People Born on August 12th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onAugust 12, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Sun;Third decan:Personal planet is Mars. Virtues:Sensible, well-meaning, responsible. Vices:Biased, dogmatic, authoritarian. Careers:Laboratory technician, machinery operator, researcher. Skills & Aptitudes:Confidence, thoroughness, logical reasoning. Compatible with:May 12–16

Logical thinker

People Born on August 12th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on August 12th Personality Reference

Ambitious and creative, with strong intuitive powers and vitality, you have a birthday that reveals you to be an assertive individual with a positive perspective. As a Leo, you are forceful and determined, with a restless and assertive nature that normally assists you to get your own way. Your direct approach and alert responses suggest that you are able to quickly assess people and situations. By staying objective, you can also overcome a tendency to have fluctuating moods.

Your desire for success and security implies that you are keen to get the approval of others and therefore are usually friendly and gregarious. Your personal magnetism helps you to overcome early setbacks, and your intuitive powers frequently come to your assistance.

The influence of your decanate planet, Jupiter, suggests that you are daring and courageous, a dynamic person with a desire for recognition. As you are both sensitive and determined, with a strong desire for stability and advancement, you possess a duality that needs to be balanced. This implies that although you can be compassionate and understanding, you can also be authoritarian or domineering.

Since you are proud and dignified, you may be sensitive to other people’s criticism. You may need to develop a more rational perspective, thus avoiding being hurt by others. With your no-nonsense approach and diplomatic skills, you enjoy work involving cooperation with others and are in your element when you can mix business and pleasure.

From childhood you are inclined to be sociable and friendly. When you are age ten, your progressed Sun enters Virgo for a thirty-year period. This indicates that you gradually become more practical and discriminating as well as increase your efficiency. As you reach the age of forty, your progressed Sun enters Libra, which can emphasize your relationships and a need to bring more beauty, harmony, and balance into your life. This can draw you to activities such as writing, art, music, or the healing arts. When you are age seventy, your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, highlighting your emotional need for deep change and personal power.

Stars of People Born on August 12th


Sun: Leo

Decanate: Sagittarius/jupiter

Degree: 20°-21°leo

Mode: Fixed

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Merak; Al Genubi, also called Asad Austral is

Primary Star

Star’s name:Merak

Degree position:18°29’- 19°34’ Leo between the years 1930 and 2000


Strength: ********

Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Alpha Ursa Major

Applicable days:August 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Star qualities:Mars

Description:a white giant star located on the side of the Great Bear

Primary Star’s Influence

Merak imparts a love of command and leadership abilities, although it may also indicate an inclination to be overly dominant. You? determination means that you are likely to achieve much in life and succeed where others may fail.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows courage, assertiveness, and hot-blooded vitality. The power of attainment that is associated with this star ensures that your life will be full of activity. Merak’s influence carries opportunities and possible fame and honors.

• Positive:love of life, active and creative, ambition, courage

• Negative:hastiness, stubbornness, overstrain

Secrets of People Born on August 12th

As you are a person who can really make things happen, your focused willpower can be a formidable force to be reckoned with. For this reason you do not want fear to control your reactions, as you are likely to create exactly what you are concentrating on. When positively channeled, this power can be a tremendous energy to uplift others.

As you like to keep active and are excellent at wheeling and dealing, you often use your strategic skills, energy, and drive to overcome any obstacles in your path. You are liable to work best when inspired and listening to your intuition. As you have strong convictions, you normally take a determined stand on principles, even when you are wrong. This suggests that you may need to develop the art of negotiation and compromise in order to become more objective.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on August 12th

Ambitious and determined, you possess natural abilities for leadership and can also be very persuasive, especially when promoting ideas linked to financial gain. Magnanimous and kind, you are excellent at dealing with people and can usually see opportunities. Whether in education, business, or the world of entertainment, you want the freedom to work in your own unique way. A dislike of taking orders may encourage you to seek executive positions or to work for yourself, but you are always able to negotiate a good deal or commercialize your talents.

Famous people who share your birthday include film director Cecil B. De Mille, guitarist Mark Knopfler, theosophist Madame Blavatsky, and actor George Hamilton.

