December 26th Birthday Numerology
No. 8:Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth and uses financial success to give back to others.
December 26 VS Capricorn, 8, Devoted intellectual
Developing your intellect is probably important to you and you’re also likely to have a very clear idea about why it matters to you, possibly as a means to an end. It may take you into further education or the sort of professional role where your ability to think rationally is imperative. It may also remain just one feature of your life rather than its whole focus, as many born on this day have such a zest for fun that they happily lay their work down at the end of the day and show similar devotion to interacting with family and friends. There’s no problem with finding an intellectual focus early in life, as it can be to your advantage, but it’s important to recognise that this is only part of the picture in a balanced life, so check that devotion isn’t turning into a defence. So, enjoy its rewards but ensure this isn’t to the exclusion of the warmth and joy that human connection can bring and take stock if you feel you’re missing out in other areas of your life. Close friends are likely to understand your commitment, but it may take equal devotion to find someone with whom to share a life. Bear this in mind and make sure you take time away from your studies to enjoy a social life.
Goats born on this day are motivated by a deep sense of obligation to society. Despite your inherent respect for law and tradition, the spirit of defiance and rebellion is strong in you. Courageous enough to confront issues others shy away from, you are an outspoken critic of deceit and deception. Your inner nature is rather rigid and unbending. You demand truth and decency and reject anything you consider unjust or unethical.
December 26th individuals have unlimited potential for success as long as they're engaged in work that they love. While you long to make the world a better place, you are also ambitious for yourself and single-minded in your desire to achieve your personal goals. Beneath your serious outer demeanor, you have an incongruous, offbeat sense of humor that takes people by surprise. When your sharp wit surfaces, it often sends those around you into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Reliability is the key to your sterling character, and people can depend on you to do exactly what you say you are going to do.
In love, you are naturally reserved and can be slow to warm up to someone. However, when you do, you are passionate, generous, loyal, and demanding. You have a great deal of pride and a rather fragile ego that requires constant reassurance in the form of admiration, respect, and appreciation. Your standards are exceptionally high, and you insist that your mate or partner live up to them.
Two of Cups:This card reflects a possible reluctance to turn your attention from the objective to the subjective, from matters of the head to matters of the heart. The two people are facing each other, but while one appears steady, the other appears less so. Learn to trust your feelings as much as rational thought to ensure a happy union.
Henry Miller(American writer and artist); Phil Spector(American musician and record producer); Kit Harington(British actor and producer); Born Today:
Steve Allen (comedian/TV host/composer/writer); Carlton Fisk (baseball player); Alan King (comedian/actor); Henry Miller (writer); Ozzie Smith (baseball player); Phil Spector (music producer); Mao Tse-tung (Chinese Communist Party leader/dictator); John Walsh (TV host/victims' advocate); Richard Widmark (actor)