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People Born on August 21st: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 21, 2024

August 21st Birthday Numerology

No. 3:Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech.

August 21 VS Leo, 3, High-minded idealist

People Born on August 21st: Destiny, Future

August 21st Birthday Destiny

Your inner narrative is one of you as a hero blazing a trail for others to follow in order to make the world a better place. In your quieter moments you might recognise this sense of destiny, but how to achieve it might not be clear for some time. You might also find the mundane necessity of graft tricky to reconcile with your blue-sky concepts, but what’s clear is that you are probably happiest doing things your own way and only dipping into the collective when needs must. Happily, there are many career paths that will not only afford you this personal freedom but celebrate your ideas and ability to plan: project management, publishing, media, advertising or some aspect of higher education. You can often cut a somewhat solitary, even lonely, figure in your professional life, but there’s a whiff of romance about being seen this way so, again, this may suit you. In matters of actual romance, you like the idea of love, partnership and undying loyalty, but the reality may prove a tad confining for you. Try and push through this barrier because a foundation of loving support given and received can really ground and replenish you.

August 21st Birthday Future

The enchanting personalities of those born on this day make them popular, sought-after companions. A born multi-tasker, you're considerably more versatile than the average Leo. New people and places provide you with welcon1e mental stimulation, and your need for variety impels you to continually seek out fresh challenges. Like the Energizer bunny, your drive and vitality keep you going day after day. Your restless mind is always on the lookout for new subjects to study and new questions to ask and answer.

August 21st lions are idealistic and high minded, with a tendency to see themselves as noble heroes whose destiny it is to blaze a path for others to follow. While you have an intuitive grasp of the overall picture in most situations, you often lose interest when faced with the nitty-gritty of routine details. You could probably carve out a successful career in any field you choose. However, with your independent spirit, you might not be happy in a job that is physically or mentally confining. Areas most likely to provide fertile ground for your talents include show business, sports, the media, advertising, education, and sales.

You fall in love quickly, but if the relationship starts to feel confining, you may begin to get antsy. When your desire for permanence conflicts with your need to feel free and unfettered, you will usually choose love over freedom.

August 21st Birthday Tarot

Eight of Cups:Often, a hero’s journey is a tale of emotional pain overcome and a transition from ignorance to understanding. For example, we may travel the world only to arrive back at the same place, but this time with a greater understanding of ourselves and our goals in life. What we also learn, and which this card reminds us of, is that it’s often through trial and error that important lessons are mastered.

August 21st Famous birthdays

Carrie-Anne Moss(Canadian actress); Usain Bolt(Jamaican athlete); Kenny Rogers(American singer and musician); Born Today:

Janet Baker (opera singer); Count Basie (bandleader/composer);Aubrey Beardsley (illustrator); Kim Cattrall (actress); Wilt Chamberlain (basketball player); Arthur Janov (psychologist/developer of Primal Scream therapy); Jim McMahon (football player); Kenny Rogers (singer); Peter Weir (director); Jack Weston (actor)

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