People Born on August 22nd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onAugust 22, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Sun and Mercury;Third decan:Personal planet is Mars;Second cusp:Leo with Virgo tendencies. Virtues:Practical, imaginative, determined. Vices:Self-destructive, bull-headed, overbearing. Careers:Business leader, accountant, project manager. Skills & Aptitudes:Forcefulness, ambition, drive. Compatible with:January 3–5, May 17–21

Secretly sensitive

People Born on August 22nd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on August 22nd Personality Reference

Being born on the cusp of Leo and Virgo, you are a creative thinker with a pragmatic approach. You often reveal a remarkable power of determination and a love of enterprise. Ambitious and proud, with a sense of honor, you know how to make good use of the knowledge at your disposal. Since you have the power to concentrate upon a particular project and act quickly and decisively, you are a capable organizer with a resolute mind.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Aries, suggests that you enjoy living an active life. Daring and courageous, you have a dynamic personality and often appear forward and assertive. Your mind is full of ideas, and you are keen to realize your thoughts and plans. Although you are usually successful in your enterprises and appear conservative to others, you may need to overcome a tendency to be restless or impatient. You may have to avoid being stubborn by learning to balance your need for independence or freedom with a certain rebelliousness, especially in matters of authority.

Happier working than wasting your energy in the pursuit of pleasure, you need mental pursuits to keep you from being bored. Since you enjoy expanding your knowledge, education often proves beneficial, and you can achieve success through higher learning or self-study. Although you possess a strong materialistic streak, your idealistic inclinations suggest that you are a humanitarian who can campaign for a cause or an idea with great enthusiasm.

In the first year of your life your progressed Sun moves into the sign of Virgo. Over the next thirty years you are likely to be influenced by this sign’s qualities of practical order and system. At the age of thirty you reach a turning point as your progressed Sun enters Libra. This brings a growing awareness of the importance of all your relationships. Your creative abilities are enhanced, and you may be drawn to develop latent musical, artistic, or literary interests as well as widen your social circle. There is another turning point when you are age sixty, as your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, highlighting your increasing need for personal power and transformation. Your awareness usually increases due to this Sun progression.

Stars of People Born on August 22nd


Sun: Virgo/leo Cusp

Decanate: Virgo/mercury

Degree: 29°30’ Leo-0°30’ Virgo

Mode: Mutable

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Regulus, also called the Lion’s Heart; Alphard; Adhafera, also called Al-Serpha; Al Jabhah, also called the Forehead; Phecda, also called Phachd

Primary Star

Star’s name:Regulus, also called the Lion’s Heart

Degree position:28°51’-29°48’ Leo between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Alpha Leonis

Applicable days:August 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Star qualities:Mars/Jupiter

Description:a brilliant white and blue triple star located on the body of the Lion

Primary Star’s Influence

Regulus is a royal star that takes a leading role among a nearly infinite cast of stars. Regulus imparts nobility, high honors, great charisma, and the power to project dignified personality. This star bestows a natural ability to make quick decisions and cope with demanding situations. It also imparts a desire for power and an ability to lead and command others. You have strong willpower and a love of enterprise, which often lead to a desire for freedom and independence. Regulus warns that these great benefits are not necessarily longlasting.

Secrets of People Born on August 22nd

Some of your challenges may involve sacrifice, selflessness, and humility. You have a strong awareness of your responsibilities, realizing that ultimately your peace of mind comes from working to create, harmony in your environment. This may involve duties in the home or being a protector or advisor for others. With your strong views, this may also involve fighting for a cause.

Through your affection and forgiveness of others’ faults, you can overcome many difficulties. You may, however, have to guard against being critical, domineering, or interfering. By learning to center yourself and stay calm or serene, you are able to handle possible restlessness. Alternatively, you may channel any dissatisfaction into seeking wisdom or travel. Although practical, you possess an inner emotional sensitivity, which may find fulfillment in the achievement of your high ideals.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on August 22nd

You have the ability to lead and are a good planner and organizer. If in business, you may well be happier working for yourself; although independent, you may find that partnerships or team efforts could be very productive for you. Always full of ideas and with excellent people skills, you are highly likely to succeed in business, especially sales, promotion, or advertising. You may be drawn to professions that use your fine mind, such as education, writing, or law. Being gifted and dramatic, you can also become outstanding in the world of entertainment or music.

Famous people who share your birthday include composer Claude Debussy, musician John Lee Hooker, actress Valerie Harper, writers Ray Bradbury and Dorothy Parker, baseball player Carl Yastrzemski, football coach Bill Parcells, and U.S. general Norman Schwartzkopf.

