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People Born on August 4th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 04, 2024

August 4th Birthday Numerology

No. 4:Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application.

August 4 VS Leo, 4, Rebellious persuader

People Born on August 4th: Destiny, Future

August 4th Birthday Destiny

You may not share her politics, but you do share the iron will of the UK’s first ever female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, who famously once said: ‘The lady’s not for turning.’ This can mark you out as something of a loner. It’s not that you don’t care about others; in fact, you care a great deal about things like justice and fairness. So, you may even campaign and work to address these issues in society. But you tend to be very sure of your own opinion and, in childhood at least, this may have marked you out as someone with a rebellious streak and a problem with authority. Actually, it is less about your dislike of being told what to do or how to behave and more about your fear of losing any of your hard-won freedoms. All this is likely to be balanced by a persuasive charm that will enable you to work well with others should you choose. Try not to be suspicious of those who genuinely just want to help you and try not to push people away or you may end up a successful but very lonely Lion, which would be a shame as you are also capable of great love and commitment to those who share your values.

August 4th Birthday Future

The ambitious, hard-working lion born on this day is determined to achieve something important in life. In fact, you're so totally dedicated to your plans for success that nothing can stop you from gaining your objectives. On the outside you appear so playful and relaxed that few people really understand just how intensely dedicated you are to your dreams for the future. Moreover, you're patient enough to realize that there is no need to rush, because eventually you will reach your goals. Unlike many other lions, you're a consummate planner, and you strategize most of your important moves in advance. Once you decide exactly what it is you need to do, you set about doing it.

You are blessed with tremendous self-confidence and unswerving faith in your own destiny. Even more important than wealth and status is your need to shine and occupy the center of the stage. People who celebrate birthdays on August 4 are born to be stars. You thrive in the limelight and bask in the adulation of the admiring throng. Whether in the arts, sports, business or the professions, you want to see tangible results from your efforts.

In relationships, you are loyal, passionate, and generous, but you're also possessive and demanding. Your ego requires a lot of stroking, and it may take a great deal of attention and repeated assurances of love and affection from your partner to keep you happy.

August 4th Birthday Tarot

The Magician:For most people, the Magician appears in a reading as a reminder to draw on all their talents to reach their goals, including and especially those that are still untapped. He also shows up to remind us that we are all here to learn and, for you, as the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher will appear, so be aware of this and be open to those who will help you explore and develop your full potential in life.

August 4th Famous birthdays

Louis Armstrong(American jazz musician); Barack Obama(44thPresident of the United States); Percy Bysshe Shelley(British Romantic poet); Born Today:

Louis Armstrong Oazz musician/singer); Roger Clemens (baseball player);Herb Ellis Oazz musician); William Hamilton (physicist/mathematician); Maurice Richard (hockey player); Percy Bysshe Shelley (poet); Mary Decker Slaney (runner); Billy Bob Thornton (actor/screenwriter); Raoul Wallenberg (diplomat/negotiator)

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