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People Born on July 16th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 16, 2024

July 16th Birthday Numerology

No. 7:Very analytical and detail-oriented, likes to observe and investigate things, and has a keen, inventive eye.

July 16 VS Cancer, 7, Sympathetic carer

People Born on July 16th: Destiny, Future

July 16th Birthday Destiny

You are easy-going, sociable and very friendly, and other people find themselves drawn to your energy, which works well for you because you are not a solo crab. You like to live and work with others and are likely to enjoy being surrounded by like-minded people who care about you as much as you care about them. You have great practical skills, so may choose a career which involves something being built or created, or you may take your easy-going and entertaining manner a stage further and try out as a stand-up comedian, even if only for fun. In matters of family and love, you are a great partner, sibling, son or daughter, and friend: affectionate, caring and actually very entertaining. You have what they call in the trade ‘funny bones’, love to make other people smile and recognise that we all feel better for a good belly laugh at some ridiculous situation or another we may find ourselves in. Your ruling planet is the Moon, so your innate sensitivity needs to be considered, too. Be careful you don’t use your joie de vivreas a defence against your own sadness when this happens, looking out for others and then neglecting your own needs. It’s not a weakness to let others help you when you need it.

July 16th Birthday Future

Cancer natives born on this day are a curious mix of shyness and sociability. A seemingly complaisant fac;:ade covers your strength of purpose and innate sense of destiny. As a genuine visionary with a deep reservoir of wisdom and a vivid imagination, you have big dreams and the wherewithal to see them through to completion. You generally function best when left to your own devices. You require extended periods of solitude to formulate your plans and recharge your batteries. Consequently, your true potential for bringing your ideas to a successful conclusion is sometimes overlooked by your friends and associates.

Those with July 16th birthdays are an unusual blend of innocence and sophistication. You project an other-worldly quality that confuses people and can cause them to misread your intentions. The romantic, spiritual, idealistic side to your nature sets you apart from other people. You need to believe in everything you do, and your work may become more of a crusade than a job. In fact, when you get caught up in your passionate ideals, you may not be able to resist proselytizing to others in an attempt to convert them to your way of thinking.

In love, you are protective and self-sacrificing. Your nature is romantic and caring, but also emotionally erratic. You're easily hurt by indifference or rejection. Your ideal partner is someone who accepts your moodiness and your occasional need for seclusion.

July 16th Birthday Tarot

Queen of Cups:The Queen of Cups sits quietly on her throne, looking at the precious vessel she is holding in her hands. This may represent the way you might sometimes isolate yourself, keeping your deepest emotions securely contained and hiding them behind your all-round, nice guy/girl persona. You may sometimes be too considerate of others, hiding your real feelings, which could make you difficult to get to know. Share a little more and risk getting the support you need.

July 16th Famous birthdays

Ginger Rogers(American dancer and actress); Barbara Stanwyck(American actress); Roald Amundsen(Norwegian polar explorer); Born Today:

Roald Amundsen (polar explorer); Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science founder); Ruben Blades (singer/actor); Corey Feldman (actor); Michael Flatley (dancer/ choreographer); Bess Meyerson (Miss America/actress); Ginger Rogers (dancer/actress); Barbara Stanwyck (actress); Pinchas Zuckerman (violinist/conductor)

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