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People Born on August 12th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 12, 2024

August 12th Birthday Numerology

No. 3:Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech.

August 12 VS Leo, 3, Logical thinker

People Born on August 12th: Destiny, Future

August 12th Birthday Destiny

When assessing a new situation or looking for the answer to a conundrum you don’t just cast your net mid-stream and hope for the best. You have an appreciation that a solution is as likely to lie overlooked in the past as in the future, and so will adopt a forensic approach to working out what’s going on, who’s involved, what’s not being said and why: all great qualities for some kind of investigative career, particularly in the media. Your communication skills are second only to your research skills and powers of observation, and the more you hone these traits, the better you will be able to see off all pretenders to your primetime throne. There’s a danger when you’re as good as you are at persuading others to your point of view that you’ll end up dominating every conversation and stifling all debate. Avoid this unless you don’t mind taking off your studio mic and heading home to eat alone. Patience is a virtue and if you are to enjoy harmonious relationships with your lover and family, you might want to work on this elusive part of your otherwise charismatic and attractive character.

August 12th Birthday Future

Lions born on this day are witty, versatile, and curious. Communication is your forte, and you put forth your ideas with dramatic intensity. Your interest in everything around you tends to radiate outward and attract people who share your ideals. Your enjoyment of intellectual discourse draws you into spirited discussions where each person is trying to get his or her point across. However, you generally find a way to take over center stage and explain your own views with more drama and clarity than anyone else.

Capable of doing two tasks at once, some August 12th individuals can also handle two careers simultaneously. New people and places provide you with welcome stim-ulation, and your need for variety and change impels you to continually seek out fresh challenges. An original thinker, you sometimes discover new truths beyond accepted realities, especially when you follow your intuition. With your theatrical personality and facility with words, writing and acting may be your top career choices. Also high on any list of possible occupations is the media, from publishing to TV journalism.

One thing is certain: you are never dull or boring. The image you project is exciting and romantic. You like to flirt and may not be in any hurry to make a firm commitment. You're not an easy person to pin down, let alone catch and hold.

August 12th Birthday Tarot

The Knight of Cups:This Knight is happy to move forwards, always forwards, at a slow but steady pace. He, like you, has his eyes set firmly on the prize and there is nothing in the barren landscape that surrounds him to detract him from his goal. He is depicted as carrying the cup in his right hand, careful not to let his emotions spill. And, like you, he is on a mission to leave behind a better world than the one he rode into.

August 12th Famous birthdays

Mark Knopfler(British guitarist and singer-songwriter); Helena Blavatsky(Russian philosopher and writer); Cara Delevingne(British model and actress); Born Today:

Cecil B. DeMille (director); John Derek (actor); Samuel Fuller (director); William Goldman (writer); Edith Hamilton (writer); George Hamilton (actor); Mario "Cantinflas" Moreno (comedian/actor); Mary Roberts Rinehart (writer); Pete Sampras (tennis player); Robert Southey (poet); Jane Wyatt (actress)

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