People Born on December 28th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onDecember 28, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Saturn;First decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Dependable, supportive, thoughtful. Vices:Unfocused, unassertive, frustrated. Careers:Academic, teacher, nonprofit organizer. Skills & Aptitudes:Practical approach, team orientation, research skills. Compatible with:January 20–21, October 27–31

Reliable entrepreneur

People Born on December 28th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on December 28th Personality Reference

The influence of your birthday suggests that you are a charming and intelligent Capricorn who is sensitive and personable, yet hardworking. As you are well informed on many subjects and enthusiastic when involved in new projects, education can prove to be a significant factor in your life. Although you are quick, witty, and sociable, indecision or worry may turn out to be the primary challenge to your otherwise well-structured mind.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Capricorn, suggests that in order to fulfill your need for self-expression, you probably have to overcome an inclination to be serious or shy. As an idealist, you have leadership and executive abilities. These talents particularly apply to establishing better conditions for others. By realizing the importance of organization or a good system, you can use your common sense and idealism as a source of inspiration and bring people together, especially if there is a mutual interest.

Since you possess a fast mind and hate to be bored, you are likely to restlessly search for new and original pursuits to keep you engrossed. Just be careful that this does not lead to nervousness, uncertainty, or emotional discontent. Ambitious, persistent, and practical, you can put up with difficult circumstances, but once you have had enough, you can become adamant. Since this birthday usually gives intuitive or psychic gifts, with age there is often a growing recognition of a higher wisdom.

After the age of twenty-four, when your progressed Sun goes into Aquarius, you become less influenced by appearances, more independent, and more trusting of your individuality. You may be more interested in unusual subjects, group affairs, or humanitarian issues. Another turning point occurs at the age of fifty-four, when your progressed Sun enters Pisces. From this time, there is more of an emphasis on your emotional needs and ideals, with an enhancement of your sensitivity and imagination.

Stars of People Born on December 28th


Sun: Capricorn

Decanate: Capricorn/saturn

Degree: 6°30’-7°30’ Capricorn

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Kaus Borealis

Degree position:5°20’-6° 19’ Capricorn between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:1 °40’

Constellation:Lambda Sagittarius

Applicable days:December 27, 28, 29

Star qualities:Mercury/Mars

Description:a giant orange star located in the northern part of the bow of the Archer

Primary Star’s Influence

Kaus Borealis imparts intelligence, a keen mentality, energetic and impressive speech, and good communication skills. A love of discussion and debate is also indicated by this star; however; at times you appear aggressive or argumentative. Frequently this star bestows ability at repartee, humanitarian tendencies, and an idealistic nature with a keen sense of justice. This star may also force changes on you and challenge your obstinacy.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Kaus Borealis imparts resoluteness and a drive to achieve positions of influence. Your leadership ability and ingenuity are often recognized by others and lead to accomplishment or promotion. Nevertheless, an inner restlessness and continual need to forge ahead may suggest discontent.

• Positive:versatile, determined, knowledgeable, outspoken

• Negative:lack of satisfaction, extremist, opinionated

Secrets of People Born on December 28th

Deeply emotional and sensitive, you have an inner quest for love and affection that may not be noticed by others. You should always trust your heart rather than your head, which may at times be too rational or calculating. You are quietly dramatic, so guard against melancholy or selfishness by developing some form of creative pursuit, particularly music, that will enable you to express your powerful feelings of love.

Being highly intelligent, with personal magnetism, you have a strong sense of individuality. A spirit of enterprise can push your ambition into action and ensure that your big plans are successful. You may, however, have to guard against a rebellious or stubborn streak, which can undermine the self-discipline needed to make the most of your potential. Fortunately, you are connected to an intuitive source of higher knowledge that can bring you personal happiness and fulfillment through being of service to others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on December 28th

Persuasive and charming, with organizational skills, you are ambitious and multitalented. Your interest in knowledge and your communication skills can lead you to a career in education, publishing, market research, media, or writing. Alternatively, you can demonstrate your administrative skills in the business world, politics, charitable organizations, and large enterprises such as the civil service. Enterprising, you will probably change your vocation at least once, as you need people and variety in your work environment. With an ability to think on a grand scale and a strong sense of independence, you may prefer the option of working as a freelancer or becoming self-employed.

Famous people born on your birthday are U.S. president Woodrow Wilson, actress Maggie Smith, actor Denzel Washington, and violinist Nigel Kennedy.