August 22nd Birthday Numerology

Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application. As a number 22 individual, you are a proud, practical, and highly intuitive person. This is a master number and can vibrate both as number 22 and as number 4. Often honest and hardworking, with natural leadership abilities, you have a charismatic personality and a deep understanding of people and what motivates them. Although undemonstrative, you often show a caring, protective concern for the welfare of others, yet you never lose sight of your pragmatic or realistic stand. Usually cultured and worldly, you have many friends and admirers. The more competitive among you achieve success and good fortune with help and encouragement from others. Many born on this date have strong links with brothers or sisters and can be protective and supportive of them. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you are reliable and efficient, with polished common sense. Since you are perceptive and imaginative, you enjoy solving problems and at times amaze others by producing simple solutions to difficult problems.

• Positive:universal, director, highly intuitive, pragmatic, practical, dexterous, skillful, builder, good organizer, realist, problem solver, achiever

•Negative:get-rich-quick schemes, nervous, bossy, materialistic, lack of vision, lazy, self-promoting

Love & Relationships of People Born on August 22nd

Your friendly and charismatic personality draws many people toward you and enhances your social life. In your close personal relationships you may sometimes find it difficult to express love, and you may be drawn to unusual individuals. Usually strong and independent, you can also be warm and protective of those you care for. You need someone intelligent who does not let you dominate him or her but at the same time keeps you feeling youthful and playful.

The dream lover of someone born on August 22nd

Your chances for happiness and love are better with someone born on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 3, 4, 14, 20, 24, 25, Feb. 2, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, Mar. 10, 16, 20, 29, 30, Apr. 8, 14, 18, 27, 28, May 6, 12, 16, 25, 26, 31, June 4, 10, 14, 23, 24, 29, July 2, 8, 12, 21, 22, 27, Aug. 6, 10, 19, 20, 25, Sept. 4, 8, 17, 18, 23, Oct. 2, 6, 15, 16, 21, 30, Nov. 4, 13, 14, 19, 28, 30, Dec. 2, 11, 12, 17, 26, 28, 30

Beneficial:Jan. 4, 8, 21, Feb. 2, 6, 19, Mar. 4, 17, 28, Apr. 2, 15, 16, May 13, 24, June 11, 22, July 9, 20, Aug. 7, 18, 31, Sept. 5, 16, 29, Oct. 3, 14, 27, Nov. 1, 12, 25, Dec. 10, 23

Fatai attractions:Jan. 3, Feb. 1, May 31, June 29, July 27, Aug. 25, Sept. 23, Oct. 21, Nov. 19, Dec. 17

Challenging:Jan. 7, 10, 15, 31, Feb. 5, 8, 13, 29, Mar. 3, 6, 11, 27, Apr. 1, 4, 9, 25, May 2, 7, 23, June 5, 21, July 3, 19, Aug. 1, 17, Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 11, Dec. 9

Soul mates:Mar. 31, Apr. 29, May 27, June 25, July 23, Aug. 21, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, 29, Nov. 15, 27, Dec. 13, 25

August 22nd Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on this day are stimulated by the com- pany of others, and because they are blessed with charm and an infectious optimism and vitality, others are effortlessly drawn to them. Yet they are rarely as uncomplicated and straightforward as their easy-going approach might suggest, for at the core of their person- alities lies a strong-willed, opinionated kernel that fuels them with the urge to have their own way—sometimes regardless of the potential cost to others or, indeed, to themselves. The visions that motivate their actions are frequently grandiose ones, the product of their innate capacity to note the shortcomings of existing circum- stances and then, assisted by their practical ability, to formulate resourceful and direct strategies for improve- ment. Such is their all-encompassing curiosity (and courage) that they are especially attracted to careers in the public service, although their inclinations and tal- ents may lead them to become leaders and managers, inspiring others with their originality.

Many August 22 people are thus impelled to blaze a trail and direct the thoughts and actions of those who follow them. They manifest their leadership qualities in every sphere of their lives, both professional and per- sonal. Because these pragmatic individuals understand the efficacy of persuading rather than forcing others to comply with their convictions, they generally employ their charismatic powers to enlist support. If obstructed, however, their natural combativeness comes to the fore and they will not hesitate to seek to impose their wishes by forceful methods. If they are not to become isolated, especially in terms of their private liaisons, it is vital that August 22 people take on board the opinions of others, and become willing to compromise if necessary.

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