People Born on August 18th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onAugust 18, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Sun;Third decan:Personal planet is Mars. Virtues:Far-sighted, progressive, benevolent. Vices:Needy, demanding, interfering. Careers:Social worker, probation officer, retail manager. Skills & Aptitudes:Logic, reasoning, self-belief. Compatible with:May 17–20

Selfless crusader

People Born on August 18th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on August 18th Personality Reference

Inspired and imaginative, with an active and inquisitive mind, you are a Leo with great potential. Although you are proud and dignified, with a desire to achieve success, you need to be motivated and determined to accomplish your objectives. Since you seek different experiences and can be adventurous, you are inclined to have a multitude of plans and ideas.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Aries, adds courage to your personality. With your enterprising spirit, this influence also implies that you may be restless for action. Since you do not like to be in a subordinate position, you do not appreciate taking orders from others and like to make your own plans. Often you desire to take the lead or work independently, and with your good sense of structure, you also possess the ability to organize and execute projects.

Mentally quick and intelligent, you usually have an avid desire for knowledge and a need to express your thoughts and ideas. With your natural psychic gifts, you can detect others’ motivations and sense hypocrisy. Since you are sensitive to your surroundings, you need to be in a positive environment, as you are aware of disharmonious and tense situations.

Your progressed Sun moves into Virgo when you are age four, commencing a thirty-year period of increasing emphasis on practical considerations and a need for order in your life. A turning point for you occurs at the age of thirty-four, when your progressed Sun moves into Libra, highlighting your awareness of relationships and stimulating you to develop any innate musical, literary, or artistic interests. After the age of sixty-four, when your progressed Sun enters Scorpio, you may seek more meaning in your life and bring on changes that can deepen your awareness.

Stars of People Born on August 18th


Sun: Leo

Decanate: Aries/mars

Degree: 25°45’-27° Leo

Mode: Fixed

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Although your Sun’s degree is not linked to a fixed star; some of your other planets’ degrees certainly will be. By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth. This will tell you which of the fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you.

Secrets of People Born on August 18th

By staying realistic and avoiding fantasy or escapism, you can rise to the challenge of disciplining your enormous mental potential. With your sensitivity and vivid imagination, occasionally it may be attractive to take the easy option. Knowledge and understanding may draw you toward spiritual or metaphysical ideas, and by nature you are friendly and communicative. With your love for debate, you have the skill to deal well with groups involved in reform or progressive movements.

You love power, particularly the power of knowledge, and respect those who have more information or wisdom than you do. You may, however, have to guard against mental power games or being manipulative when your ego becomes hooked into situations. Nevertheless, you have the ability to inspire others with your idealism, determination, and vision.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on August 18th

With your desire for the limelight, you could successfully pursue a theatrical career as an actor, dancer, or director. Similarly, your ambition could draw you to politics, law, or business, where you are likely to want a leading position. Not liking to take orders may incline you to become self-employed. A practical aptitude together with an organizational flair could suggest that you can achieve success in manufacturing, merchandising, or banking. An ability to relate to people indicates that you can excel in careers dealing with the public, especially education and social welfare. Alternatively, your sensitivity, special insight into psychology, and natural healing ability may draw you toward the medical or alternative health professions.

Famous people who share your birthday include actors Patrick Swayze, Robert Redford, and Martin Mull, director Roman Polanski, former U.S. secretary of defense Caspar Weinberger, and actress Shelley Winters.

August 18th Birthday Numerology

An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way. Determination, assertiveness, and ambition are some of the attributes associated with the number 18 birthday. Active, with a need for challenges, you like to keep busy and are frequently involved in some enterprise. Capable, hardworking, and responsible, you rise to positions of authority. Alternatively, your strong business sense and organizational skills lead you to the world of commerce. Since you may suffer from overwork, learn how to relax or slow down from time to time. As a number 18 personality, you may use your power to heal others, give sound advice, or solve other people’s problems. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you are mentally quick and usually highly intuitive about people and situations. Although you can be restless and unsettled, you are efficient at your work and can execute plans with determination. You want recognition and are often in conflict between your idealistic beliefs and material inclinations.

• Positive:progressive, assertive, intuitive, courageous, resolute, healing ability, efficient, advisory skills

•Negative:uncontrolled emotions, lazy, lack of order, selfishness, callousness, difficulty completing work or projects, deceitful

Love & Relationships of People Born on August 18th

Proud and dramatic, you have a charismatic personality that attracts others to you. In relationships it is very important for you to be honest and direct. With your sensitivity, you can be very affectionate and tender, but guard against escapism, whether through overindulgence or avoidance. With your warmth and sound advice, you have no problem attracting others. In your major relationships, it is important that you find someone who can offer you mental stimulation and with whom you can share your interests and values.

The dream lover of someone born on August 18th

You might find emotional fulfillment and that special someone among those born on the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 10, 13, 20, 25, 30, Feb. 8, 11, 18, 28, Man 6, 9, 16, 26, 30, Apr. 4, 7, 14, 24, 30, May 2, 5, 12, 22, June 3, 10, 20, July 1, 8, 18, Aug. 6, 16, 20, 30, Sept. 4, 14, 28, 30, Oct. 2, 12, 26, 28, 30, Nov. 10, 24, 26, 28, Dec. 8, 22, 24, 26

Beneficial:Jan. 12, 16, 17, 28, Feb. 10, 14, 15, 26, Man 8, 12, 13, 24, Apr. 6, 10, 11, 22, May 4, 8, 9, 20, 29, June 2, 6, 7, 18, 27, July 4, 5, 16, 25, Aug. 2, 3, 14, 23, Sept. I, 12, 21, Oct. 10, 19, Nov. 8, 17, Dec. 6, 15

Fatal attractions:Feb. 14, 15, 16, Mar. 31, Apr; 29, May 27, June 25, July 23, Aug. 21, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 15, Dec. 17

Challenging:Jan. 6, 18, 22, 27, Feb. 4, 16, 20, 25, Mar. 2, 14, 18, 23, Apr. 12, 16, 21, May 10, 14, 19, June 8, 12, 17, July 6, 10, 15, Aug. 4, 8, 13, Sept. 2, 6, 1 I, Oct. 4, 9, Nov. 2, 7, Dec. 5

Soul mates:Mar. 28, Apr. 26, May 24, June 22, July 20, Aug. 18, Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 12, Dec. 10

August 18th Birthday Personology Summary

The propensity for independence of thought and action professed by those born on this day gives them the potential to be masters of their chosen fields. Their conviction of belief and determination to improve the lives of others instills in them the urge to direct others. Many make inspirational leaders, whose genu- ine concern for those under their wing arouses loyalty and affection. Such inclinations and qualities, when also combined with their organizational powers and tenac- ity, augur well for their professional success—especially in the realms of law enforcement or social work, but also in the artistic world with which August 18 people have a strong affinity. Although many of those born on this day will have to work hard to realize their ambi- tions and will encounter many obstacles (including the resistance of others to their attempts to spread their powerful influence), they possess the resilience and resourcefulness—as well as the clarity of vision—to continue to promote their aims.

Because the emotional and professional fulfillment of the majority of August 18 people depends on their ability to persuade others, it follows that their relation- ships are of great significance to them. And despite the disappointment that they may experience when they fail to win professional allies, they typically retain their positive orientation toward others. The unquestioning support and love of those closest to them sustains their self-belief, and they reciprocate by manifesting pro- found protectiveness, generosity and tolerance toward their friends and family. These people should try to take regular breaks from their endeavors to spend time with their friends or family, to maintain an even balance between their professional and private concerns.

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