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People Born on July 1st: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 01, 2024

July 1st Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

July 1 VS Cancer, 1 , Adventurous go-getter

People Born on July 1st: Destiny, Future

July 1st Birthday Destiny

You know what you want and you’re smart enough to know how to work to get there, and with this combination of graft and ingenuity, there’s not much that’s going to stop you. You are more assertive than many of those who share your Cancer sun sign and the combination of an adventurous spirit, a shrewd intellect and an insightful mind makes you a force to be reckoned with. Your public persona is usually equable, self-contained and friendly, although getting close to you isn’t always easy and protecting your more sensitive side could make you appear rather emotionally detached. This may also be linked to the fact that yours is a creative temperament, but when you retreat internally to focus, you could unintentionally alienate people. You are nurturing and empathic in your personal relationships, but sometimes there’s a tension between your need to be free and that yearning for a stable home. Bear in mind that a sound domestic set-up actually gives you the security to come and go, and then you can relax a little and focus on the pleasures of life.

July 1st Birthday Future

Crabs born on this day are inherently more aggressive than other Cancer Sun natives. Enterprising and determined to get ahead in life, you eagerly latch onto projects and challenges that further your personal plans and ambitions. You possess an adventurous spirit, a shrewd mind, and a remarkable memory. You tend to think faster on your feet and reach important decisions more quickly than most of your Sun sign counterparts. Creative, intuitive, insightful, and imaginative, you have the originality and innovative ideas you need to serve as a stimulus for your creativity and self-expression.

Many of the extraordinary individuals born on this day are great humanitarians. Helping people is important to you, and you are capable of making enormous sacrifices for those close to you and for society as a whole. Your public persona is genial and outgoing, but in private life you are often moody and changeable. You have a volatile, artistic temperament that can cause you to act on impulse, without rational consideration. When you speak or act without thinking, you may do or say things that you later regret.

In your love relationships, you can be nurturing and understanding one moment and explosively demanding the next. The pattern of your inner life is one of repeated ups and downs, because you're continually being pulled between the number one's need for freedom and independence and solar Cancer's desire for continuity and security.

July 1st Birthday Tarot

Page of Wands:This card represents communication and the Page of Wands, being younger and less experienced than his royal counterparts, the King, Queen and Knight, suggests someone eager to get his or her message out to the wider world and initiate those changes needed to make it a better place for all. The page is alone and surveying the landscape, considering the new green shoots emerging on his wand and weighing up its potential for growth. The ground he stands on is level and stable, so there are no nasty surprises lurking to trip him up. He just has to decide what he wants, where he wants it, and head that way.

July 1st Famous birthdays

Diana, Princess of Wales(former member of the British royal family); Liv Tyler(American actress); Dan Aykroyd(Canadian actor and comedian); Born Today:

Dan Aykroyd (actor); Leslie Caron (actress/dancer); Diana (Princess of Wales); Olivia De Haviland (actress); Deborah Harry (rock star); Charles Laughton (actor); Carl Lewis (track and field athlete); Sydney Pollack (producer/director); Twyla Tharp (dancer/ choreographer); Liv Tyler (actress); William Wyler (director)

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