People Born on August 4th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onAugust 04, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Sun;Second decan:Personal planet is Jupiter. Virtues:Intelligent, dynamic, persuasive. Vices:Controlling, domineering, unforgiving. Careers:Campaigner, politician, teacher. Skills & Aptitudes:Positive attitude, inspirational qualities, determination. Compatible with:January 17–19, May 1–5

Rebellious persuader

People Born on August 4th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on August 4th Personality Reference

Generous and broad-minded, you have a universal perspective, though a preoccupation with material concerns frequently limits your humanitarian inclinations. As a Leo, you are creative and magnanimous, with practical skills and powers of attainment. Friendly and cheerful, you attract people and can be popular. This also indicates strong leadership potential and suggests that you do not like to be in a subservient position.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Sagittarius, encourages you to expand and, in combination with your optimistic outlook, inspires you to courageously take chances. When you fear the unknown, this influence can also work adversely and undermine your capability to perform record achievements. By trying to resist an inclination to be impatient and bossy, you can develop tolerance. Detachment and a balanced attitude to life will enable you to avoid many frustrations and disappointments.

Adopting a responsible outlook may inspire you to explore your true potential and become a leading specialist in your chosen field. Although you prefer to deal with the larger pic* ture, in your enthusiasm you may forget about the small but vital details. By learning to be thorough or methodical, you can enhance your prospects of success.

From childhood, you are likely to be interested in social activities and being at the center of things. From the age of eighteen onward, as your progressed Sun moves into Virgo for a thirty-year period, you gradually become more conscientious, thoughtful, reserved, and discriminating. You may be interested in becoming more efficient in your working environment. As your progressed Sun enters Libra, when you are age forty-eight, you reach a turning point. This brings a strong emphasis on your social relationships and partnerships. Your creative abilities are enhanced, and you may wish to develop any latent musical, artistic, or literary interests.

Stars of People Born on August 4th


Sun: Leo

Decanate: Sagittarius/jupiter

Degree: 12°-13°30’ Leo

Mode: Fixed

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Kochab

Degree position:11°56’-12°45’ Leo between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Beta Ursa Minor

Applicable days:August 4, 5, 6, 7

Star qualities:Saturn/Mercury

Description:a giant orange star located in the Small Bear; also called the Little Dipper

Primary Star’s Influence

Kochab’s influence bestows logic, concentration, and an ability to come straight to the point in discussion. Often you have a love of tidiness and good organizational skills. This star imparts stamina and opportunities to rise to a position of authority.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star indicates that much can be achieved through determination. You have the ability to fight with energy and courage till the end, and you possess a never- give-up attitude. This star also warns against deceit and malicious or underhanded activities.

• Positive:determination, persistence, courage to overcome obstacles

•Negative:rashness, mischief, pessimism

Secrets of People Born on August 4th

You usually possess a youthful quality, and being happy and relaxed brings out your original sense of humor. Part of your clever, satirical wit may come from your natural psychological skills and ability to quickly evaluate people. A need for material security at all costs may cause a conflict between your ideals or desires and the limitations of your reality. By incorporating adventures, variety, and travel into your life, you can transform an inner restlessness into attainment of new goals.

By learning how to manage your assets and budget, you may avoid alternating periods of being well-off, generous, or extravagant with periods of being insecure due to a lack of funds. This will also help you overcome a fear of financial instability.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on August 4th

Since you are very independent and prefer to give orders rather than accept them, you are usually better in some position of authority or, if working within a group, where you have the freedom to operate in your own way. You are liable to succeed in teaching, lecturing, the theater, or running your own business. You are a good evaluator, and so the more pragmatic side of your nature may be drawn to real estate, banking, and the stock market. Alternatively, a humanitarian streak may find expression through the healing professions or in some form of social or community work.

Famous people who share your birthday include England’s Queen Mother, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, baseball player Roger Clemens, and Olympic athlete Mary Decker Slaney.