December 28th Birthday Numerology

A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done. Like a number 1 individual, you are ambitious, direct, and enterprising. Always ready for action and new ventures, you courageously take on life’s challenges. With your enthusiasm, you can easily inspire others, if not to join you, at least to support you in your latest adventure. Although you are success-oriented and determined, family and home life are very important to you. Finding stability and taking care of your nearest and dearest may at times be a challenge for you. The subinfluence of the number 12 month indicates that you are idealistic and multitalented, with a strong need to express yourself. When you believe in something, you are firm and inflexible. Although you dislike change, you like to plan ahead and safeguard the future. Emotionally sensitive and highly intuitive, you prefer to put your creative talents to some practical use. An ability to think on a large scale suggests that when you let your imagination flow, you can be resourceful and original.

• Positive:progressive, daring, artistic, creative, compassionate, idealistic, ambitious, hardworking, stable home life, strong-willed

• Negative:daydreamer, unmotivated, lack of compassion, unrealistic, bossy, bad judgment, lack of confidence, too dependent on others, pride

Love & Relationships of People Born on December 28th

Your natural charm and amiable personality guarantee friendships, and once you have overcome your shyness and ultrasensitivity, you become a witty and highly entertaining companion. In your personal relationships you are drawn to creative or intelligent people with strong personalities with whom you can have a mental rapport. An element of doubt or uncertainty may cause indecisiveness and affect your relationships. By keeping yourself positive and creatively occupied, you are able to stay light-hearted and avoid worry.

The dream lover of someone born on December 28th

You might find a long-lasting relationship With someone born on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 1, 2, 8, 19, 28, Feb. 6, 26, Mar. 4, 24, 30, Apr. 2, 22, 28, May 11, 20, 26, 30, June 18, 24, 28, July 16, 22, 26, Aug. 14, 20, 24, Sept. 3, 12, 18, 22, Oct. 10, 16, 20, 30, Nov. 8, 14, 18, 28, Dec. 6, 12, 16, 26

Beneficial:Jan. 18, 21, 22, Feb. 16, 19, 20, Mar. 14, 17, 18, 31, Apr. 12, 15, 16, 29, May 10, 13, 14, 27, June 8, 11, 12, 25, July 6, 9, 10, 23, Aug. 4, 7, 8, 21, 30, Sept. 2, 5, 6, 19, 28, 30, Oct. 3, 4, 17, 26, 28, Nov. 1, 2, 15, 24, 26, Dec. 13, 22, 24

Fatal attractions:June 26, 27, 28, 29, Oct. 29, Nov. 27, Dec. 25

Challenging:Jan. 29, Feb. 27, Mar. 25, Apr. 23, May 21, June 19, July 17, Aug. 15, 30, Sept. 13, 28, Oct. 11, 26, Nov. 9, 24, Dec. 7, 22

Soul mates:Jan. 24, 27, 28, Feb. 22, 25, 26, Mar. 20, 23, 24, Apr. 18, 21, 22, May 16, 19, 20, June 14, 17, 18, 30, July 12, 15, 16, 28, Aug. 10, 13, 14, 26, Sept. 8, 11, 12, 24, Oct. 6, 9, 10, 22, Nov. 4, 7, 8, 20, Dec. 2, 5, 6, 18, 30

December 28th Birthday Personology Summary

The image that December 28 people present to the world is one of confidence, dependability and ca- pability. They are socially responsible, but their compe- tent exterior overlies a constant and profound search for inner understanding and knowledge in realms that do not necessarily coincide with the more immediate demands that others may make of them. Thus their per- sonal magnetism may be both a gift and a drawback, in that although December 28 individuals may derive transitory satisfaction from lending their energies and talents to the resolution of the problems of others, they may thereby neglect the exploration of interests that are essential to their personal fulfillment. Yet when a serendipitous conjunction of their external and internal orientations occurs—perhaps within their careers—the dynamic synergy produced can have excellent results.

Their natural inclinations, combined with their practical and technical expertise, admirably equip those born on this day for professions in which by furthering their own interests and insights, they may simultaneously help, guide, inform, enlighten or delight a wider audience. Such pursuits include poli- tics, spiritual studies, communications and art. Typi- cally admired for their abilities and self-reliance, there is a risk that these individuals may be regarded pri- marily as competent providers of support—an image that they themselves may unwittingly foster—and their own emotional needs will be disregarded. It is vital that they and those around them (especially their nearest and dearest) realize that they, too, are emo- tionally vulnerable and require the mutual support and affection that is inherent in strong emotional bonds.

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