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People Born on August 27th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 27, 2024

August 27th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

August 27 VS Virgo, 9, Natural healer

People Born on August 27th: Destiny, Future

August 27th Birthday Destiny

You may not have chosen healing as your formal career path, but if not, you may end up involved in the healing arts in some way because you have both a natural gift and a strong desire to be of service to your fellow humans (and probably to animals, too). Insightful, observant and mentally sharp, you have the ability to listen carefully to what someone has to say before giving counsel and you have an uncanny ability to cut right to the heart of things. With a strong moral compass, you may come across as a little judgemental at times, but you are actually lighter in spirit than most initially realise. This is because Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, has probably given you the gift of witty repartee and this you use to your advantage both at work and at play. Just be careful that your wit doesn’t turn to sarcasm, which could wound more sensitive souls. You won’t be short of admirers because there’s usually a genuine warmth and positive interest in others in your interactions that makes you a good listener and which is part of your healing capacity. In love, you are warm, funny and romantic, and expect the same in return.

August 27th Birthday Future

The kind, sympathetic nature of persons born on this day makes them eager to do what they can to help those in need. A natural healer and counselor, you have a strong desire to be of service to the community. Mentally perceptive, insightful, observant, and precise in your actions, you are particularly good at dealing with emergencies. Your indomitable strength of purpose makes it difficult for anyone to divert your attention from your goals. Your forceful personality and belief in your mission tend to sway others and win them over to your way of thinking.

There's an aura of prophetic wisdom about someone born on August 27. You listen carefully to what others have to say, and when you express an opinion, it usually cuts right to the heart of the matter. You refuse to tolerate bigotry or injustice of any kind. However, in your haste to do what's right, you often get carried away. When you give in to impractical ideas, your potential for doing good can become hopelessly lost in a haze of aimless dreaming.

Love is high on your list of priorities. Without it, you often feel the need to retreat into the fantasy world of your imagination. In an intimate relationship you provide warmth, tenderness, and tons of romance. You expect no less in return.

August 27th Birthday Tarot

Ace of Wands:This is a very powerful, positive card and all about being an ace in communication, a skill that already lies at the heart of your potential healing capacity. It is up to you to decide whether you accept this gift or use it in some profession that benefits both you and those around you.

August 27th Famous birthdays

Lyndon B. Johnson(36thPresident of the United States); Tom Ford(American fashion designer); Jamala(Ukrainian singer-songwriter and actress); Born Today:

Daryl "The Captain" Dragon (singer); Theodore Dreiser (writer); Georg Hegel (philosopher); Lyndon B. Johnson (U.S. president); Ira Levin (writer); Man Ray (artist); Martha Raye (comedienne); Paul "Pee-wee Herman" Reubens (TV show host/actor); Alexa Vega (actress); Tuesday Weld (actress)

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