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People Born on August 7th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 07, 2024

August 7th Birthday Numerology

No. 7:Very analytical and detail-oriented, likes to observe and investigate things, and has a keen, inventive eye.

August 7 VS Leo, 7, Sensitive soul

People Born on August 7th: Destiny, Future

August 7th Birthday Destiny

You love the limelight as much as the next Leo, but you may have a fear of anyone seeing quite how vulnerable you sometimes feel or discovering that you have a strong solitary streak and need plenty of downtime. You may have a tendency to be over-sensitive and can sometimes feel misunderstood and unappreciated, which can tempt you to show your Big Cat claws and snarl at those who offend you. Sometimes sentimental and easily moved to tears over the plight of others, if you do well in life, you’re likely to want to share your good fortune via philanthropic and charitable giving. You are here, so you say, for the good times, so you may be guilty of a little over-indulgence when it comes to the good things in life. In love, you want to give all of yourself and feel madly loved and hugely appreciated right from the get-go. If this doesn’t happen your elation can quickly turn to depression and it may take you a while (or more likely a new love affair) to feel like your bouncy self again. You like to feel good about yourself and those you love, so find a love match that feels the same.

August 7th Birthday Future

Persons celebrating birthdays today enjoy the limelight as much as other Leos, but they don't like feeling vulnerable or exposed. An exuberant outer personality effectively conceals your rather mysterious and somewhat solitary inner nature. Still, your charisma and personal magnetism fascinate people and draw them into your orbit. Because you breathe the rarefied air of a visionary, you often feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Nevertheless, you are proud and passionately dedicated to your goals. You know what you want to accomplish, and you won't give up until you've achieved your purpose.

Those born on August 7 are imaginative and intuitive, with artistic temperan1ents. You also are sensitive and more easily distressed and distracted than other lions. Your humanitarian instincts are strong, and you're easily moved by the problems and difficulties that people must face. Although you may think you want a tranquil life, your fiery leonine nature craves excitement and drama. Your unique combination of creativity and idealism incline you toward career fields concerned with entertainment, writing, art and design, social work, politics, religion, and philanthropy.

Despite your need for occasional periods of solitude, love and romance are vital to your happiness. In a love relationship, you're as sensitive to your partner's needs as you are to your own. You pour yourself so totally into an intimate union that your joy quickly turns to despair if it sours.

August 7th Birthday Tarot

Knight of Wands:Depicted by a knight riding into town in his full regalia, this is a card of action but sometimes without much forethought. Like you, this knight is not concerned about what dangers may lie ahead but feels on top of the world. The warning in this card is to be mindful, especially when it comes to matters of the heart, and avoid rushing in where angels fear to tread, as the saying goes.

August 7th Famous birthdays

Mata Hari(Dutch courtesan and dancer); Bruce Dickinson(British singer-songwriter); Megan Gale(Australian actress); Born Today:

Ralph Bunch (statesman); Billie Burke (actress); David Duchovny (actor);Stan Freeberg (comedian); Don Larsen (baseball player); Louis Leakey (paleontologist); Alan Leo (astrologer); Alan Page (football player); Nicholas Ray (director); Alberto Salazar (marathon runner); Charlize Theron (actress)

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