December 11th Birthday Numerology
No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator and linked to psychic abilities.
December 11 VS Sagittarius, 2, Canny risk-taker
Taking risks may be how you keep your Sagittarian fear of boredom at bay, and that’s fine as long as those risks are calculated and not likely to backfire. Happily, you’re likely to have the intuition to know when to pull back, say no, or at least postpone a new adventure, and that’s where being canny comes in. You may listen intently to someone’s advice and concerns, but at the end of the day you’ll make your own decisions based on your own assessment and take what risks you like if you think they are worth it. At work you have probably learned to show a little more caution, which is something else you’re canny about: there’s no point rocking the boat if it makes your daily life difficult. In this way, you’ll progress quite smoothly in your career, which may find you in high-octane activities like trading in financial markets. But if your job’s not particularly exciting, it may be deliberately chosen to serve more adventurous hobbies, like rock climbing or off-piste skiing. You’re likely to be equally open to romantic adventures, but the risks you take here may be a means to an end: to find a mate with whom to settle down.
The optimistic archer born on this day is not afraid to take chances when the rewards seem worth the risks. Inherently friendly and magnanimous, you like people and they like you. You're a kindhearted diplomat with a sparkling wit and a fiery spirit. Honest to the core, you still manage to tell it like it is without hurting anyone's feelings. You may sometimes feel uncertain about what you want to do in life. However, once you find a truly exciting project, your enthusiasm won't quit until your goal has been reached.
December 11th people, with their cheerful tempera-ment and sincere concern for others, rarely fail to make a good impression. Blessed with a capacity for understanding all sides of an issue, you have a knack for combining intellectual reasoning with intuition, which accounts for many of your wise decisions. Your response to most problems and difficulties is calm and harmonious. While you may be easygoing, however, your Sagittarian independence keeps you from being overly influenced by other people's opinions. Although you listen to what everyone has to say, in the end you make your own decisions.
In an intimate relationship, you long for the emotional security of a committed partnership. But you also need freedom and independence. You get bored and restless if you stick close to home for too long. Your ideal mate is someone who understands the duality of your nature and supports or shares your love of travel and adventure.
Temperance:This card is designed to prompt us to reflect on the balance in our lives from time to time, and it reminds us that we need to pause occasionally and consider if we are getting this right for ourselves. It’s also a card about the necessity of creating downtime to refresh and refuel our bodies and minds, so avoiding burnout.
Jermaine Jackson(American singer); Donna Mills(American actress); Marco Pierre White(British chef and restaurateur); Born Today:
Hector Berlioz (composer); Terri Garr (actress); John Kerry (U.S. senator);Fiorello LaGuardia (New York mayor/U.S. congressman); Brenda Lee (singer); Donna Mills (actress); Rita Moreno (actress/singer); Carlo Ponti (director); Gilbert Roland (actor); Susan Seidelman (director); Alexander Solzhenitsyn (writer)