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People Born on August 9th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onAugust 09, 2024

August 9th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

August 9 VS Leo, 9, Witchy warrior

People Born on August 9th: Destiny, Future

August 9th Birthday Destiny

Witches and wiccans (the ones working for the greater good) hold the annual Feast of the Fire Spirits on this day, which you probably already know because you are no doubt highly sensitive and possibly even psychic, even if you don’t want to be. You may also have had an imaginary friend as a child, who felt as real to you as any of your school mates. In addition to this sensitive side, you are likely to have a classic Leo drive towards, and need for, success and recognition, but combined with a need for privacy and solitude. This could mean that you may spend your twenties and thirties flipping between these competing needs until you find a balance that suits you. People can sometimes mistake your soft heart and kindness for weakness and may get a rude awakening if they do, because being on the receiving end of the roar of the Lion is not to be underrated as you won’t be taken for a fool. Creative and idealistic, you may gravitate towards social work, music, art or a particular religious practice. Eventually, you will embrace your deep-rooted spiritual nature and find peace, with one foot in this world and the other in your dreams.

August 9th Birthday Future

Those whose birthdays fall on this day are idealistic, impressionable dreamers easily moved by the suffering of others. Your generosity makes you a soft touch, and you should be careful lest people try to take advantage of your good nature. You are moody and sensitive, with paradoxes in your makeup that propel you back and forth between willfulness and self-denial. At times you feel torn between your desire for worldly success, with its accompanying acceptance and approval, and your deep-seated inner need for privacy and tranquility.

The sensitivity and psychic-like receptivity of people born on this day allows them to tune in to prevailing conditions. You rarely miss a major opportunity, because instinct tells you when it's time to move forward and when it is better to hold back. Although you can be aggressive when you think it necessary, you're prudent enough not to push beyond the reasonable limits of good sense. You are athletic, artistic, and compassionate; and your creativity and idealism incline you toward career fields concerned with acting, music, art, social work, sports, and religion.

Sincerely devoted to those you love, you will sacrifice everything for them. However, your tendency is to fall passionately in love with a romantic ideal. If reality fails to live up to your expectations, you may move on to another "ideal" partner.

August 9th Birthday Tarot

Queen of Swords:Here the Queen of Swords is depicted gazing fixedly straight ahead because she has the clarity of vision and understanding of a mature woman, and while she can and will (thanks to her sword) offer great protection, she is really about self-reliance and listening to your own truths. She will protect all those who need her help but, like you, she will not be taken advantage of and if you try it, you will feel the edge of her tongue.

August 9th Famous birthdays

Whitney Houston(American singer); Melanie Griffith(American actress); Eric Bana(Australian actor and comedian); Born Today:

Gillian Anderson (actress); Bob Cousy (basketball player); John Dryden (poet); Sam Elliot (actor); Melanie Griffith (actress); Ralph Houk (baseball manager); Brett Hull (hockey player); Whitney Houston (singer); Rod Laver (tennis player); Deion Sanders (football player/baseball player); Robert Shaw (actor)

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