August 4th Birthday Numerology

Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application. The solid structure and orderly power suggested by the number 4 birthday indicate that you need stability and like to establish order. Endowed with energy, practical skills, and strong determination, you can achieve success through hard work. Security-conscious, you like to build a strong foundation for yourself and your family. A pragmatic approach to life confers a good business sense and an ability to achieve material successin life. As a number 4 individual, you are usually honest, frank, and fair. The challenges for a number 4 individual may include overcoming periods of instability or financial worry. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that the way you manage your finances can make a great deal of difference to your life, and you may have to learn to be practical and economical. You like to think in a creative way and often lead and inspire others. Usually you have good reasoning powers and are a good planner or designer.

• Positive:well organized, self-discipline, steady, hardworking, organized, craftsmanship, good with your hands, pragmatism, trusting, exact

• Negative:uncommunicative, rigid, lazy, unfeeling, procrastination, bossy, hidden affections, resentful, strict

Love & Relationships of People Born on August 4th

Although you are warm and loving, at times emotional inhibitions can make you seem cool and detached. Partnerships are very important in your life, even if you do not always express your feelings. Generally you are attracted to people who are mentally stimulating or with whom you share some type of intellectual activity. Although you are usually a good partner, if you have a stubborn streak, it may cause quarrels in relationships. Luckily, this does not last long, since, being understanding and caring, you are a good friend, host, and protective family member.

The dream lover of someone born on August 4th

Success in finding the right partner may be more easily achieved with those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 6, 7, 16, Feb. 4, 5, 14, Mar. 2, 12, 28, 30, Apr. 10, 26, 28, May 8, 24, 26, 30, June 6, 22, 24, 28, July 4, 20, 22, 26, 31, Aug. 2, 18, 20, 24, 29, Sept. 16, 18, 22, 27, Oct. 14, 16, 20, 25, Nov. 12, 14, 18, 23, Dec. 10, 12, 16, 21

Beneficial:Jan. 9, 14, 16, Feb. 7, 12, 14, Mar. 5, 10, 12, Apr. 3, 8, 10, May 1, 6, 8, June 4, 6, July 2, 4, Aug. 2, Sept. 30, Oct. 28, Nov. 26, 30, Dec. 24, 28, 29

Fatal attractions:Jan. 21, Feb. 19, Mar. 17, Apr. 15, May 13, June 11, July 9, Aug. 7, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 1

Challenging:Jan. 4, 13, 28, Feb. 2, 11, 26, Mar. 9, 24, Apr. 7, 22, May 5, 20, June 3, 18, July 1, 16, Aug. 14; Sept. 12, Oct. 10, 31, Nov. 8, 29, Dec. 6, 27

Soul mates:Jan. 15, 22, Feb. 13, 20, Mar. 11, 18, Apr. 9, 16, May 7, 14, June 5, 12, July 3, 10, Aug. I, 8, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 2

August 4th Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on this day are strong-willed characters whose autonomy of thought and action is of the utmost importance to them. While they may seek to influence others, they claim the right of independence for themselves. Their need for freedom is as much the product of their constant quest for knowledge as of their incisive intellects, which lead them to gather as much information as possible before deciding upon a goal. But while their sense of justice may lead them to champion the disadvantaged as a whole—thus equip- ping them as campaigners or politicians—they may disregard the right of others to profess conflicting opin- ions, instead employing confrontational techniques in their quest to implement what they regard as being unquestionably the correct way forward. This propen- sity may occasionally lead them to behave somewhat perversely, rebelling against authority figures simply because of their strong antipathy for being restrained, as well as of their more general dislike of complacency and the unthinking acceptance of the status quo. They are probably most suited for artistic, educational or sport- ing careers, in which their inclinations and talents can best be used to inspire others.

So averse are August 4 people to submitting to the control of others that—even from childhood—they may reject entirely well-meaning attempts to assist them, fearing that more sinister, dominating motives lurk behind the helping hand, a propensity that can lead them to become rather isolated figures. When they channel their energies positively, they typically enliven their personal relationships greatly; those closest to them should be careful, however, never to restrain, or to appear to challenge, these people’s independence.

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