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People Born on August 1st: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 01, 2024

August 1st Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

August 1 VS Leo, 1, Born leader

People Born on August 1st: Destiny, Future

August 1st Birthday Destiny

Your fiery energy and sunny disposition pave the way for a charmed passage through life with you at the helm, and not only in charge of your own destiny, but frequently that of many others as well because your leadership skills are often very good. Like many Leos, you are also a natural performer, so could be drawn to the worlds of entertainment, sport or politics. Or you may choose the written word as your preferred platform, taking up your pen to entertain the masses as a writer of thrillers or historical romances. Talking of romance, there’s no stage big enough to accommodate your lofty ideas of what it means to fall in love and woo or be courted. Unfortunately, this is your Achilles heel because no love affair is likely to live up to the grand romance in your head and will suffer because of some of the mundane necessities of everyday life. Remember this, that the security of the double bed has a lot to offer after the hurly-burly of the chaise longue, as the saying goes. When you do find someone willing to pamper, adore and love only you, remember that you can re-ignite earlier passion if it begins to wane rather than rushing off to find someone else.

August 1st Birthday Future

Lions born on this day thrive on recognition and prestige. You throw yourself into things with a dynamic intensity. Although your essential nature 1s proud, assertive, and demanding, you are also warm-hearted, open handed, and extremely loyal to friends and associates. You are inclined to mythologize your life and live out your own myth, yet the role you assume is a noble one. You are a born leader and a chivalrous crusader for what you believe. Your forte is an uncanny ability to influence others and bring them around to your way of thinking.

You have an upbeat, jovial personality. Your sunny optimism wins people over, and your charisma and keen sense of humor charms and entertains them. A fiery vitality and the ability to focus your energies on your goals guarantees your success in virtually any field of endeavor. Performing is second nature to you, and your flair for the dramatic draws you toward the center of the stage. Lions born on this date often go on to become well-known entertainers, politicians, writers, or professional athletes.

Your tendency to view your love relationships as larger than life can lead to unusually high expectations and ultimate disappointment. You need to find a significant other who is willing to pamper you and stroke your ego. In return, you offer your beloved passion, romance, and undying loyalty .

August 1st Birthday Tarot

Temperance:Temperance is always about balance and moderation and the ability to regulate our emotions, instead of feeling overwhelmed and swept away by them. Try and avoid the highs (followed by the lows) of extremes and work towards finding a more supportive and balanced middle path that you can comfortably rely on to see you through life’s bigger challenges.

August 1st Famous birthdays

Herman Melville(American writer); Jean-Baptiste Lamarck(French naturalist); Yves Saint Laurent(French fashion designer); Born Today:

William Clark (explorer); Claudius I (emperor of Rome); Dom Delouise(comedian); Jerry Garcia (rock star); Giancarlo Giannini (actor); Geoffrey Holder (dancer); Francis Scott Key (attorneylpoet{author of "The Star Spangled Banner"); Yves Saint Laurent (fashion designer); Herman Melville (writer)

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