December 25th Birthday Numerology
No. 7:Very analytical and detail-oriented, likes to observe and investigate things and has a keen, inventive eye.
December 25 VS Capricorn, 7, Good-humoured pragmatist
Depending on your spiritual beliefs or faith, being born on Christmas Day could be a mixed blessing. You may feel somewhat cheated that in some cultures everyone gets presents on your special day, or you may be glad to share the festivities. Luckily, there’s a pragmatic component to being a Capricorn, so the chances are, you’ll just get on with your day with good humour. And good humour marks out those born on this date, as they genuinely tend to be glass half full types. Often quite individualistic, you are likely to enjoy your own company and even, at times, to prefer it. Others may find you a little detached, and at work you are less likely than some to want to socialise at the end of the day. For you, the home hearth burns brightest and it’s where you’re prepared to invest considerable time and energy to make it something of a haven for you and your family. Your practical side may enjoy actual house building, home decorating or furniture making, activities that could be extended into your professional life, or vice versa. And when it comes to settling down, you’ll be more than happy to share your space with someone you love.
The standard of behavior among goats born on Christmas Day is very high, and they patently refuse to compromise on principle. Even so, you're usually able to find a way around a sticky situation that satisfies all concerned. Despite being a private person and a good listener, you thoroughly enjoy an interesting conversation. However, you clam up when asked about your own life. You tend to express yourself in quiet ways, yet you somehow manage to communicate approval or disapproval without saying word.
December 25th people need to be emotionally involved in their work, or they begin to lose interest and their energy stagnates. Whatever you do, you do with total commitment. Your personality is a unique blend of practicality, seriousness, and an1bition on the one hand, and moody restlessness on the other. You have a rather solitary character that is much given to private contemplation. When you feel misunderstood or unappreciated, you tend to go off by yourself to nurse your wounds. Although people may think of you as a reasonable person, it's hard for them to persuade you that you're wrong about anything.
Your deepest desire is to love and be loved, but you are extremely cautious where your emotions are involved. You prefer holding back to appearing needy or vulnerable. When you decide to trust another person enough to let down your guard, you make a caring, sen-suous, dependable partner.
The World:It may not be immediately apparent that you have a spiritually attuned streak, and it may show itself in a love for the natural environment rather than organised religion, but it’s there. When it comes to valuing your accomplishments, material success needs to be balanced by the personal happiness you are also keen to achieve.
Sissy Spacek(American actress and singer); Annie Lennox(Scottish singer-songwriter); Humphrey Bogart(American actor); Born Today:
Clara Barton (nurse/founder of the American Red Cross); Humphrey Bogart(actor); Jimmy Buffet (singer/songwriter); Cab Calloway (bandleader); Carlos Castaneda (anthropologist/writer); Annie Lennox (singer/songwriter); Sir Isaac Newton (mathematician); Rod Serling (screenwriter/director); Sissy Spacek (actress)