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People Born on February 28th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onFebruary 28, 2024

February 28th Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

February 28 VS Pisces, 1 , Endearing hedonist

People Born on February 28th: Destiny, Future

February 28th Birthday Destiny

You’re here for the adventure and excitement of a life well-lived and bounce from one enthusiasm to the next with barely a pause for breath. This makes you exciting, but sometimes exhausting, to be around. Although you have the kind of get-up-and-go energy that will attract steadier types, they won’t be able to keep up with you and your action-packed agenda or tolerate your somewhat ‘fluid’ approach to relationships. Travel and tourism are the fields that best match your astro-personality, giving you a legitimate reason to be off with your bags packed every chance you get. Others find your extravagant emotional and financial generosity endearing, but those who love you best may need to sit you down and explain why you should put the brakes on from time to time, especially if they fear you’re getting so carried away that you may be on a one-way ticket to self-destruction.

February 28th Birthday Future

Among Pisces natives, those born on February 28 stand out as dynamic leaders. Your dreamy, Neptune-ruled nature notwithstanding, you're the one to call on in a crisis. When a problem arises, your gut response is to confront it head on. You proceed full steam ahead to straighten things out; then you direct them to a successful conclusion. Your ability to tune in to your surroundings provides you with a sense of what people are thinking and feeling. Your knack for discerning patterns, tastes, and trends tells you what the public wants and needs.

Those born on this day have a caring, con1passionate nature and an idealistic view of the world. As a result, you don't always deal well with rock-bound reality, especially when it intrudes on your dreams and illusions. Although you're less forceful than other people, your unique combi-nation of intuition and ambition helps you hold your own in the competitive milieu of business or the arts. Sometimes you may feel caught between your artistic Piscean temperament and the energy and drive of the root number one. When you send out mixed signals, you confuse even those who think they know you well.

Your many activities and independent spirit can get in the way of close relationships. In an intimate union, you're caring and romantic, but you feel emotionally vulnerable. Nevertheless, you need love in your life. Without it, you feel only half alive.

February 28th Birthday Tarot

Temperance:One of the Major Arcana, this card shows an angelic figure pouring a divine liquid between two golden chalices. The message here, especially for you, is all about balance and the need to recognise when you are becoming emotionally unbalanced and need to take steps to regulate yourself. There may come a time when, as much as you don’t want to hear it, someone will talk to you about the benefits of ‘everything in moderation’. It’s a mantra that will keep you happy and healthy for longer.

February 28th Famous birthdays

Ainsley Harriott(British chef and TV presenter); Bugsy Siegal(American gangster); Stephen Spender(British poet); Born Today:

Mario Andretti (racecar driver); Charles Durning (actor); Frank Gehry(architect); Gilbert Gottfried (comedian); Ben Hecht Gournalistlplaywright); Gavin Macleod (actor); Vincent Minnelli (director); Zero Mastel (actor); Bernadette Peters (actress); Linus Pauling (chemist); Tommy Tune (dancer(choreographer)

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