Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Saturn;First decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Perceptive, responsible, socially concerned. Vices:Stressed, frustrated, exploitable. Careers:Self-help author, newspaper columnist, financial adviser. Skills & Aptitudes:Resourcefulness, leadership potential, diligence. Compatible with:January 20–22, October 27–31
Charismatic organiser
Sensitive, with a natural gift for dealing with people, you are a charming and creative Capricorn. Your good communication skills, agreeable manner, and social grace allow you to play the courteous diplomat. Although you have high ideals, you can also be practical, and usually you are willing to work hard in order to achieve your objectives.
With the subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Capricorn, you can be dedicated and conscientious when you believe in a cause or a project. As a pragmatist and good planner, you enjoy being constructive and have a shrewd understanding of how to sell or promote an idea or product. An ungrounded fear of not having enough money may sometimes emerge to cause you concern, but your excellent people skills and commitment will always ensure that you have ample funds at your disposal.
Highly imaginative, you are a creative thinker and hardworking visionary. You may use these abilities to advance in business; alternatively, you may be inspired by your innate artistic and spiritual talents. Having a pleasant voice and being aware of your image, you can appear attractive to others. Combined with your love of luxury, you may have to be careful of a streak of vanity or extravagance.
After the age of twenty-three, when your progressed Sun goes into Aquarius, you become less influenced by rules and tradition. By letting go of the past, you become more independent and trusting of your own unique perspective. You may become interested in group affairs, humanitarian issues, or expressing your individuality. Another turning point occurs at the age of fifty-three, when your progressed Sun enters Pisces. From this time, there is more of an emphasis on your emotional inner life, reflected through your visions, dreams, and intuitive understanding of your relationships with others.
Sun: Capricorn
Decanate: Capricorn/saturn
Degree: 7°30’-8°30’ Capricorn
Mode: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Star’s name:Kaus Borealis
Degree position:5°20’-6° 19’ Capricorn between the years 1930 and 2000
Orb:1 °40’
Constellation:Lambda Sagittarius
Applicable days:December 27, 28, 29
Star qualities:Mercury/Mars
Description:a giant orange star located in the northern part of the bow of the Archer
Kaus Borealis imparts intelligence, a keen mentality, energetic and impressive speech, and good communication skills. A love of discussion and debate is also indicated by this star; however; at times you appear aggressive or argumentative. Frequently this star bestows ability at repartee, humanitarian tendencies, and an idealistic nature with a keen sense of justice. This star may also force changes on you and challenge your obstinacy.
Linked to your Sun’s degree, Kaus Borealis imparts resoluteness and a drive to achieve positions of influence. Your leadership ability and ingenuity are often recognized by others and lead to accomplishment or promotion. Nevertheless, an inner restlessness and continual need to forge ahead may suggest discontent.
• Positive:versatile, determined, knowledgeable, outspoken
• Negative:lack of satisfaction, extremist, opinionated
Although love is especially important to you, the quest for knowledge and the development of your deeper understanding are also vital to your emotional fulfillment. Education, whether self-directed or through more formal channels, can be a key to stimulating your desire for information and wisdom.
A need to constantly initiate new projects that keep you mentally challenged suggests that you may find satisfaction in greater self-awareness and the opportunity to share your findings with others. When your self-mastery and knowledge are combined, you may find yourself as an advisor to others or that you have natural leadership qualities. By connecting your natural idealism and compassion to a larger framework, you can also avoid pessimism or negative thinking.
Charming and charismatic, you are engaging and thoughtful. An ability to work with the public suggests that you can accomplish much in sales and promotion. Interested in knowledge, you may be drawn to a career in education as a teacher or lecturer. Since you also have technical abilities, you may be interested in information and communication technology. An ability to assimilate information and utilize it may inspire you to learn many languages and work in international organizations as an interpreter. Alternatively, you may wish to pursue a career in politics or public service. An interest in the arts and a talent for writing may inspire you to compose music, write poetry, or play a musical instrument.
Famous people who share your birthday include actors Jon Voight and Ted Danson, cellist Pablo Casals, actress Mary Tyler Moore, and singer Marianne Faithfull.
Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator and linked to psychic abilities. As a number 29 individual, you are often highly intuitive, sensitive, and emotional. Your compassionate and understanding nature inspires humanitarianism and can encourage others to fulfill their hopes and aspirations. Although you are a true dreamer, often the extreme sides of your personality indicate that you have to guard against alternating moods. With a number 29 birthday, you need to be popular and may care what others think about you. The subinfluence of the number 12 month implies that you are sociable and friendly, although you may appear shy and reserved. A pragmatic outlook and a willingness to work hard for material prosperity imply that although you are security-conscious, you may need to overcome a tendency to worry about money. You like the freedom of being independent, but learning to share and trust may benefit you greatly in close relationships, partnerships, or collaborating with others in a group effort.
• Positive:inspirational, balanced, successful, mystical, creative, intuitive, powerful dreams, attention to detail, faith
• Negative:unfocused, moody, difficult, extremist, inconsiderate of others, overly sensitive
A strong need for companionship emphasizes the importance of your personal relationships. Although always looking for an ideal love, you are stimulated by successful and creative people and prefer to associate with those of wealth, status, or artistic ability. Once committed to a relationship, you will work hard to keep peace and harmony, even to the point of making sacrifices. You can find friends and enjoyment through sharing your mutual creative and intellectual interests.
For your ideal partner, you might begin by looking for someone born on one of the following days.
Love & friendship:Jan. 5, 6, 14, 16, 31, Feb. 12, 14, Mar. 1, 2, 10, 12, 31, Apr. 8, 10, 25, 29, May 6, 8, 27, June 4, 6, 25, July 2, 4, 23, 29, Aug. 2, 21, 27, Sept. 15, 19, 25, Oct. 17, 23, 31, Nov. 15, 21, 29, Dec. 13, 19, 27
Beneficial:Jan. 19, 22, 30, Feb. 17, 20, 28, Mar. 15, 18, 26, Apr. 13, 16, 24, 30, May 11, 14, 22, 28, June 9, 12, 20, 26, July 7, 10, 18, 24, Aug. 5, 8, 16, 22, Sept. 3, 6, 14, 20, Oct. 1, 4, 12, 18, 29, Nov. 2, 10, 16, 27, Dec. 8, 14, 25
Fatal attractions:June 27, 28, 29, 30
Challenging:Jan. 11, 25, 26, Feb. 9, 23, 24, Mar. 7, 21, 22, Apr. 5, 19, 20, May 3, 17, 18, 29, June 1, 15, 16, 27, July 13, 14, 25, Aug. 11, 12, 23, Sept. 9, 10, 21, 30, Oct. 7, 8, 19, 28, Nov. 5, 6, 17, 26, Dec. 3, 4, 15, 24
Soul mates:May 31, June 29, July 27, Aug. 25, Sept. 23, Oct. 21, Nov. 19, Dec. 17
The positive, capable approach of December 29 people inspires admiration and respect: thus they are often seen in leadership positions. Although their strong sense of responsibility leads them to discharge their duties with diligence, those born on this day would often prefer to pursue their own interests unburdened by the demands of others. Harmonizing their external and internal orientations is essential to realizing their own potential for fulfillment, and many—consciously or un- consciously—pursue careers that absorb their personal interests while providing real benefits for the greater good. Along with a penchant for logical and straight- forward thought, December 29 people are blessed with keenly perceptive and progressive minds, a combination of qualities that makes them alert to flawed social sys- tems. Because they are vigorous and resourceful, they seek new ways of moving forward, drawing upon their highly developed organizational skills.
Those born on this day will thrive in any career that offers challenging opportunities to assist or enlighten. They are especially suited to those realms where they can provide ideological guidance to others (as parents, politicians or writers, for example), or make innova- tions that advance knowledge and prosperity (per- haps as scientists or engineers). Others respond to the benevolent aura that December 29 people ema- nate, but in many respects this personal magnetism can cause unwanted complications in their lives. In essence, they are private individuals who are happiest when working toward their personal goals, bolstered by the love and support of those closest to them, who contribute profoundly to their emotional well-being.