People Born on August 30th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onAugust 30, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;First decan:Personal planet is Mercury. Virtues:Inspiring, perceptive, ambitious. Vices:Authoritarian, demanding, overbearing. Careers:Pharmacist, doctor, entrepreneur. Skills & Aptitudes:Adaptable, willing to compromise, wide-ranging focus. Compatible with:February 23–26, December 26–31

Shrewd investigator

People Born on August 30th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on August 30th Personality Reference

Expressive, hardworking, and caring, with an interest in people, you are a persuasive and original individual. With the ability to be both soft and loving, though tough and disciplined, you can express contrasting emotions.

With the subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Virgo, you have a sharp, analytical mind that picks up on every little detail. With a desire for knowledge and a need to improve yourself, you usually develop your ability to be articulate. Practical, with good concentration, you can be thorough and diligent in your work, but may have to avoid being overly critical of yourself or others in your search for perfection.

Sociable and charming, you like to make other people happy. Projecting a positive attitude or outlook toward life, you are at the same time realistic. Occasionally you may become overly serious or withdrawn, inhibiting your feelings or causing worry and negativity. You may also experience a conflict between your sense of duty and your heart’s desire. By learning detachment and how to express the universal love and compassion inherent in your life path, you are able to experience more joyful emotional fulfillment.

From your early years, you are likely to be interested in analyzing situations practically in order to understand and improve them. When you reach the age of twenty-three, your progressed Sun moves into Libra, commencing a thirty-year period of increased emphasis on your partnerships, both personally and professionally. This is a time when you can have an increased sense of beauty and harmony and may want to develop any creative potential you possess. Another turning point occurs at the age of fifty-three, when your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, placing more emphasis on the power of transformation and stimulating you to seek deeper emotional meaning in your life.

Stars of People Born on August 30th


Sun: Virgo

Decanate: Virgo/mercury

Degree: 7°30’-8°30’ Virgo

Mode: Mutable

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Alioth

Degree position:7°52’-8°52’ Virgo between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Epsilon Ursa Major

Applicable days:August 29, 30, 31, September 1, 2, 3

Star qualities:Mars

Description:a blue-white star located in the tail of the Great Bear

Primary Star’s Influence

Alioth endows good judgment, a zest for life, and love of ease and comfort. Often you are broad-minded and inclined toward liberalism. This star imparts ambition to win, a competitive nature, and a constant need for activity. Alioth also imparts a talent for criticism and suggests that it should be used constructively.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Alioth’s influence indicates an aptitude for business, sport, government posts, and dealing with the public. It can also stimulate thoroughness and the ability to exploit every situation, but warns against irritability and overconfidence.

• Positive:genuine, frank, endurance can overcome disappointment

• Negative:ruthlessness, egoism, de- structiveness, obstinacy, overcritical

Secrets of People Born on August 30th

Often the demonstration of affection can be very important to you, as you may have experienced instances of controlled love in your life or in your home growing up. As you can be skeptical, you may need to learn faith and decide whom you can trust. By cultivating self- confidence, you are more able to take care of your needs. It may be particularly important how you value yourself and others and how you allow others to value you.

Money is important, but you are usually willing to work hard for it. You often work better when you allow your intuition to sense the right time for an idea or project and then act spontaneously rather than becoming restricted by too much structure. Being so sensitive, you need regular periods alone to reflect and connect to your deeper inspiration.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on August 30th

With your ability to be analytical or even technically minded, you may be drawn to work in research, science, or the health and medical world. Similarly, your sharp intellect and communication skills can aid you in education or writing. The more humanitarian side of your nature may be fulfilled in the caring professions or social reform, and your interest in people can make you an excellent counselor. With your thirst for knowledge and practical thinking, you may well become an expert in your chosen field or enter the world of business. Alternatively, your natural creativity and love of beauty may attract you to a career as a musician, actor, or entertainer. Similarly, with a feel for nature, you may also be drawn to a career such as landscape gardener.

Famous people who share your birthday include writer Mary Shelley, physicist Ernest Rutherford, actors Raymond Massey and Timothy Bottoms, baseball player Ted Williams, and investor Warren Buffet.

