male relative or friend who may need your support. After the age of sixteen or seventeen, you become more practical and financially aware as your progressed Sun enters Taurus. In the middle years, after numerous changes, you are likely to find probable gains through partnerships and cooperative relationships. Your enthusiasm and motivation will ensure that some of your dreams are now being fulfilled. From the age of forty-seven, when your progressed Sun enters Gemini, you will become more mentally curious, which may result in your taking up a totally new interest. Another turning point occurs when you are seventy-seven, when your progressed Sun enters Cancer, making you more sensitive and family-oriented.

Stars of People Born on April 3rd


Sun: Aries

Decanate: Leo/sun

Degree: 13°30’-14°30’ Aries

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Sirrah, also called Alpheratz and Caput Andromeda Degree position:13° 11’-14° 13’ Aries between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:2 Strength:******** Orb:2°10’ Constellation:Alpha Andromedae Applicable days:April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Star qualities:Jupiter/Venus Description:a blue, white, and purple binary star located in the Head of Andromeda

Primary Star’s Influence

Sirrah signifies good relationships with others and popularity It bestows a harmonious nature and benefits from good social connections. This star can also grant honor and wealth, cheerfulness, optimism, versatility, and sound judgment. It warns, however, against being too outspoken or taking popularity for granted.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star indicates that usually you can achieve your heart’s desire as long as you are clear about your objectives. Sometimes after you obtain what you want, you are at a loss as to what to do next. However, since one of your natural attributes is knowing the right people and being at the right place at the right time, this state does not tend to last long.

• Positive:warm heart, joy, popularity, attractive personality

• Negative:self-conceit, excess

Secrets of People Born on April 3rd

Your greatest success may come through the power of love. Your strong inner feelings need to be channeled into some practical form, otherwise it is possible that you may get emotionally carried away. Since you have a dramatic side, this could result in your acting out some rather powerful dramas.

Blessed with charm, sensitivity, and a fertile imagination, you may still need to balance these with some form of solid foundation in life. By using your exceptional sense of vision to imagine positive future possibilities and then to organize a plan to achieve them, you can make the most of your outstanding talents. Through diligent and concentrated effort in your work you are able to realize your true potential and connect to the financial protection promised in this birthdate.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on April 3rd

Careerwise, with your strong persuasive powers and sense of the dramatic, you make an excellent salesperson or promoter. These talents, combined with your need for self-expression, can find you involved in drama, the arts, lecturing, or politics. Careers involving travel and variety, such as couriers, transport, or airline personnel, will ensure job satisfaction. A natural compassion may draw you to the world of health and healing. A major key for people with your birthday may be to keep your spirit of adventure alive and avoid monotonous occupations.

Famous people born on your birthday include actors Marlon Brando, Alec Baldwin, and Eddie Murphy, wildlife researcher Jane Goodall, actress Doris Day, poet George Herbert, and musician Wayne Newton.

April 3rd Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. Having a number 3 birthday, you are sensitive, with a need for creativity and emotional expression. Fun-loving and a good companion, you enjoy friendly social activities and many interests. Although you are versatile and expressive, with a need for different and exciting experiences, an inclination to get bored easily may cause you to become indecisive or spread yourself too thinly. Although, with a number 3 birthday, you are usually artistic and charming, with a good sense of humor, you may have to develop self-esteem and guard against tendencies such as worry and emotional insecurities. The subinfluence of the number 4 month indicates that you like to be well organized. You possess good analytical skills, and by asserting yourself, you can make others take more notice of your opinions. At times you can appear aloof or caught up in your own thoughts. However, when you want to gain others’ attention, you can do this with a few words.

• Positive:humor, happiness, friendliness, productivity, creativity, artistic inclinations, power to wish, love of freedom, talent with words

• Negative:boredom, vanity, overactive imagination, exaggeration, inability to be loving, boastfulness, extravagance, self-indulgence, laziness, hypocrisy

Love & Relationships of People Born on April 3rd

Imaginative and visionary, you are a loving, loyal, and devoted individual. Often you are romantic and idealistic about your relationships and seek a partner who can live up to your high ideals. In fact, you can be so idealistic that sometimes you may choose a platonic relationship, as it is hard to find someone who can measure up to your high expectations. It is better to pick a partner who is knowledgeable and has a humanitarian side. When you fall in love, guard against a tendency to put your lover on a pedestal or sacrifice yourself in the role of rescuer, especially if the other person does not want to be saved. Romantically, although you are likely to have a bold front, you may have trouble showing your vulnerability. Develop your communication skills on an intimate level and do not act in haste if you want to find your ideal partner.

The dream lover of someone born on April 3rd

With persons born on the following dates, your ideals might be realized more easily.

Love & friendshipJan. 1, 6, 7, 20, 21, 23, 31, Feb. 5, 18, 19, 21, 29, Mar. 3, 17, 19, 27, Apr. 1, 15, 17, 25, May 13, 15, 23, June 11, 13, 21, July 9, 11, 19, Aug. 7, 9, 17, Sept. 5, 7, 15, Oct. 3, 5, 13, Nov. 1, 3, 11, Dec. 1, 9

Beneficial:Jan. 5, 16, 18, Feb. 3, 14, 16, Mar. 1, 12, 14, 29, Apr. 10, 12, 27, May 8, 10, 25, 29, June 6, 8, 23, 27, July 4, 6, 21, 25, Aug. 2, 4, 19, 23, Sept. 2, 17, 21, Oct. 15, 19, Nov. 13, 17, Dec. 11, 15, 29

Fatal attractions:Jan. 6, 30, Feb. 4, 28, Mar. 2, 26, Apr. 24, May 22, June 20, July 18, Aug. 16, Sept. 14, Oct. 5, 6, 12, Nov. 10, Dec. 8

Challenging:Jan. 4, Feb. 2, May 29, 31, June 27, 29, 30, July 25, 27, 28, Aug. 23, 25, 26, 30, Sept. 21, 23, 24, 28, Oct. 19, 21, 22, 26, Nov. 17, 19, 20, 24, Dec. 15, 17, 18, 22

Soul mates:Jan. 23, Feb. 21, Mar. 19, Apr. 17, May 15, June 13, July 11, 31, Aug. 6, 9, 29, Sept. 7, 27, Oct. 5, 25, Nov. 3, 23, Dec. 1, 6, 21

April 3rd Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on April 3 are highly sociable individuals, who enjoy surrounding themselves with other people and directing their activities. They do not necessarily crave leadership positions out of a desire to dominate, merely that their energy, natural charisma and strong views tend to attract less vibrant people. It is, however, indubitably the case that these strong-minded people believe that their convictions and organizational methods are unquestionably correct and therefore seek to promote them by enlisting the support of those around them. Their considerable powers of persuasion are aided by intuitive gifts that also play a large part in informing their opinions: others’ moods are assessed and then their own words and actions are adjusted appropriately to achieve optimum results. Such interpersonal skills equip them well for positions in which they can take charge of teams, and their capabilities are such that they may achieve success in any profession they choose, although they have the potential to star especially well as politicians, movie directors or actors.

There are dangers inherent in their self-certainty and predilection to guide others. Although they usually dis- play a sunny, outgoing face to the world when things are going their way, in difficult situations their introverted, insecure side comes to the fore. When they are crossed or let down by others, they have a tendency to react badly, typically either exploding with anger, or retreat- ing into their shell and brooding introspectively over the cause of their annoyance. It is therefore important that they become more realistic in their personal rela- tionships, and do not punish others who fail to meet their own sometimes unreasonably high expectations.

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