People Born on December 4th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onDecember 04, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Jupiter;Second decan:Personal planet is Mars. Virtues:Freethinking, courageous, determined. Vices:Domineering, easily frustrated, rash. Careers:Politician, entrepreneur, social campaigner. Skills & Aptitudes:Inclusivity, supportiveness, intellectual curiosity. Compatible with:March 26–31, April 1–2,September 4–6

Dynamic entrepreneur

People Born on December 4th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on December 4th Personality Reference

Optimistic and ambitious, you are a spirited Sagittarian with a pragmatic approach and a determined nature. Your strong desires and bold drive for money and prestige imply that, with courage and commitment, you often achieve your objectives and ideals. Forceful and highly individualistic, with a need for freedom, you thrive on new beginnings and opportunities to expand your horizons.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Aries, adds to your assertiveness and urges you to be adventurous and independent. Competitive, with a spirit of enterprise, you like to be active, alert, and daring. With your excellent executive abilities, you enjoy an element of risk that accompanies challenges, and usually you manage to make things move along quickly.

Idealistic, with a good business sense, you have fortunate ideas and the ability to realize them. Your farsightedness and comprehension imply that you are often able to spot new trends and situations. You enjoy initiating projects or being in the forefront of modern concepts and projects. Although you are resourceful and courageous, a tendency to adhere to your principles out of stubbornness rather than real conviction suggests that you need to learn to compromise rather than be domineering.

Up to the age of seventeen, you are mainly concerned with issues of freedom, adventure, and opportunity. At the age of eighteen, when your progressed Sun moves into Capricorn, you start to become more practical, goal-oriented, and realistic in your approach to your achievements. This may involve more order and structure in your life. Another turning point occurs at the age of forty-eight, when your progressed Sun moves into Aquarius. This highlights a growing need for freedom, new ideas, and expressing your individuality. You are likely to place more emphasis on group endeavors or the importance of friendship.

Stars of People Born on December 4th


Sun: Sagittarius

Decanate: Aries/mars

Degree: 12°30’-13°30’ Sagittarius

Mode: Mutable

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Antares, also called Anti Aries or the Rival of Mars; Rastaban

Primary Star

Star’s name:Antares, also called Anti Aries or the Rival of Mars

Degree position:8°48’-9°49’ Sagittarius between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Alpha Scorpio

Applicable days:November 30, December 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Star qualities:Mars/Jupiter; also Jupiter/Venus

Description:a binary star, fiery red and emerald green, located in the body of the Scorpion

Primary Star’s Influence

Antares is one of the four royal stars and therefore of great importance. This star imparts an adventurous nature, keen mentality, broad-minded outlook, and liberal attitude. It also indicates unexpected events, lucky breaks, and numerous opportunities for travel to foreign lands. Antares bestows courage, strong convictions, and a daring character. However it also warns against rashness, destructive behavior; obstinacy, and vengeful acts.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Antares imparts an interest in education, politics, or business dealing with the public. You are probably idealistic, optimistic, and willing to fight for just causes. Antares also bestows a talent for writing and a religious outlook that seeks knowledge and wisdom. Although Antares confers honor and riches, these are not necessarily long-lasting. With Antares’s influence, unforeseen circumstances can change situations suddenly for good or bad.

• Positive:courageous, worldly, travel to foreign lands, higher education

• Negative:hot temper; outspoken, rebellious, destructive behavior

Secrets of People Born on December 4th

Although independent, you have a gift for dealing with people and making connections. Your relationships can be especially important, and you realize the advantages of working as part of a team or in a partnership. Being idealistic, with a shrewd business sense, you can be a practical visionary who excels at promoting an idea or a cause. Although you may sometimes experience groundless fears around money issues, your powers of persuasion and excellent negotiation skills mean that you have the potential for remarkable success.

Strong-willed and magnanimous, you have a powerful desire for love and self-expression. This desire combines with a natural humanitarian streak, so that when you are positively focused you can become a dynamic force helping others. Enthusiastic, you make great plans but often need to do things your way. By finding a middle path between idealism and ambition, love and money, compassion and power, you can be capable of inspired leadership.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on December 4th

Enterprising, ambitious, and hardworking, you have strong willpower and ability to see opportunities that can help you in your rise to success. The combination of your relationship skills and determination enables you to cooperate with others in a dynamic and positive way. As you think on a large scale and have excellent negotiating skills, you may want to be an entrepreneur or have a career in big corporations or management. With your art of persuasion, you may also wish to pursue a career in commerce, such as arbitrator, agent, or financial advisor. Although your enthusiasm may lead you to commercially promote ideas, products, or other people, your equally strong idealism may lead you to promote a cause. You may want to explore your creative talents by pursuing an artistic career.