August 30th Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. Artistic and creative, friendly, and sociable are just some of the ways others describe people with the number 30 birthday. You enjoy the good life, love socializing, and can be exceptionally charismatic and loyal. Gregarious, with good taste and an eye for style and form, you can achieve success in all types of work concerning art, design, and music. Similarly, possessing a need for self-expression and a natural talent for words, you may excel at writing, speaking, or singing. You possess strong feelings, and being in love or contented is a vital requirement. In your pursuit of happiness, avoid being lazy or overindulgent. Among those with number 30 birthdays, many will find recognition or fame, especially musicians, actors, and entertainers. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you are hardworking and idealistic, with strong willpower and an ambitious nature. With sincere, spontaneous enthusiasm and an enterprising nature, you often take ideas and expand them in your own dramatic style.

• Positive:fun-loving, loyal, friendly, good conversationalist, creative, lucky

•Negative:lazy, obstinate, erratic, impatient, insecure, indifferent, scattered

Love & Relationships of People Born on August 30th

Although you are an affectionate person, with a passionate and romantic nature, a need for variety and adventure implies that you may also become impatient and restless. You are often generous and giving, but at times you can become cold or withdrawn. In your relationships it is especially good for you to get away from routine by taking a short break or a quick pleasure trip. Sensitive to others, you may go through many changes in response to your partner’s needs, so it is important to keep independent and enthusiastic.

The dream lover of someone born on August 30th

To find love and long-lasting relationships, look out for someone bom on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 2, 9, 11, 12, 22, 25, Feb. 7, 10, 20, 23, 26, Man 5, 7, 8, 18, 21,Apr. 3, 5, 6, 16, 19, May 1, 4, 14, 17, 20, 24, 29, June 2, 12, 15, 27, July 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 30, Aug. 9, 15, 24, 26, Sept. 7, 13, 22, 24, Oct. 4, 7, 10, 14, 19, 24, 28, 29, Nov. 2, 5, 8, 12, 17, 22, 26, 27, Dec. 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 24, 25

Beneficial:Jan. 12, 23, 29, Feb. 10, 21, 27, Mar. 22, 26, Apr. 6, 17, 23, May 4, 15, 21, June 2, 13, 19, 28, 30, July 11, 17, 26, 28, Aug. 9, 15, 24, 26, Sept. 7, 13, 22, 24, Oct. 5, 11, 20, 22, Nov. 3, 9, 18, 20, 30, Dec. 1, 7, 16, 18, 28

Fatal attractions:Feb. 25, 26, 27, 28, July 29, Aug. 27, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 21,Dec. 19

Challenging:Jan. 1, 4, 26, 30, Feb. 2, 24, 28, Mar. 22, 26, Apr. 20, 24, May 18, 22, 31, June 16, 20, 29, July 14, 18, 27, Aug. 12, 16, 25, 30, Sept. 10, 14, 23, 28, Oct. 8, 12, 21, 26, Nov. 6, 10, 19, 24, Dec. 4, 8, 17, 22

Soul mates:Jan. 20, Feb. 18, Mar. 16, Apr. 14, May 12, June 10, July 8, Aug. 6, Sept. 4, Oct. 2

August 30th Birthday Personology Summary

In common with the majority of Virgoans, those born on August 30 are blessed with mercurial minds, a gift that not only bestows on them marked curiosity, but also the desire to impose order upon any area that impinges upon their lives. And these individuals are talented organizers, who put their analytical powers to use by identifying subjects with scope for improvement and then employing their logical intellects in formulating effective strategies to realize their perfectionist aims. Despite their recognition of the need to address every inherent detail—however small—in order to incorporate it into a smoothly running whole, those born on this day always retain a view of the wider picture, and this ability, as well as their capacity for self-discipline, augurs well for their success. Yet these are not usually unbendingly rigid types, for, being both pragmatic and geared toward achieving tangible results, they appreciate the need for adaptability and compromise when the occasion demands.

Their progressive inclinations and organizational skills endow those born on this day with the poten- tial to succeed in any career that excites their inter- est, although commercial ventures, scientific pursuits (especially pharmacy and the medical field), sports and teaching may prove especially fruitful. As a result of the emphasis that they place upon building supportive frameworks, they gravitate toward forging close-knit teams, a propensity that applies as much to their pri- vate as their professional lives. They do, however, pre- fer to play a leading role within their relationships and this may occasionally cause friction with those of their nearest and dearest—especially their children—who would prefer more personal freedom.

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