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People Born on December 24th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onDecember 24, 2024

December 24th Birthday Numerology

No. 6:Empathic and nurturing, can problem-solve in an emotional and physical way, responsible and cares deeply about family and friends.

December 24 VS Capricorn, 6, Instinctive peacemaker

People Born on December 24th: Destiny, Future

December 24th Birthday Destiny

You really don’t like disagreement or conflict but, unlike some, your instinct is probably to instigate a resolution rather than a revolution. As a child you probably weren’t possessive about your toys, trusting that your turn would come or finding something else of equal interest. You’re likely to develop considerable charm and emotional intelligence to help resolve disputes when they occur, both at home and at work. This diplomatic approach probably stems from a desire for a quiet life, but you also have a knack for really getting to the nub of an issue between two sides without getting emotionally involved. When it comes to career choices, you’re probably very comfortable with a public-facing role and would feel at home in a range of professions, from retail to teaching. There’s also a warmth about you that people respond to, all of which stems from a general feeling you have that people are usually well-meaning. You will probably take a similar approach towards an intimate partner, expecting the best of them unless proved otherwise, and this trust is usually rewarded.

December 24th Birthday Future

The individual born on this day is as purposeful and aware of personal goals as other goats. Nevertheless, the competitive side of your nature is considerably softened by your tact and spirit of cooperation. Essentially a positive person, you have an almost inspirational faith in your own infallibility. You may be a bit eccentric at times, but you're always amiable and sympathetic to the needs of others. Despite your busy-busy lifestyle, you somehow manage to find time to engage in social pleasantries and pursue cultural and artistic interests.

Those celebrating birthdays today dislike direct conflict or hostile situations. Capable of exercising sound and impartial judgment, you instinctively do whatever is necessary to preserve peace and order. Moreover, you have a knack for spotting the flaws in a plan before it's imple-mented, thereby avoiding serious problems. Your fondest desire is to get ahead in the world and assume responsibility, especially in a professional or business setting. Career interests are considerably enhanced by your ability to bring others around to your point of view through persuasiveness and outright charm.

You are an affectionate, warm, sensual lover and a generous, reliable mate. Relating comes naturally to you, and you probably don't feel complete without the companionship of a loving partner. However, it takes more than love and romance to hold your interest. You want someone who shares your life's goals and your strong sense of purpose.

December 24th Birthday Tarot

Two of Wands:The card of great success, we see a well-to-do merchant gazing out across the sea, perhaps thinking about his next business trip. In his right hand he holds a globe which tells us that he is no stranger to being on the world stage; and his position is elevated – he is standing on a high balcony overlooking the sea – so we know he has reached the top in his own life. He is where you are heading and want to be. He could, in fact, be you.

December 24th Famous birthdays

Ava Gardner(American actress); Ricky Martin(Puerto Rican singer-songwriter); Kate Spade(American fashion designer and entrepreneur); Born Today:

Kit Carson (frontiersman/scout/U.S. Army general); Mary Higgins Clark (writer); Michael Curtiz (director); Ava Gardner (actress); Howard R. Hughes (industrialist/ aviator/producer); Jan Ramon Jiminez (poet); Emanuel Lasker (chess player); Ricky Martin (singer/actor); Ryan Seacrest (actor/TV show host)

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