Famous people who share your birthday include artist Wassily Kandinsky, TV personality Wink Martindale, poet Rainer Maria Rilke, actor Jeff Bridges, and biologist R. R. Mann.

December 4th Birthday Numerology

Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application. The solid structure and orderly power suggested by the number 4 birthday indicate that you need stability and like to establish order. Endowed with energy, practical skills, and strong determination, you can achieve success through hard work. Security-conscious, you like to build a strong foundation for yourself and your family. A pragmatic approach to life confers a good business sense and an ability to achieve material success in life. As a number 4 individual, you are usually honest, frank, and fair. The challenges for a number 4 individual may include overcoming periods of instability or financial worry. The subinfluence of the number 12 month indicates that although you are friendly and sociable, you can be direct and outspoken. Inquisitive and doubting, you enjoy testing your competence and intelligence against the odds. As a free thinker, you can be quite stubborn and single-minded once you have decided on a course of action. Although you are full of dynamic drive, you need stability and patience in order to channel your energies into something useful or a meaningful purpose.

• Positive:well organized, self-disciplined, steady, hardworking, organized, craftsmanship, good with your hands, pragmatism, trusting, exact

• Negative:unstable, destructive behavior, uncommunicative, repressed, rigid, lazy, unfeeling, procrastination, too economical, bossy, hidden affections, resentful, strict

Love & Relationships of People Born on December 4th

Dynamic and thoughtful, you want personal freedom and an active social life. A tendency to change your feelings implies that even at the last minute doubts can creep in before you commit yourself to long-term rèlationships. In your intimate partnerships your intense feelings can have you fluctuating between idyllic optimism and very practical reality. Since you desire to be autonomous, you will have to pick a partner who can provide you with the freedom you need to be happy.

The dream lover of someone born on December 4th

In order to find someone who can meet your ideals, you might like to begin by looking for those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 6, 14, 21, 24, 31, Feb. 4, 12, 19, 22, 29, Mar. 10, 20, 27, Apr. 8, 18, 25, May 6, 16, 23, 30, June 4, 14, 21, 28, 30, July 2, 12, 19, 26, 28, 30, Aug. 10, 17, 24, 26, 28, Sept. 8, 15, 22, 24, 26, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 22, 24, 30, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 20, 22, 28, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 5, 22, 30, Feb. 3, 20, 28, Mar. 1, 18, 26, Apr. 16, 24, May 14, 22, June 12, 20, July 10, 18, 29, Aug. 8, 16, 27, 31, Sept. 6, 14, 25, 29, Oct. 4, 12, 23, 27, Nov. 2, 10, 21, 25, Dec. 9, 19, 23

Fatal attractions:Jan. 12, Feb. 10, Mar. 8, Apr. 6, May 4, June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Challenging:Jan. 16, 21, Feb. 14, 19, Mar. 12, 17, 30, Apr. 10, 15, 28, May 8, 13, 26, June 6, 11, 24, July 4, 9, 22, Aug. 2, 7, 20, Sept. 5, 18, Oct. 3, 16, Nov. 1, 14, Dec. 12

Soul mates:Jan. 25, Feb. 23, Mar. 21, Apr. 19, May 17, June 15, July 13, Aug. 11, Sept. 9, Oct. 7, Nov. 5, Dec. 3, 30

December 4th Birthday Personology Summary

It is a curious dichotomy of December 4 people’s char- acters that although they cherish their individuality, they feel compelled to impose their own convictions upon those around them. Often lacking self-aware- ness, they see no contradiction in seeking to control the thoughts and actions of others while at the same time reserving their own right to autonomy. But their push- iness usually stems from the best of intentions. Those born on this day are thoughtful and socially responsi- ble, their guiding visions generally concerned with ad- vancing the greater good rather than any more selfish ambitions. Their sense of natural justice and balanced objectivity in particular propel them toward activities that are intended to bring about a more enlightened or better regulated society, and they may hence often be found promoting a clear-cut set of ideological or politi- cal beliefs, either as politicians or social campaigners, or else through the more subtle, but no less effective media encompassed by the artistic disciplines.

December 4 people back their strongly held opin- ions and ambitions with resourcefulness, energy and vigor, and—since they are additionally practical and organized types—with carefully devised and impecca- bly executed plans of action. Stimulated by challenge, they relish taking risks and facing obstacles square- ly—a strategy that often has remarkable results but which may equally cause them to explode with frus- tration when they find their progress blocked. Others regard their determined and confrontational approach with awe, but sometimes prefer to give them a wide berth lest they find themselves in the firing line. Those closest to them see the gentler, more affectionate side to their characters.

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