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People Born on July 18th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 18, 2024

July 18th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

July 18 VS Cancer, 9, Team player

People Born on July 18th: Destiny, Future

July 18th Birthday Destiny

Camaraderie is your buzz word and if there’s not a team in play, whatever the task, you’re unlikely to be signing up until there is. It’s not that you can’t tolerate solitude or working alone, but you prefer not to. You’ll probably look to join social groups outside the office, too. Sports are likely to be part of your life because you’re never happier than when you’re part of something bigger. It is all about solidarity and fraternity and being a member of a group, so you may be drawn to a career in the military or you may become some kind of community campaigner or organiser. Once you sign on to a cause, you give it 100 per cent. As a result, you can come across as a little narrow-minded since you find it hard to make space for more diverse views. You can be a little impulsive, rushing headlong into new teams or joint ventures, which can cause problems at home if you haven’t stopped to consult anyone else. Your partner may feel you spread yourself too thinly and ask you to make more time to spend at home.

July 18th Birthday Future

Crabs born on this day are deeply emotional and more likely to be motivated by feelings than ideas. Even so, your practical and intuitive senses are so keen that you usually find yourself out in front of the crowd at the end of the day. You are so tactful, agreeable, and affable that it's difficult to know where you really stand on any issue. The truth is that you often don't know yourself. You're just so impressionable and open to suggestion that you seem to change with the wind. However, your flexibility often proves to be your best asset. While others remain wedded to outmoded dreams, you move on to new and better things.

The July 18th person is a champion of the underdog. You possess a naturally sympathetic and compassionate nature. Kindhearted and diplomatic, you go out of your way not to offend people. You are imaginative and artistic, and more than anything else you need to develop an outlet for your creativity. Your sunny, outgoing temperament and magnetic personality gets people's attention and draws them into your orbit. Still, when life doesn't go your way, you can be as crabby as any other Cancer native.

In matters of the heart, you are an idealistic dreamer, and romance is rarely very far from your thoughts. Without a partner to share your life, you may retreat into your rich fantasy world where love always rules.

July 18th Birthday Tarot

Temperance:One of the powerful Major Arcana cards, here is a figure pouring water for the pool of life between two golden chalices, in an attempt to ensure there is the same volume of liquid in each. This is about carefully balancing between this and that, now and then, before and after, yesterday and tomorrow, lost and found, love and hate. For you, this card speaks of finding an emotional (water) balance between giving yourself to the outside world and keeping something back for yourself and your family. It asks that you learn to regulate your emotions and practise discernment.

July 18th Famous birthdays

Nelson Mandela(South African civil rights leader); Richard Branson(British entrepreneur and businessman); Hunter S. Thompson(American journalist and author); Born Today:

Tenley Albright (skater); Richard Branson (businessman/adventurer/founder of Virgin Records); Dick Button (skater/TV commentator); Hume Cronyn (actor); Vin Diesel (actor); Nick Faldo (golfer); John Glenn (astronaut/U.S. senator); Nelson Mandela (South African president); Red Skelton (comedian); Hunter Thompson (writer)

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