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People Born on July 14th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 14, 2024

July 14th Birthday Numerology

No. 5:Impulsive and restless by nature, spontaneous and likes to discover the world through the senses.

July 14 VS Cancer, 5, Independent thinker

People Born on July 14th: Destiny, Future

July 14th Birthday Destiny

There are times you’d like to just ditch that Cancer shell and stride out, unprotected, into the great blue yonder and take your chances along with the rest of us who don’t have the luxury of a hard, safe shell to retreat into. The key thing to note with this is that, although you probably would like to do this, there’s no suggestion you actually will. You do have an internal freedom versus security tussle and can feel restless wanting to know where the grass might be greener, but for those born on this date, stability and security will probably win out in the long term, so you may as well know that and alleviate this internal tension, freeing up your energy. Find a soulmate, fall in love, settle down and create the home you need to come back to after all your forays into the wider world. You are probably blessed with a social conscience, too, so are likely to choose a career that reflects that, working perhaps as a teacher, social worker, campaigner, counsellor or even faith leader. If you do head down the business route, you will do equally well since you have a pretty shrewd head on your shoulders.

July 14th Birthday Future

The unique individuality of people born on this day gives them an elusive quality that can be difficult to pigeonhole or define. Not only are you extremely sociable, with a genial personality that allows you to make friends easily, but you are also considerably more independent and impersonally detached than the typical Cancer native. Moreover, there are sharp contrasts between the sensitivity of your emotional nature and your cerebral mentality. As a result, you can be rational and objective one moment and quite dreamy and unpredictable the next.

Your strength lies in your ability to merge your per-sonal feelings with your well-developed social conscience. When you get all sides of your humanistic approach working together, you can achieve wonderful things in the helping professions as a teacher, counselor, healer, social worker, or preacher. In business, you're shrewd, yet popular and well liked by clients and associates. Your magnetic personality has a way of getting through to an audience and, combined with your artistic temperament, can lead to a successful career as an entertainer, writer, painter, musician, lecturer, or politician.

In intimate relationships, you often feel conflicted because of your desire for personal freedom and your longing for stability and security. However, you need roots and commitment more than independence. Eventually, your nurturing, romantic side will overcome any reluctance you may have about entering into a long-term union.

July 14th Birthday Tarot

Three of Pentacles:This card speaks to us of the resources we have (internal and external), how we use them and how others see us as a result of the choices we make. In your case, this card denotes your humanitarian spirit and social conscience and suggests you will likely put as much, if not more, back into society as you ever take out. There’s a strong sense of civic activity and duty underpinning this card, so this might also include local or national politics in some way.

July 14th Famous birthdays

Ingmar Bergman(Swedish director and screenwriter); Gustav Klimt(Austrian artist); Woody Guthrie(American singer-songwriter); Born Today:

Polly Bergen (actress); Ingmar Bergman (director); John Chancellor (TV journalist/anchor); John Singleton Copley (artist); Gerald R. Ford (U.S. president); Roosevelt "Rosy" Grier (football player/minister); Woody Guthrie (singer/songwriter); Gustav Klimt (artist); Dale Robertson (actor); Isaac Bashevis Singer (writer)

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