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People Born on August 20th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 20, 2024

August 20th Birthday Numerology

No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator, and linked to psychic abilities.

August 20 VS Leo, 2, Charming diplomat

People Born on August 20th: Destiny, Future

August 20th Birthday Destiny

You are a highly skilled networker, and sometimes, occasionally to your own detriment, a people-pleaser. This is because you are all about the collective and think in terms of the greater good, which also makes you an excellent and thoughtful life partner. Charming, gracious and competent in whatever you take on, you have the ability to move back and forth with ease between different social circles and so have become the consummate diplomat. You are fun to be around because you are likely to enjoy and be stimulated by the company of others. In the workplace the word ‘collaborative’ was invented for you, since you are all about joint ventures and activities. You will do very well in any public-facing role such as charity work, public relations, political lobbying or running an NGO which needs more money. Thanks to your good connections, success is likely to be yours, but be careful you don’t lose yourself in all this to-ing and fro-ing between such different networks or organisations. You need to stay clear about your own needs and goals, too, so it’s important to keep these in mind to avoid over-stretching yourself. Look for a life partner who is your equal in terms of competence but also one who knows the value of intimacy and support, as these are important to you, too.

August 20th Birthday Future

The romantic, sentimental lion born on this day is an inveterate "people pleaser" who sees relationships as the prin1ary force in life. More than n1ost of your Leo counterparts, you enjoy joint ventures and cooperative activities, and you tend to think in terms of "we" and "us." Charming, gracious, and magnanimous, you move back and forth between diverse social circles with considerable ease. There are few who can match you in social skills or diplomacy. Still, no matter how much you may want to be a part of the team, pride and ambition fuel your need to be first among equals.

The confidence and personal magnetism of individ-uals celebrating birthdays today gets people to notice them. Fun loving and fun to be with, you enjoy being the center of everyone's attention. Nevertheless, you're anything but a mental lightweight. You have a clear understanding of what's really important in life, as well as the ability to share your insight with others. You have excellent organizing skills and a knack for taking over in times of crisis and resolving problems and disputes. Your enterprise, creativity, and congeniality virtually guarantee your success in any field of endeavor that interests you.

In a love union, you have a knack for always doing the right thing. A model mate, you don't forget birthdays, anniversaries, or other special dates. You like being petted and admired, and in return you make your lover feel pampered and adored.

August 20th Birthday Tarot

Seven of Cups:This card is about knowing what is really important in life and making sure it is available, which is highly relevant to you. The Cups represent our emotional life and six out of the seven depicted contain what we might desire or be tempted by. The contents of the seventh cup is an obscured figure, reminding us to pay attention to what we know at heart is important to us.

August 20th Famous birthdays

Robert Plant(English singer-songwriter); Joan Allen(American actress); Demi Lovato(American singer-songwriter); Born Today:

Connie Chung (TV journalist/anchor); Benjamin Harrison(Civil War general/U.S. president); Isaac Hayes (singer/songwriter); H. P. Lovecraft (writer); James Marsters (actor); George Mitchell (U.S. senator); Robert Plant (rock star); Al Roker (TV weatherman/amateur chef/food writer); Jacqueline Susann (writer)

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