August 12th Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. Usually you are intuitive, helpful, and friendly, with good reasoning power. Since you want to establish true individuality, you are often innovative. Naturally understanding and sensitive, you also know how to use tact and cooperative methods to achieve your aims and objectives. When you achieve a balance between your need for self-expression and your natural inclination to be supportive of others, you can find emotional satisfaction and personal fulfillment. You may nevertheless need to find the courage to stand on your own two feet and develop self- confidence or learn not to become easily discouraged by other people. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you are an ambitious and determined individual with strong intuitive powers. With your practical approach and executive abilities, you possess a dynamic drive and an outgoing personality. In life, you usually have many opportunities for advancement, and you often want to achieve prosperity or be in the spotlight.

• Positive:creative, attractive, initiative, disciplinarian, promote yourself or others

•Negative:reclusive, eccentric, uncooperative, overly sensitive, lack of self-esteem

Love & Relationships of People Born on August 12th

You are likely to have an active social life, as you can be very entertaining and enjoy meeting new people. In your personal relationships your intense feelings can have you alternating between strong romantic idealism and very practical reality. Romantic at heart, you are interested in the chase, but once you have established a relationship you are prone to changing your feelings. Since you possess a strong need for independence, you will have to pick a partner who gives you the freedom you need. Proud of your family, you will move mountains to protect their interests.

The dream lover of someone born on August 12th

In order to find that special partner, you might begin by looking for those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 14, 15, 22, 24, 26, 31, Feb. 12, 22, 29, Mar. 10, 20, 27, Apr. 8, 18, 25, May 6, 16, 23, 30, June 4, 14, 21, 28, 30, July 2, 12, 19, 26, 28, 30, Aug. 10, 17, 24, 26, 28, Sept. 8, 15, 22, 24, 26, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 22, 24, 30, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 20, 22, 28, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 5, 22, 30, Feb. 3, 20, 28, Mar. 1, 18, 26, Apr. 16, 24, May 14, 22, June 12, 20, July 10, 18, 29, Aug. 8, 16, 27, 31, Sept. 6, 14, 25, 29, Oct. 4, 12, 23, 27, Nov. 2, 10, 21, 25, Dec. 9, 19, 23

Fatal attractions:Jan. 12, Feb. 9, 10, 11, Mar. 8, Apr. 6, May 4, June 2

Challenging:Jan. 16, 21, Feb. 14, 19, Mar. 12, 17, 30, Apr. 10, 15, 28, May 8, 13, 26, June 6, 11, 24, July 4, 9, 22, Aug. 2, 7, 20, Sept. 5, 18, Oct. 3, 16, Nov. 1, 14, Dec. 12

Soul mates:Jan. 25, Feb. 23, Mar. 21, Apr. 19, May 17, June 15, July 13, Aug. 11, Sept. 9, Oct. 7, Nov. 5, Dec. 3, 30

August 12th Birthday Personology Summary

Like Janus, the Roman deity of doorways, those born on August 12 tend to simultaneously look forward and backward. Although their primary urge is to make progress by leading others, before striking out in a new direction they will examine and assess existing knowl- edge and conventions, retaining those concepts they regard as being valid and discarding those they con- sider to be false or inappropriate. In many respects they resemble historians or scientists (and some may devote their careers to these disciplines) in that they amass as much relevant information as possible, subject it to logical evaluation, and then reach their conclusions. When promoting their aims they draw deeply upon their reserves of resourcefulness, single-mindedness and tenacity, impressing others with their clarity of pur- pose. Although they are independently minded, their overriding purpose is to benefit humankind as a whole; their work may involve the smallest of details, but it is upon the wider picture that they are ultimately focused. The knowledge that they have investigated every aspect of their beliefs endows August 12 people with unshakeable self-certainty, as well as the confidence to attempt to persuade others of the veracity of their views. Despite the potential professional success that such an uncompromising approach promises, however, it may arouse the resentment of the very people whom those born on this day are seeking to influence and guide— especially those closest to them—who may perceive August 12 individuals to be overly arrogant and author- itarian (especially if they were also born in the Chinese year of the ox). Developing greater patience, tolerance and pragmatism with regard to any expression of dis- sent will help them achieve their aims more effectively.

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